The person who ruined Halo 3.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Penguinish, Jul 2, 2008.

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  1. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    I was watching and old Halo 3 Vidoc "Is Quisnam Protero Damno!" and then all of a sudden i hear stephen scott say....

    04:31 - Stephen Scott - One of our weapon modelers, Tom Doyle, said "Hey, this is a great chance to bring back the Assault Rifle from Halo 1.

    04:41 - Tom Doyle - The Assault Rifle's design language really works well with the Master Chief. It has such a unique silhouette and look to it that we really didn't want to change what weapon was already Halo canon. But in terms of design and gameplay, it's been adjusted pretty considerably. (NO IT HASN'T YOU RETARDED *****. )

    TOM DOYLE YOU SON OF A *****, THANKS DOUCHE. AR is a horrible weapon that all the bad kids use because they cant use a skillfull weapon to save their life, of even to play the damn game. **** you tom doyle!

    Orangeremi and HITtheLIGHTZ like this.
  2. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    grrr him for bringing back the thing because it has a nice silhouette
  3. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    I laughed so hard just now.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow then who made the noob combo?
  5. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    how can you hate the ar? i know it sucks in halo 3 but in halo 1 it was the best.
  6. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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  7. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    NOOB combo is hardly even used in halo 3, because of if the plasma pistols range effectiveness. Its not considered a problem anymore.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yeah true but who ever did should still die.
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    The AR is used for people to spawn with so they can protect them selves. Who ruined halo 3? Blame Stosh, or the guy who decided to make it 10 seconds to respawn and glitch the system so we cant have cool user made forge maps.
  10. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    why is it im the only 1 who likes the asult rifle? its a decent weapon.
  11. Person With Hat

    Person With Hat Ancient
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    I hate you, Tom Doyle! GO DIE IN A FIRE!! Now we know who's house to bomb...
    Orangeremi and DrawingMan like this.
  12. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    But...but....the AR has gotten me out of sticky situations...ESPECIALLY when playing Penguinish :p
  13. Person With Hat

    Person With Hat Ancient
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    Everyone ask yourself this, do you feel you have skill when you fire A COUPLE AR bullets into someone then beat them down succesfully, and is that even fun?
  14. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Yeah why so much hate? I think the AR is a decent weapon. And technically there is no n00b weapons. Idk wtf people are thinking when their saying that. Nobody's a n00b if they kill you, with any weapon. You're a n00b if you don't know how to work with what you got and adapt to the situation. Quit whining about it and grow a pair, seriously. Obviously the AR hasn't 'ruined halo' as you put it, because millions of people still play it and love it. If it really was a problem, I'm sure bungie would get called out on it and some adjustment would have been made to stop it, but there hasn't been any problems with it, so thus if it ain't broke don't fix it. I hate these people that just complain about games for the dumbest reasons.
  15. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    sure as hell no 3 shot pistol

    beacuse holding down thhe right trigger for 10 seconds takes SOOO much skill.
    #15 bnasty574, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  16. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    He is a weapon modeler but he is not responsible for putting the weapons into the game that task goes to other employees. For example the flame thrower in halo 2 was modeled by one guy but was never put into the game as the designers couldn't see where it would integrate into the game.

    I feel that there is no need for this thread.
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    The AR is a close range rifle and a close range starting weapon that lets you deffend yourself from after spawning. Plus its a Halo classic who can hate the AR thats like saying you hate Halo 1 lol.
  18. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    I do asamatteroffact.

    All i know is that if I can take down said person with my AR before they either Shotgun/No Scope/Rocket/BR/Sticky/Noob combo my ass, I am very damn well gonna be proud of myself.
  19. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    See heres where you wrong, the ar's range is so god damn retarded, its a mid - short range weapon, where as the mid range its just as powerful as the short range, thats bull ****. The Assault Rifle can easily beat the battle riffle at close ranges, and at medium ranges, is basically a tie with the Battle Rifle. That should not happen, in a mid range fight between a BR and AR, the BR is tied with the ar. Even if i 4 shot an ar shooting at me, my shields lower, so increadbly fast, and are so low, that even the slighest shot from someone else would kill me.

    Close Range. 6 rounds + beatdown to kill someone with the AR. You not even pressing the trigger for a SECOND to fire 6 rounds. Br takes atleast 3 shots and a melee to kill.

    Beatdown before shooting. This one never fails to amaze me. I melee the AR guy at the same time he melees me. I go to get that single headshot, but wait, HE HAS AN AR so all he does is shoot for .5 seconds at my body, and im dead.

    It would be a decent weapon, if you didnt have to pull the trigger for a second, and melee to kill someone, and its range was toned down a bit as where it didnt match that of the BR at midrange.
    #19 Penguinish, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
    Supa Midget likes this.
  20. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    I find it pretty funny and ironic that a moderator is behaving this way. If you are so worried which clearly you are there is a play list called MLG so I suggest you play that otherwise stop complaining.
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