Hi there! I've finally decided to release my newest addition to my forge repertoire. The map itself was done a week ago, but after the critics I've had from certain map testers, I've fixed some spawn points to reduce chances of getting killed within a couple of seconds. Complex, as the map is called, is a competitive full-sized Foundry map with focus on symmetricality and versatility. Not only is it suitable as an FFA map as it was thought out to be, but it also works with the MLG settings. Complex consists of three stories to make viewability and map control an important factor, and by blocking the sights between top A and B, it's even more urgent to navigate and react quickly. MAP DESIGN: Two bases in three stories marked red and blue. Two sides in two stories marked A and B. Middle in three stories. WEAPONS: 4 x Battle Rifle (2 spare clips, 10 second respawn) 2 x Carbine (2 spare clips, 60 second respawn) 1 x Mauler (1 spare clip, 120 second respawn) 4 x Fragmention Grenades (30 second respawn) 4 x Plasma Grenades (30 second respawn) PICTURES: Red Base: Blue Base: Middle structure: Top A: Top B: Bottom middle on the sides: Bottom middle: Sidewalk from base to top sides: Bottom base: Top base: DOWNLOAD LINK: Download Complex V1
looks well built. i love the structure in the middle. looks like you took your time to make a great map. ill dl and test it out.
very well done, one suggestion try opening the middle up a bit, to allow a bit more cross map shooting
Wow, amazing. You interlocked, and merged perfectly. The middle part reminds me of sanctuary. 5/5 for originality.
Looks like a great map, the interlocking is amazing and the middle structure really makes the map. Great job!
It looks pretty inspired by MLG maps. I didn't read I just looked at pics but you should make an MLG version maybe.
good job only suggestion is that wall corners at the bottom sorta just siting there you need to make that look better or somthin looks sorta plain but god job on the middle structure 4.5/5
This IS an MLG version . It's set up for all gametypes for all of yours pleasure. Also, there's only MLG weapons on the map, I kept myself within the money limit and there's spawn areas for CTF.
this looks like it would be a really good mlg map, everything looks nice, geomerging looks like you took your time sweet man
looks good kinda reminds me of halo 2's sancutary cuz well the structure.....and middle.......yah......good job....4/5 dl for me
Two concerns. One is that the wall behind Top A looks really rough. That might just be the pics, but from the looks of it you might be able to get out. If not it still doesnt look smooth at all and you should work on that for V2, or on your next map. You also should make a way to get up right here, because there should always be more than 1 way to get up to a dominating central structure, and from the pics I could only see 1 way. You might also want to take out the walls around top mid, or maybe lower them a bit so you can jump to the middle from Top A and Top B. This would also let people in the middle shoot at different spots around the map, as well as get shot at. It seems like a good player in the middle could dominate seeing as theres few ways to get up to them and a lot of cover for them to use
This is an incredibly well made map. The interlocking seems perfect and the middle structure is fantastic. Great Job. DOWNLOADED
Finally some constructive critics, but also thanks to all the positive feedback I've gotten from all others. I'm aware that the A wall looks a bit sloppy, but the usage of different items was necessary due to the fact that I was running out of money and I basically had $0 left when the map was done. It's 100% impossible to get out of it though; I've tried several times. Concerning your worries about not being able to get to the middle properly, I can inform you that it's possible to get up there both from bottom A and B sides and with a jump from blue and red base. Also, the bridges were the original unique idea for the map to give it character and make it feel like its own. I know it makes it easier to control top mid, but with the rest of the middle being quite open, it would be pointless to even go to the middle without the bridges because you most likely would find yourself getting shot at from several directions. Another factor was the viewability from A to B I wanted to get rid of. Awareness and motion becomes much more important in FFAs and the same for team shooting in MLG games. Hope this answers why I made the things you were concerned about. Of course there'll be room for changes in a possible V2 .