The Ring A simple platform for testing close sword capabilities. For use with 1v1 knife fight. By HumBoys Download 1v1 knife fight Download The Ring Hey there on forgehub! This is my first addition to the mini-game map forum on forgehub. It is a very simple platform for 1v1 swords games. It allows for some highly tactical gaming. Gametype info: Sheild vamparism 25% Damage resistence 1000% Damage Given 75% High Gravity Normal Speed. On to the screenshots! The Spawn Well, that's all there is. I'm not about to end the thread though, not at all! Here are some action screenies of an action packed game! "and STAY down" Teh end! Download 1v1 knife fight Download The Ring Made by HumBoys. And a note- The gamtype makes it so you spawn once and once only. There is no need to comment on the spawn system, it's not a big deal at all.
I can see spawn killing being a HUUUUUUUUUGEEEE problem. That is of course unless you've somehow fixed it in the gametype (i.e. many rounds with only 1 life or invicible for 3 sec. after spawn.) Other than that it's a nicely done circle. Other than that the game looks like it would be boring after one game of it.
idk i cant rrally tell if its bumpy from just looking at it, the pics are dark but its on tht map so whatever, anyway its not that hard to forge and can you jump out of it back to thr eal map?
It's not bumpy at all. The gametype means 1 life per round. Try it before you say it gets boring. From the testing, I would say it doesn't. Oh, and if anyone else could have done this, why haven't they?
because its a waste of time...its basically an arena without walls...many arenas were made before also
Wow, these guys are really harsh. I think the map looks like it would still be fun after a couple games. And i think the ring is done perfectly. To all these haters, NO !
I think this looks great. I love how the interlocking in the middle makes it look like a pattern Creativity 6/10 Play-ability 9/10
looks nicely interlocked and looks very fun but did u change the speed because i can c ppl running of pretty easy but looks fun
I bet this game would be fun but you should add more spawns to create a bit more flexability and you could make more gametypes instead of just 1v1 slayer. oddball? territories etc?
i think its awsome there are not that many 1v1 maps that arent made outside of foundry and this ones extremely small which is kinda nice. you wont have to go around lookin for the other person they are right in front of you. and you should not have a problem with spawn killing as long as you cant sword lunge from one end to the other. because if one person is at one end the other person should spawn at the spawn point across from you. 5/5 oh and you did a very nice job on the circle EDIT: oh you should think about covering the outside edge with spawns and get a hude game goin with a lot of people that would be insane
The lines of a bridge dont effect your walking... And this map will be awesome if you make a v2 with multiple spawn points all over the around the ring but have the STARTing points opposite.
It's a good idea, but the idea is 'you kill the person, you win the round'. I could add a gametype for more people, I might just do that.