Yep, you heard it right. Cold Storage will be free on Bungie Day, and will accompany a 48-hour 7-player FFA playlist dedicated solely to the map. Cold Storage will quickly be implemented into all playlists requiring the Legendary Map Pack. Source
Because of the fact that the post in the other thread was to notify everyone there that it would not be in the Mythic Map Pack. Note that that thread's title was "Cold Storage/Mythic Map Pack Possibilities?" I posted a separate thread for Cold Storage alone because it is not merely a possibility any longer (it's a fact), plus it is not a part of the Mythic Map Pack and therefore merits its own thread.
Again, it was totally unnecessary. There's been a thread about Cold Storage that's been up for a while now that Blaze814 started a week ago and is regularly updated. All you had to do is use the search tool and post it there.
wait it's a map right? and on a side note there is a modding term known as cold storage as well so I was like WTF why is this on forge hub they don't like mods.
in the vidoc the only new forge object they showed was the curved energy blocker. I wouldent mind if it was terrible to forge in it is free.