Hey everyone I've been told after posting a "portfolio" of my work that I might get some hits if I created a by request sig making topic. I will create whatever you ask as long is it follows forum rules and is....physically possible XD. Here are some examples of my work Still not satisfied? Check out my deviantart To submit simply submit the following form Text: Render: Requested Style (optional) Requested Size ( also optional and, smaller than forum rules obviously) I will try to do as many as I can but if this gets busy I may need some more time ! Also I would REALLY prefer if people requested signatures with renders if you don't know what that is its basically a cropped out picture. If you want to find a good one go to Planet Renders v3 Current Orders: Randal Scandal: FINISHED Metroshell MLGLR playahater CPV18 jedi eli skittlemeister0 A reminder people though PLEASE find a render first it makes it easier unless you just want to give me a theme like Mario or LOZ or Halo then I can just try making a cool version of what you tell me. I like having room for creative reasons but Its also not really fair to ask me to get you the picture.
well, since I was the one who thought you should take requests, I guess I'll give you your first request (unless juggernaut beats me)... Text (name): Al Capwnage Requested style: elements of the mario sig. also I really liked this, and maybe some of the vectors that you had in your other work. Render: I know its a pain to render anything, but I couldn't find any for such a random thing. Size: The same as the zelda sig. edit: I noticed that the one I posted may be a little on the blurry side, if it comes out to be blurry, feel free to change it to any picture of al capone
Awesome first post! Seriously though filled in everything I needed to know and it should be done soon or later
all right cool! I used to make sigs but got tired of making a bunch of halo ones, so I closed it. I tried to help make something that was non halo, so it would be more interesting for you. Sorry about not being able to find a render
One question, could you recolor a picture? For instance I wanted a picture of a Les Paul guitar but I didn't like the color's, you could change them right?
okay then I'll give my request! Text: Randle $candal (in the lower right hand corner) Kinda faded. Render: available here (sorry I don't have imageshack or photobucket...) Style: Kind of like, I don't know, swirls of light? Like in the Sprint commercials. Size: Same as the mario sig (I think it will fit down correctly.) Oh and about the Guitar recolor, if you could make it into a sunburst design, if you know what that is, it kinda already has the sunburst, just recolor it so it isn't bluish, if you can of course. Make it a warm color, red's yellow's orange's you know...
lol I know what a sunburst is but yeah that might be trickier than expected I will give it a shot if not think you could deal with blue?
Yeah it's no problem! I was just wondering if you could that would be great. EDIT: I'm not that picky lol.
I personally like the blue! It sounds almost impossible to do what your asking, though. edit: maybe try a hue balance? (i'm thinking GIMP but you have 'shop...sryz if it doesnt have that).
Its fine although it may end up turning into quite a different style to give you a good idea right now picture and old newspaper type style....>_>
This is like what I have so far maybe I'm finished maybe I am not any suggestions its hard to work with there aren't many pictures..
Yeah well I ended up rendering it and it just really looked weird like the picture was sort of grainy and I couldn't find a good replacement image. I figured I would blend it with other Capone related pictures but then it was like a floating head...If you want I could use the rendered version? Unfortunately two things are a problem. I didn't have a render and for some reason all my brushes were gone T_T so I had to get back. Then the picture was sort of blurry and really theres the current pic you have in your sig and a bad looking mug shot that i could find (right dimensions etc) so I had to think of something.
Ooo! Make one for me, please! ^_^ Theme: World of Warcraft Text: Metroshell The rest is up to your imagination! Oh, and any font except TrashCo. Gracias, Metroshell
Make one for me pl0x. Theme:Master Chief shooting BR Text:Graffiti like Saying:MLGLR playahater. And the backround can be like circley wavey lines and a mysterious feeling.Thanks + rep!!
Thanks sometimes its more fun to just make what I want with just a basic theme for the render I would really prefer if people used a render.....its sort of a hassle to get a picture of master chief shooting a BR (I would have to go into campaign and then take a screenshot.... is it possible you could take it and send it to me?
Theme: Legend of Zelda The Minish (Make it the first Link picture in the examples) Text: Jedi Eli Everything else is up too you. PS: I'm giving you plus rep once you're done making it.