Power Plug Created by Redshadow1337 Supported Gametypes: All gametypes. Best Gametypes: Free for all and team slayer Free for all and team KoTH Infection (Save One Bullet) Map Description A "Tunnel Raid" type map with some open areas mostly on the top. It has three levels with easy access do to ramps and a hidden man cannon.The map has minimal power weapons being a sniper located at the top. And if you count needlers as power weapons it has 2 but placed in a low semi open area where the needlers do not exceed in combat. Weapons List x2 BRs x2 SMGs x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Spikers x2 Magnums x2 Plasma Rifles x2 Needlers x2 Carbines x4 Frags x4 Plasmas x4 Spike Grenades x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator _________________________________________ Spawn area is symmetrical to the other side as well Area combines 2 bases with the middle (able to go down, straight or up) One of the top areas that connects with the ramp area Sniper area that the hidden man cannon can bring you up to All the tunnels meet up in one area Another area that all the tunnels meet up (i was in a bad mood so i walked away from the camera lol) The needler area is symmetrical on the other side as well The man cannon area Half way going up the man cannon Almost at the top going off the man cannon (sometimes the man cannon drops you off here Finally at the top of the map Congratz you accomplished nothing My crappy overview of the 1st level My crappy overview of the 2nd level My crappy overview of the 3rd level Thanks for Speed e cake, Darkmaster949, and Sasran for helping test it and for some ideas. One of my friends says there may be too many grenades in the map if anyone finds that there are tell me and i might change it but i need your guys opinions thanks . If you find anything else wrong with the map please tell me. Download Power Plug
first post. looks like a pretty good map, i like how all the tunnels meet and the mancannon, but nothing amazing. 8/10 though
You are my favorite noob. You met every standard and exceeded them with the diagrams. Also, it looks like an amazing map. Great job.
OH MY GOD. Thank you for posting correctly on you first time, welcome to forge hub. We embrace you with open arms. The map is definitively 5/5 superb interlocking and layout. I'm going to download.
Very good map man really good interlocking as well. I'm going to DL this for sure. 5/5 keep up the great work.
Brilliant, you didn't post a crappy map. It looks good (better than my first posted map), and very fun to play on. I <3 cramped maps with tunnels, tons of floors, bridges, dangerous corners, and lots of room if you want it. That's probably why I <3 Standoff so much.
Wow, this is the best first post I've seen. Everything is doen right, and the map is phenominal for a newbie. Awsome job! 5/5
Good job on your first post (even if I helped) and the map is great! Loved it 1v1 since I actually got head shots on it. I hope Sasran is happy that you put lol "Tunnel Raid" as a choice on the poll. I still think the stickies are fine, a little over powering in some situations, but in others almost useless. I don't think this is that flexable of a map (game type wise) but for the game types that are good it really plays out well. If you ever need help posting your map again I'll be glad to help, cya 'bud!
im redshadow1337's best friend in real life and lol i was the one who said there might be too many grenades but it doesnt make the map bad or anything. not just saying this because he's my real friend but i give the map 5/5 it is so fun
also forgot to mention that redshadow1337 my buddy hardly ever forges. this is like the one map you forged that you can play on and the fact that its such a great map....... i mean come on i've been forging non stop since the game came out and im not even the greatest at forging. but pretty soon i'll have a map on forge hub. congrats on the great comments
Only two posts, and you still met the standards! Anyway... looks fun, but a little too condensed. Nice interlocking, but I can only give a 3/5.
It may look confusing but when you play you get the hang of it quick its actually pretty simple its also symmetrical length wise. Like Darkmaster949 said i rarely forge and i'm slow at it so i will not be releasing manny but i will make more. Also i'm normally helping Speed e cake and Darkmaster949 with their maps.
some of those interlocked double boxes are a little unnatural and u might want to turn them upside down so its smooth
I really like this map, it's very original and simple. You did a really nice job on merging the bridges on the very tip, I don't think a lot of people here have the patience for that. One thing you need to tidy up is the walls, they look a little thrown together. Finally,I like the mix of the open big room and the hallways, it mixes up the gameplay.
thanks again for the ideas i'll see if i can change some things and upate the map I would but double boxes upside down prevents you from picking weapons up on them but i like the that people have suggestions thanks.