Since we all know the Both Heroic AND Legendary Map Pack has came up with some amazing inventions like Double Boxes , Screen FX etc but what do you think will actually be POSSIBLE in the Mythic Maps? So far from what ive seen i think the Blue AND Green Teleporters will be available and MAYBE (A Long shot) if we're Lucky Placeable Jars with Flood inside. If you havent seen Cold Storage or read the decription of the other maps they can be located in Blaze814's discussion map found HERE Post your ideas and discuss.
I'd like the ability to despawn, and 10 of the same filter. Now there's method to my madness. Imagine 10 filters, and you can alter sharpness, and color strength. And special effects like the sepia lines. Why 10? That's what despawnings for, allows a real time changing map of lighting. I would also like the flood pods, for an upcoming machinima I'm planning. Or one with a spartan inside.
oh wow thank you for posting a link to my post here. i think its goin to be another blow out :'( honestly look at chillouts weapon layout 1 br and no carbines... they placed a freakin ar in it... ew.. bungie hates up so i doubt theres goin tobe anything kool... sry if that ruins your mood at al.
I also thought that screen FX could be altered in size intead of being on the whole map. For example you could shape the area like a KOTH zone , that would be cool because you'd be able to create colored rooms/areas and such which could create some really cool maps by FH and Bnet users Btw Blaze , its alright most of the maps ended up like that anyway
i was a hug efan of th edoors in the new mappack, how they auto-interlock in walls and such, i would like to a see a continuation of those. I would however like to see placeable terrain such as trees, rocks, etc. I think that would be cool to turn on open level into a forest or do other cool things like that.
Im actually kind of uprised that Bungie hasnt released ANY detailed information in the form of text , like how they introduced the items from the LMP such as a scaffolding and such. Im not disappointed but looks like we'll have to find out on the day won't we?
damn bungie....they keep casting us out, then reeling us back in. casting us out, then reeling us back in. over and over.
I want them to include something revolutionary, controlled movement objects, (making a vehicle in a sense) Imagine how much fun a moving base could be. It would be set up like teleporters, where you would add 'wheels' and then a control pad you would place and you set them up to the same channel, so like you place two wheels on something then set them up to a control pad to channel 1 and then you can drive it around, imagine the possibilities!
This just in: Cold Storage will be free on XBL Marketplace from 7/7/08 onward. Source EDIT: The purpose of this post is to inform the OP that Cold Storage is no longer a part of the Mythic Map Pack, nor is it a possibility any longer.
I didn't know the map would continue to be free after 7/7. That's really cool. They're also giving out free gamerpics and themes, but those will be exclusive to 7/7, so pick them up then.
Lets just hope the xbox marketplace doesnt get all screwy because of the 10 million people trying to DL cold storage all at the same time.