If someone losses at mid range to an AR while they are using a BR they desserve to lose. lol The BR is a midranged weapon so if you see a idiot running towards you shooting an AR and you have a BR easily back peddle and shoot him or better yet lob some grenades and whola hes dead. Really the AR is a good weapon in the right hands and people who die and complain about it should learn to counter it by getting out if its range or getting a beter weapon.
I understand AR games, but when its a BR game, and they keep switching over to the ar... Yea they die over half the time, but the rate it takes your shields down is crazy.
Ok your comparing the AR to the BR, which is stupid. No gun is really comparable to another as they are all unique in their own way. What your doing is no different then saying "SHOTGUN IS STUPID THEY FIRE ONCE AND I DIE, THE SHOTGUN IS RUINING HALO!!!![/stupidness]". No crap the AR will kick the BR in short range as opposed to long range, if it didn't then the BR would be an all-range killing machine, there needs to be some stuff to balance it out. Like I said before, it's not that 'some n00b just used an AR to kill me', your being a n00b if your going into close combat with a BR against an AR. Think, the BR has a scope that should indicate to you that well, idk, maybe it's long range? So you should be killing the AR guy at long range where his overpowered n00bish weapon can't get you. You gotta play smart. And once again, ill state that THERE ARE NO N00B WEAPONS. No weapon in halo is overpowered that completely dominates, everything has a weakness. The AR isn't some weapon ruining halo, it's actually pretty average in comparison to all the other weapons. So quitchyer whining.
The ARs inclusion in Halo 3 is obviously not without its critics, but I do think there is valid reasoning behind the choice. It pretty much all comes down to the BR. Its amazing. The Pistol ruled Halo CE, the BR (eventually) took up its crown in Halo 2, and it still dominates the Halo 3 weapon scene. And this is at it should be, the ability to reach such heights of skill with precision weapons is what makes the Halo series so special. But I think Bungie wanted to do something to redress the balance just a little, to give a bit more variation to the playing field. The BRs accurate and powerful nature means it dominates at even mid-close range unless something can take it down, or at least severely damage the opponent before going down. It should be a nice spawning weapon and be able to hold its own. In short, it forces people to think more carefully before keeping their BR out all the time. BUT This is what gets me about the AR, the way it sucks away your shields. I think a slight modification to shield damage (keep body damage the same though, it still needs to be able to do damage) would mean that a skilled BR player would be able to take an AR opponent down without instantly becoming a sitting duck. Nothing drastic or it would become some kind of evil warped anti plas rifle, but just something to give the accurate their edge and encourage people to actually aim when spraying their ARs all over the place and still not dying. Lag is pretty much the other main problem, a knock on effect of the shield damage issue. As sooo many people have said, its so frustrating when some kid you have caught completely by surprise turns round with his AR, apparently fires 2 bullets into you then beats you down. He might as well have a mauler at times. Small latency can allow a player to get off those extra couple of shots that can make or break a kill. Obviously lag affects all weapons badly, but I think we can agree that a death by AR due to even small lag is up there in the most annoying, you just feel cheated. Lag is hardly a problem with the AR design itself, but something to counter the problem would be nice. Perhaps reducing the shield damage a little might help this, but I don't pretend to know the technicalities of lag and game networking. This isn't to belittle the other weapons in the game, they're all great designs that each fit in to the game dynamic in their own way, however small, but the BR's special quality is its amazing versatility, no other weapon really touches it in this respect. If I had to choose one weapon to use solely from now on (no matter how much the small child in me would scream sniper rifle) it would obviously be a BR, and the AR is never gonna change that. But I still think the AR has its place, it aint perfect but its pretty damn good.
I agree with Penguin, and what a funny ass way to make the OP post! LOL .... ne ways the AR is ok, but it really didn't need to make a comeback. I'm sure people would do just fine whoring SMGs.
He doesn't know what he is talking about. If he hated the Ar so much as he says he does why doesn't he just play MLG? In a matter of fact I think it takes more skill to use the Ar with the Br and know when to use one or the other and finding that key moment when the advantage switches between the Br to the Ar. It brings variety to the games so more people can enjoy it.
No one can match the stupidity level of the guy who decided to create shield doors. I can't fathom what good they imagined would come out of them.
I don't mind the sheild doors in team games. It requires team work to kill the people on the other side or all you have to do is have a sticky on you. Plus it makes the best trampolines for vehicles.
I admire the AR. I mean, a BR is obviousl better than it. No doubt. But, an AR is there just to help somehwhat protect you when you respawn. As for te nubs that stick with an AR the whole game, they just dont know how to use a BR. "Whats a 4-shot?"
Yes, it's entirely fun. Especially when you get to hear the high-pitched squeal of "WTF?!" over the headset by someone who thinks themselves as uber733t. I'm curious to know what your alternative to the AR would be if you actually had the talent to design and produce something for a videogame company (that's not an insult; I don't know you and wouldn't presume to know your skills).
Due to the fact that 99.99999% of Forge Hubbers consider the act of using the AR the whole game noobish, I can now say with people to back me up that my sister is a noob. She denys it. But if you look at her stats, all she does is use the AR, even in BR games. She may have more beatdowns than AR kills, but its just the AR/Beatdown combo, although I pwn her in maps with the Carbine, Snipers, dual-wield Spikers, or something that can take care of a person quicker than another AR. She gets ripped apart in Multi flag BR's on Avalanche, because you don't have the AR as a secondary, so basically, it's not that you can't counter it *cough*, Carbine, Snipers, dual-wield Spikers, *cough*, vehicles, *cough*.
AR is crucial to Halo 3 gameplay. It's a better spawn start then smg, and can trump the BR in close to mid/close range. And I love when people ***** about halo, yet they take time to rack up 807 posts on a halo community site
Personally I don't think you can compare any weapon in Halo to another weapon (as said above in this mess). Assault Rifle: The Assault Rifle is technically a rifle style machine gun. It's meant to deal out a mass of damage at close or even medium range. This causes you're shields to drain mighty quickly when you're getting pelted by that many bullets. Most tactics used while using this gun is a direct focus on the body since aiming at any part of the body does not do increased damage. Also, since this is a closer range weapon than others, melee hits after using the Assault Rifle are extremely deadly and dangerous. This combination of tactics are used to lay waste to many opponents. Battle Rifle: The Battle Rifle is a long range rifle with short three round bursts. This weapon can be used for many ranges, but does particularly well at medium to long range. The technique used by many decent or good Halo 3 players is called a four-shot. This means that with three direct hits (even when missing a bullet or two) to the head or body and the last burst going towards the head, you're able to kill an opponent efficiently and quickly at any range. This gives an upscaled advantage when going against many other weapons. Another good tactic to use it to aim towards a specific body part called the head to do increased damage. This one single hit in the head will take an opponent out, many people aim at or towards the head after they have depleted their opponents shield. These combined tactics can lay waste to many opponents when used correctly and efficiently. Practically, the only thing I can say about the weapons is that they each have their own specific function. Not everyone can use a BR as good as the next person, and not every one who uses a BR could use an AR as good as an AR main. I personally use either one or the other depending on the situation that arises. Using them in combination is probably the deadliest and most efficient way to kill your opponents.
Personally I think the battle rifle is win.AR is OK at medium or short range but when they're quite a distance away its crap. The BR's three burst shot is great for killing people with full shields or none.The AR is just an average "Joe" gun that fires projectiles and can get you kills 50% of the time.The percentage of a BR kill from any range (depending on the holder)Is 100% or 0%. Thank you for your time.