Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i want you to create a grenade if you are interested.. i saw invent a skull by skittlemeister0 and it made me think.

    so far we have the frag, the plasma, spiker nade and flames. im sure you guys have some good ideas.

    add your nade with the following info.
    Name: example - plasma nade
    Description: color, if you get a medal for it? hoe much damage it does ect.
    Effect: incinerates/sticks
    if theyd be in match making or not.
    if theyd be in campain.
    and if you wanna create a picture or add a drawing go for it.

    i will think of 1 myself very soon and post it but i have nothing as of now.
    #1 Blaze, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
    Mr. Skittles likes this.
  2. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heat Seaking Strobe
    Description: Green color, glows brightly, instant kill if it reaches target
    Effect: Can track anything that moves, though will self destruct if it does not reach anything.
    Yes, it would be on certain maps, but due to it's sheer power it would have brutally long respawn times.
    Pros: Highly deadly and quite accurate
    Cons: Very easy to spot as it flashes while tracking.

    Cool thread!
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Skull Nade
    You throw skulls that stick to people. They explode. Person dies.

    Owait, I made that already. H2 modding days were a blast.
  4. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Bouncy stick nade
    Description: green, no medal? it will take down your sheilds if your within a few feet and it will kill you if its sticks.
    Effect: When you through it it bounces like crazy until t sticks to some one, and if it doesnt stick within 1 1/2-2 seconds then it blows.
    match making
    no campaign.
    i might add a pic in a bit.
  5. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Bug Grenade
    Description: Small sliver capsule which releases tiny nano-bots
    Effect: Works like fire grenade, most effective when throw directly on enemy, but can attack multiple enemies if not. Decrease overall effectiveness of player. Slower, weaker, bad radar, etc. Possible visual distortion and weapon disabilities (decreased ammo) as well. Visual, similar to being under attack, will aware players of the enemies weakness. Last very long, usually to player’s death.
    Campaign: no
    Multiplayer: yes
    Pros: good against strong enemies like Jug or VIP, prevents sprees
    Cons: not quick enough too save you in the heat of battle (thrown at enemy attacking you)
    #5 Verno, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  6. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Shockwave Grenade
    Description: Silver, with a bluish ring that goes around it (It's Forrunner). It lowers your shields completely, but doesn't kill.
    Effect: Similar to what a Power Drainer does, but more instantly. It can also stick to vehicles and render them completely useless for the rest of the game, in fact, they can't even fire any of their weapons. However, the person in a vehicle isn't harmed at all.
    Campaign: Yes, in the Ark mission.
    Multiplayer: Yes, in most Forrunner maps.
  7. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Tracker Sticky
    Description: Very small disc with antenna
    Effect: Sticks to anything (or anyone) which will show a waypoint of anyone that goes near it. You’ll also hear beep when anyone goes near it (will not beep, because of player that it’s stuck to). Will run out of power after a long period of time and explodes minimally, however, it does slight damage to person it’s attached to. Can be shot and destroyed by enemy players (players can shot a teammate with tracker by shooting him/her) or disabled by energy drainer. It’s very small and unnoticeable, so unlikely of being attacked.
    Campaign: No
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Good tracking flag/bomb carries, VIPs or Jugs with no waypoints already
    Cons: May not get any “readings” if it’s in a bad spot
  8. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How about a smoke grenade?
  9. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Colorblinder
    Description: Grayish, but not shiny. You get a medal if the player kills all of his teammates while under it's effect. Explodes, but extremely mild, rarely gets kills with it.
    Effect: Only works if a person is effectively stuck. When a person is stuck, it takes away all of the colors on that person's screen. This person is likely to kill his teammates. The grenade itself looks red to teammates of the stuck person, so while that person's teammates try to shoot it off, the person who is stuck thinks these people are enemies, therefore confusing the player into shooting his teammates.
    Campaign: No
    Multiplayer: Yes, in smaller maps.
  10. X5

