
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CPV18, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    By CPV18

    Absolute: Free from Restriction.


    Absolute is a symmetrical map built on Foundry. I made this map to see if it was possible to make a good map without interlocking and using all of Foundry. There are many structures in this map. There is a Sniper Level, a Shotgun Thruway, a Sword Hall, and many more, less intriguing but important places. Players spawn in the back rooms on Foundry and presented with a very tasty treat, a Warthog. But no need to worry, a Spartan Laser is located just outside the bases in a center structure. You just have to reach it first. This map is a very fun and unique map. Again, this map has absolutely zero interlocking or geo-merging.

    Forging 101:

    Unlimited Budget

    Floating Objects

    Supported Game-types:

    Team Slayer

    Recommended Players:2-16


    1 x Sniper – 150 Seconds

    1 x Sword – 90 Seconds

    2 x Plasma Rifles – 30 Seconds

    6 x Carbine – 20 Seconds

    2 x Needler – 60 Seconds

    8 x Battle Rifle – 30 Seconds

    2 x Brute Shot – 45 Seconds

    1 x Plasma Pistol – 45 Seconds

    1 x Shotgun – 90 Seconds

    2 x Turrets – 30 Seconds

    4 x SMG – 30 Seconds

    Grenades and Equipment

    12 x Plasma – 30 Seconds

    4 x Frag – 30 Seconds

    1 x Power Drain – 60 Seconds

    2 x Bubble Shield – 120 Seconds

    1 x Active Camo – 120 Seconds

    2 x Trip Mine – 150 Seconds

    Overshield is inaccesible.


    2 x Mongoose- 30 Seconds

    2 x Warthog - Never


    Pictures of Side A Only!




    **Check out Slideshow for more pictures.

    Thanks to:



    For unknowingly help me test it.

    + Anyone who comments on the lack on interlocking will get – REP and reported. It is spam and I will not allow it. +

    ^Contains all of my maps^
    #1 CPV18, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
    J A Y likes this.
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Lol, well I just played this with you, and for a non-interlocked/geo-merged map it was actually quite good. There was only 3 of us though, but with more people it would be pretty good. Is this for the Lazy Mapmakers competition? If not, you should send it in. Technically it is already the 4th, but hell, only by half an hour here.

    Haha, and as for that over-shield spawn, I was trying to figure out how to get up there, when then I think I chucked a plasma near a trip mine, and it sent my flying up their. Lol
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Ooh very nice for using no interlocking. This is what an MLG type map would look like w/ out interlocking.I like the different areas too such as the shotgun thruway. Definately a good map. 5/5 and a DL from me.
    #3 Blue Pariot, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  4. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    I used money glitch, or I would have. And considering I started this at like 5 it is pretty good eh? Yeah that was a pretty fun game. I saw you trying to get up to the OS a second time and you killed yourself. :)

    Thanks man. This is the exact response I was hoping to get.
  5. DrAyMeHr

    DrAyMeHr Ancient
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    Ok heres my review:

    -Absolute...ly flawless, it looks fun to play, cant get a party at the moment to play with
    -Very unique, a symmetrical map without interlocking

    Areas for improvement
    -Some objects seem a little out of place
    -A couple more pictures embedded on your post would get it more downloads

    So yeah, not really a lot i can comment on, its a nice simple foundry map =D
    If you found this review helpful and informative please give me +rep, Nobody listens when ur blue =(
    CPV18 likes this.
  6. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    More picture would be helpful but that's okay. The map looks very smooth without interlocking, congrats. It seems like there are too many BRs but maybe not. 4/5
  7. HeyLetsRace

    HeyLetsRace Ancient
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    There wasn't very good pictures here. But I have to say this map looks ok. I would give it a 3/10. Hope you keep posting and Happy Foraging
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Telling you to interlock is not spam, it can be if there is no good reason, or ALL the say is "Interlock plz."
    If someone tells you to interlock, can also tells you where it could be used, or why it is needed, then it is not spam.
    Just because you are too lazy to interlock does not mean someone telling you to is spam.

    Also, you have no say over how other people comment on your map.
    And, I do realize you didn't want to use interlocking here, but you could have decided if it was good or not without posting it. It's Forgehub, you're gonna get told to interlock.

    Tip for the post itself: Add that you didn't interlock on purpose to the red text, you have it placed badly.


    The map isn't great. But for not being interlocked. . . it's. . . alright. Some of the boxes could be matched up with the one under it better, things like that. The biggest part I don't like is probably the layout. It looks playable, but it could have been better. (The Layout,)
    #8 Kronos, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  9. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    little to empty on the bottom part

    other than that io would say its pretty decent
  10. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the map alot, looking forward to actually playing it.

    Though I think I can make it a little better...
  11. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Acctually, it is spam. I created a topic about people who comment on the lack of interleckoing a couple of weeks agoa nd the mods assured me it was spam. As for the line up of the boxes, that does not matter in gameplay. And the layout, do not comment on that until you have played the map. It is very hard to make a good layout using all of Foundry and no GeoMerge/ Interlocking.
  12. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    from what you've shown it looks really good but i'd like to see more screens
  13. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Embedding 32 screenshots cause most peoples computers to slow down. Slideshows in a seperate link work the best. Please check them out.
  14. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    yea um I all I have to say is wow. I looked at this and didnt even realize it wasnt interlocked. thats actully a great thing so yea nice job. I also have to comment though on how to get up to the active camo and oversheild. I havent watched the slide show yet so is it in there? anyway yuo should of put this into the lazy map makers contest. to bad its to late :(. really though man im not sayin it because you have
    + Anyone who comments on the lack on interlocking will get – REP and reported. It is spam and I will not allow it. +
    in there. man great job 5/5 for a non interlocked map.

    also another problem​
    Whoever gets the most downloads is the one that actully spreads the word the fastest and the best.-xMBMAxPureEvil
  15. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Thanks so much. Yeah I used budget glicth also. When i can I am going to make an interlocked version.
  16. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    Review courtesy of The Review

  17. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Thank you so much for the review. I am glad you enjoyed my map and found very few flaws with it. I hope others agee with the rating you gave me.
  18. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Looks great from the pictures man, Only few things i could see wrong with it is that overshield is right above invis and thats kind of bad. Other than that you did a great job on a map with no inter-locking. 4/5
  19. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Thanks. The OS is not obtainable unless you get a lucky genade jump or something like that.
  20. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Absolutely nice, you could improve some stuff here and there, like it could use some interlocking maybe on the bridges with the Double Boxes.
    #20 Ryan. K., Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008

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