What i reckon will have for bungie day is that they'll have a huge heap of information on Cold Storage , other maps from the mythic map pack , RBTB Results etc. Im expecting a good update from the guys at Bungie , how old is Bungie now anyway?
I'm talking about this picture. If you look at the top right orange window part, theres a faint orange room behind it.
Ok, I'm circling the part I think you're talking about where I can see a faint glow of the "room" behind. Is that the part you're talking about?
before you guys get anymore excited about that room, please check out the pictures they posted from humpday... HERE
The orange room looks creepy, what if your just standing there then all of a sudden a flood juggernaut grabs you by the face and pulls you into the tank? I know that wont happen but that would be incredibly funny.
this is kind of old but i would say tht it would be a great posibility that that is a shotgun in that one pic because if you look on the weopons map there are no weopons at all in that room
Didn't know about the other 2 maps, but that's about it. Thanks for posting this, very informative if you didn't already know this stuff. That code a couple of you are trying to break. . . . you should stop, it's interesting, but your guesses are unlikely.
what does it matter to you what we try and figure out? if im even remotely correct, ill be here to remind you on 7/7.