    X5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: AMP-Nade (Anti-MECHANIC-Pulse)
    Description: Silver/Blue capsule, with 2 bands of glowing blue on each end, emits a AMP.
    Effect: On contact with a player, all weapons (except for nades and equipment) are rendered useless for 5 seconds.
    Campaign: Sure
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Disables opponent, short of melee and nades. Good device to save yourself from death in the heat of the battle.
    Cons: Need to get a direct hit
  11. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Omg! that would be fun and funny! "hey! i just spawned behind the enemy. Score!" Well, mabye not...
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I'll come up with one later but Blaze, its spelled Grenade. lol
  13. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Distortion Grenade
    Description: Blue-green, yes medal, insta-kill if it hits you or right below, but farther away little-no damage
    Effect: sucks in matter at a short range
    only on like 1-2 maps
    yes on campaign
    and if you wanna create a picture or add a drawing go for it.
  14. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Suicide/Proximity Grenade
    Description: Small disc shape bomb
    Effect: Can be thrown and stuck on anything (even on other players) by just pressing L but, weaker then suicide mode. Activates when close to players in non-suicide mode. For suicide mode hold L on correct grenade selection to place oneself (beep will indicate bomb has been activated), then press again to explode. Damage almost equal to an assault bomb. Will kill suicide bomber. Slight flashing red light on chest will indicate player with a suicide bomb active. Will explode on death, but weaker.
    Campaign: yes (co-op only for suicide mode)
    Multiplayer: yes
    Pros: Good against large clusters of enemies
    Cons: Kills suicide bomber in suicide mode
    #14 Verno, Jul 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  15. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Name: Regenade
    Description: Two silver rings that form on X on opposite sides, and glowing green core.
    Effect: When thrown, upon immediate contact with any surface, will explode and emit a flash of green mist (similar to the regenerator, only more sudden), instantly granting a health/shield boost to anyone with in it's 10m range (with those being closer to blast receiving more than than those out of it's range). It does nothing if you are already at full sheilds.
    Campaign: Co-Op only
    Multiplayer: Yes, in team games.
    Pros: An instant sheilds boost to yourself or allies.
    Cons: If in a sticky situation, could be thrown by accident, giving opponents a boost.
  16. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Sludge Ball
    Description: Brown metal ball that breaks in half releasing sludge.
    Effect: Slows down players who walk in the greenish, hard to see, slug. It stays on the ground for about 14 seconds decreasing in effectiveness over time. It affects the players about 9 seconds. If directly thrown on a player, it can drastically slow them down to speeds similar to being kicked out of a vehicle. The direct hit effect last about 4 seconds. It does not affect allies.
    Campaign: No
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Good for slowing Flag/Bomb carries, could save your life, blocking paths
    Cons: Does no damage
    #16 Verno, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  17. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name- Flash Grenade
    Description- metal and silver
    effects- temporarily blinds and makes the person deaf.
    campaign- yes
    multiplayer- maybe
    pros- makes the player have no idea where he is.
    cons- does no damage

    yes i know its un-original
  18. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The KILLER dildo!

    If thrown at ones head, they shall perish instantly!
  19. Verno

    Verno Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Switch Ball
    Description: Ball with lots of small spicks on it
    Effect: Switches Control of a body between thrower and victim (so thrower goes into victims body and victim goes into throwers body). When it attaches to a player, a burst, similar to a brute hammer, will signify the switch. It can be used on allies. It must hit the player directly or it will not do anything. Transfers the identity of player and objective items (flag; bomb), but not heath, weapons, equipment, and power ups. This means you’ll move to a player’s location and take everything from him/her and He/she will take everything from you, but objective items.
    Campaign: Yes
    Multiplayer: Yes
    Pros: Switch advantage in the heat of battle, get higher ground or better location, quickly move objective player across map
    Cons: Does no damage, misfire does nothing
  20. Purpl3Kill

    Purpl3Kill Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: EHV (Extreme High Voltage)
    Description: Spherical with yellow and red inside, no medal
    Effect: Rolls on the ground similar to a power drainer, but immidiately drains shields upon contact, after prolonged exposure it will interfere with the players HUD, ie Ammo Counter, Radar, Sheilds. Will make it look like you have a full clip when youve fired 20 bullets, friendlys and enemies will be everywhere on the radar, and FOF Service Tags will be multiplied and placed randomly, some of them fake dieing, Shields will be everywhere, recharging discharging. Even longer exposure results in death. Any nearby vehicles will go balistic, a vehicles will randomly accelerat/decelerat and any turrets wont work. The object flares out and dies in 10 seconds, releasing a large eletrical "ball" that will cause death to anyone too close.
    In matchmaking, but desperately long respawn times.
    In Campaign but only enemy units use them, you cant pick them up.
    Its supposed to be that internal shape encased inside a sphere, the sphere is shaped by 2 bent metal rods fused together.
    #20 Purpl3Kill, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008

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