BridgeTooSmall Made by: BHBT Legacy (aka ROC bioflame) A Small asymetrical map for fast pace action Download BridgeTooSmall Description (2-8 Players Max) The map was named for the small bridges in the middle and an inspiration of Battle Field Modern Combats map, BridgeTooFar. Everthing in the battle zone is 100% interlocked and everything was placed beautifully. Although it is asymmetrical, it very balanced, you can get either in a snap with both teams being able to have a fair chance, both things worth getting are up high so it's not easy getting up there with out getting shot. The map, to be estimated is about 1/4 of foundry, but is not a square, its in the shape of Africa if you imaginate a bit. Gametypes (recommended) FFA Slayer (2-6 players) Team Slayer (2v2-4v4) Team Doubles (2v2) (other gametypes) One Flag Multi Flag Oddball Team Oddball King of the Hill Team King Weapons and Equipment - Battle Rifles [x3] - Carbine [x2] - SMGs [x2] - Spikers [x2] - Plasma Pistols [x1] - Sniper Rifle [x1] (120 seconds ) - Shotgun [x1] ( 180 seconds ) - Mauler [x1] ( 90 seconds ) - Plasma Nades [x2] - Frags [x4] - Bubble Shield [x1] DOWNLOAD BRIDGETOOSMALL THANK YOU THESILENCEBROKEN FOR THE LAYOUT!
You have a good map here. Nice merging and geomerging. It looks like you took your time with this map. Nice post and map.
this is a very good map -very nice interlocking -good gameplay(i downloaded it and played it FYI) kind of the same interlocking aesthetics ive seen before(fence walls used in double boxes but everybody does it one last thing good job 5/5
it is nice to see that you used a different way than Geomerging which is good also i think that it is all good but the first pic confuses me
this looks like a very good 4v4 team slayer map, nice interlocking, i like the sniper and the little walkway around it, good job.
this map looks INCREDIBLE! Great work.... im gunna check it out some more! I love it just by looking at it .... it took me literally 10secs yes 10 secs( No lie) to get an idea of this map... and my idea was AMAZING! Edit: Also i would like to see more of the actual map layout.. and less action shots.. or just more layout pictures! You have a great map here and it looks like you've taken your time and i hope you get the credit... you definatly deserve! Great Work... Im sending you a friend request and +rep because your map is just SSSOOO awesome! I Also want to see more maps from you in the future! Edit: Oh I forgot... id suggest a more catchy name... your name doesnt sound very appealing right now! Good Luck! This WILL and mean WILL get featured! Great Work Again Im gunna Try and think of some names you could use for the map: Here We Go: Tyro Tonic Embrangle Exigous Demesne Thats all the cool words i could find! Yes These are real words If you dont believe me go to this page of cool words here
you're welcome. i noticed the similiarity and saw my name there at the end haha. anyways, you have some very unique styles on this map. theres alot of parts that really had me goin "i wonder how he thought of that". the gameplay pics show some pretty epic looking battles and it doesnt seem like mindless destruction. you got my download.
Wow this is a beautiful map, nice aesthetics for a competitive map. That weapon fountain is a cool idea. I like the overall idea of it, looks fun for 1 flag being an Asymmetric map. Is that a game type you recommend?
I'll try to, im not much of an MS Paint artist or foundry designer, and can a mod edit the topic title to BridgeTooSmall, I accidentally put 'short'.
i like the interlocking and i think you need to interlock the boxes that you use for walls. other things look insane. good job one of the better ones out there
just click 'edit' in the lower right hand corner of the original post, and click 'go advanced' to edit whatever you'd like.
i already did my forge through. im not fond of a mauler AND shotgun, but in this map, it doesnt seem to be a problem. its got a simple yet epic layout waiting for some awesome 2v2 battles. maybe 3v3, but much more will seem cramped to me.
That would be from my map Echo. It's not like a gametype or anything, but it's a distinctive aesthetic piece copied to the T. I don't care if you use it, just give me a little shout out in the main post :0)