Swat, probably one of the funnest gametypes in all of Halo. At least to me it is. I have been a very big fan of it ever since it came out in Halo 2. Oh man the dual wielding pistols was epic. In Halo 3 swat is just as good and fun as in Halo 2. When Halo 3 was introduced as a matchmaking gametype, I was so amped for it. I would get on play a few games with friends and whatever it was all good. Lately I have been venturing off and playing it by myself. Let the ranting commence. Now whenever a good, decent map such as Ghost Town or Isolation comes up everyone automatically vetoes. What the ****! Bunch of noobs, seriously I just want to play some regular Swat. Once they veto, a gay ass game comes up either Swhatguns or Swat Ball. These are not fun! No its not because I am not good at them, I am actually really good at both. But with Swhatguns it completely eliminates the skill part in Swat. You run up to someone shoot and either you don't fire fast enough and the other player kills you or lag kills you. Seriously very stupid. And on Swat Ball you get paired up with a bunch of tards that either don't know tactics or flat out are blind when it comes to seeing the enemy. Of course you get paired with these guys in regular Swat as well, but at least I can carry their sorry asses, in Swat Ball you need a good team that will listen and cooperate. I still haven't played CTF Swat and I do not want to. It is probably just as bad as all the other fake Swat gametypes. Just for once I want to play regular swat instead of these gay-ass gametypes.
dont you just hate it when somone trys to improve somthing, yet end up ruining it? (looks at nintendo)
I got my 41 in in it in like 3 hours. It was consistently entertaining and in my opinion more skill based than other playlists. I played a couple of times over last weekend for lawlz i played swatball and I just double jumped my teammate into the attics. got stuck with team swat on rats nest and they all went into the fences, pussies. With a total overhaul of the swat playlist it could be fun, but as of now it sucks serious ***** and I refuse to play it. Bungie REALLY is not doing good.
My biggest issues are ShWATGuns, Oddball, and what seems like damage resistance. ShWATGuns seems too random. You have to have perfect timing to get the kill. If you the slightest bit off, the other person wins. Oddball just sucks. If you can get the ball above the bases or in the Sword room, you're pretty much set to win. I've played SWAT CTF. It's not too bad with the exception of the reset time of the flag, it's too short. If your carrying it and get killed, you can't get to it fast enough to keep it from reseting. As far as the "damage resistance." You technicly don't have damage resistance but even the normal is too high. A single grenade or beatdown should kill the opponent. That's the way I've always played it. Even in Halo 3 I always change the damage resistance to 90%. When I go into SWAT, I wanna play SWAT Slayer with BR's and no shields. I don't want to play with shotguns or objective game types. I want straight SWAT, nothing special.
Ghost, you should sign up for SWAT tourney ... Although I agree wit you on the changes. SWAT was fun minus spawn camping, but it still was fun. schwat guns is dumb.
I fail to see this "skill" you speak of when referring to normal SWAT. I try to enjoy the gametype like H2, but it just doesn't work with the randomness of the BR, host advantage, spawn trapping, pistols, ShWATguns, and whatever other horrible gametypes they have added recently. I can see the skill that can be involved with a steady BR shot and reflexes, but a good connection for another player will quickly offset that. Oh and of course, the elites butcher it even more.
I like swat, but the only people I play with have 10's and 15's and I have a 30, and it takes around 15 minutes to find a game. Then we get normal swat on a good map (that most people hate, isloation etc), and it gets vetoed for some ****. I think it should be normal swat all the time, no swatguns, no swat pistols, no swatball, just normal swat on maps that can be vetoed.
Yes I think bungie should remove all those stupid gametypes! It ruins the fun of SWAT and it is just so pointless and stupid! They should at least have SWAT objective and SWAT Slayer because I do NOT want to play the stupid new objective gametypes because they totally ruin it.
I just hate Bungie-made SWAT. Stick with just no shields. I get so pissed when elites are running away with their backs turned from me and it takes like 5 shots o kill them. WTF? Its SWAT? In SWAT it shouldnt take so many shots to take down a guy from the back. As for Oddal and Shwatguns.......we all agree.
Bungie failed when they created the Elite's hitbox. Everyone should know what a hitbox is, so I won't explain that. But the Elite should have part of the hitbox more exposed in the back, or basically just raise the head a bit instead of it having it all in the front.
Exactly. It is so annoying when you shoot an elite looking at you, but it is too high because they are hunchbacks that protrude over their head making it impossible to hit them in the head from the front or behind.
I find it annoying. I'll ask those who are Elites in SWAT if they play as them regularly and they say no. That's what's annoying. It isn't too terribly difficult to headshot them from the back. You just need to aim above the hump on their back. It will head shot them.
I really love playing with only pistols in SWAT. For some reason I'm rediculously good at it. I've always had a fast trigger finger, and I think it shows when I play that gametype. I agree that the objective gametypes aren't that fun....although a VIP variant might be fun.
my biggest SWAT gripe is that there isn't a Social SWAT playlist. I have bad experiences in the ranked rooms (yes I suck at Halo).
i serisouly hate swat... well i dont hate it, i just dont think it should be ranked... like wtf. anyways -- Forgecast!