Do you dream of the most amazing Halo experience and wish you could tell the world (or ForgeHub)? Do you come up with a cool map idea, type of equipment, or anything related to Halo constantly? Well, you’re not alone. I, and Im sure many others here at ForgeHub, think of all kinds of vehicles and weapons that could be used. Well, I want to hear them. Post anything! Even you’re most impossible desires. Whether it be, a new map, items in forge, vehicles, weapons, equipment, or ANYTHING else! Describe it, draw us a picture, do what ever you want to express your self. Well, what are you waiting for!? Here are my ideas: Vehicles: 1. I want the addition of the anti-air wraith in maps, not just the regular wraith. 2. A small, weaker version of a scarab that you can operate and add to your maps in forge! Big maps of course. Maps: I want a sand trap sized map made for forging! With all the items foundry has and more. And 5x the amount! Forge: 1. Doors/gate that you can open and close. 2. Elevators. 3. Perminate bubble shields. 4. Tubes (like in a McDonalds play place) that you can put together, and you can walk in and on. With U tubes, intersected, and Y tubes. Equipment: 1. A deployable turret like in Champaign, but you control it (like a regular turret) 2. (Impossible, I know) a deployable vehicle 3. A set of deployable teleporter. You set one down somewhere, and then place another down somewhere else, and they last for 2 minutes. 4. A trip mine that won’t go off from bullets or grenades. Weapons: A teleporter gun! Jk, I want a Brute sniper rifle. Character: Instead of being able to make/design your character from either a Spartan or Elite, you should also be able to pick from a Brute and a Grunt….. Well, maybe not a grunt.
Equipment: I like a detionation pack that sticks to people and a deployable "decoy" that acts like a real person, but doesn't move or anything. You can shoot it, and it's shields will lower just like a real person, and die like a real person. Make it hold a Sniper, but when it dies, the Sniper isn't there; it's fake too. If a person kills it, it doesn't count as a kill. It will look like and have the same GT as the person who deployed it when you look at the decoy. Forge: A forgeable "pit" that you can place on the ground, and cause the map geometry to disappear in an area that you can adjust.
Forge: -Placeable terrain (ie. trees and the like) -The option to make an object indestructible/immovable -An "undo" button. Dear god, please, we need an undo button! Maps: -Bring back Waterworks, Headlong, and Terminal, among others. -A "Dogfight" map. Other than two primary bases, everything on the map will be empty airspace. As such, the number of placeable banshees and hornets will skyrocket. Additionally, the empty airspace between the two bases will make a great place to forge. -How about something that takes place underwater, or perhaps a map which is half above water/half submerged? Equipment: -Deployable Sentinels, which attack any enemies and last a set amount of time. Probably impossible due to the AI coding required. -Deployable "Anti Vehicle" mine- when activated, the mine will act as a power drain and disable vehicle systems, but it will not go off immediately. Vehicles: -Pelicans and Phantoms. I want a massively huge map, with operable Pelicans and Phantoms. -The Spectres from Halo 2. -Some sort of operable bomber, which can switch between 'bombing' mode (the players reticule sees out the bottom of the plane, and it drops bombs which are similar in power to the scorpion turret), and standard flight mode, in which the vehicle has a very weak machine gun or plasma gun to defend itself from enemy units. Weapons: -Anti-Air Turrets -Missile Turrets Gameplay: I always thought it would be nifty if Bungie could add a gametype where, instead of the standard Spartan/elite choices, you could be any of a wide range of characters. I'm not sure how to make it work if UNSC and covenant were both available choices, but needless to say, one could choose to be a grunt, brute, elite, hunter, jackal, or drone. Some tweaks would have to be made to each of the races so gameplay would still be fair (Perhaps give the drone a squadron of AI-controlled drones, and give the grunt several AI comrades), but I think it would be an amazing addition to Halo. Pity it will probably never happen.
Yeah that would be cool! They could just take the part where your in a hornet on the mission 'The Covenant'. It already has two bases sepearated by a rocky wall, a small island in the middle in between them and plenty of airspace, that would be sweet to duke it out there. I think you should have the option to build shadows (the turret things).
Vehicles: AA wraith would be cool, also phantom, pelican and scarab Maps: Just an empty map with same items as foundry, no map geometry, no courved walls, no limits. Forge: Too many things to name Weapons: Something like the rifle from shadowrun
Vehicles: A human version of the banshee - shortsword Obviously somehow the scarab. Hornets from the movie the Island (basically jet skis that can fly and with powerful automatic guns.) AA Wraith in multiplayer A more offensive version of the elephant A aircraft version of the mongoose Maps: A ruined city with cars as scenery that you can blow up. maybe just 1 stretch of a highway with building on each side. Arena or highground sized area in or out of a ship, or both! A map of any size that has volcanoes erupting around it, the bases can be like research centers with fence balcony. Headlong Inside a sky scrapper that has a barrier far away outside so you can forge outside of it. If you played crackdown, the building with the old asian man's big building would be great or something like that. Forge: Destroyed versions of vehicles More walls and foundy like boxes (no multi colered ones basically.) Every weapon / equipment / vehicle for every map (scorpion on blackout anybody?) elevator door + switch (like sender and reciever) convey belts the size of foundry bridges Option to change colors (like under respawn at start, another bar that has 7 colors) for every object. Equipment: Bomb with a 10 second to blow (like the assault bomb) Cloaking from campaign Teleporter somehow Time field (everything near it slows down, even bullets) Magnet (sucks in biotic items like vehicles and people, things a plasma sticks to.) Portable man cannon C4 Charge - does the damage of the current trip mine Trip mine - Quiet and less bright and more damage Weapons: Bow (like GoW torque bow) Harpoon Gun Mortar rocket (Lock, then flies up, and lands) that can lock onto people. Plasma assault rifle Future version of the M249 Saw Weaker shoulder held version of the gauss cannon Longer ranged assault rifle Jackal or Hunter arm sheild. Gravity gun (Causes every movable thing to be shoved pack violently) Character: Honor gaurd armor for elite Brutes with all their armor If the forunners are shown, why not? Person sized sentinal gaurd Ability to take off helmet and customize face Infection: Charactors turn into flood when they are zombie.
The only problem with the scarab is you can't really drive it. In the game it basically appears to be controlling itself as there is no driver. Plus I think it would get complicated with shooting its legs then going up to kill it and what not, too much stuff for online multiplayer i think. The pelicans and phantoms I could see being do-able. It really isn't all that different from a flying elephant is it? size-wise that is. The AA wraith also seems like a great potential vehicle. I would really like to see the troop-transport hog.
I want a swamp/foggy forest area at night fall with a dirt road and a convoy that gets ambushed by the covenant. All you see in the battle is mussle flashes explosions and plasma. The thick fog gives every one the sense of danger . I want this battle to be similar to the level 343 guilty spark where you make the final push through the fog and forest with a group of mariens while being attacked by the flood. This would be on a larger scale with large fields like in the "belive trialer" with the two kids and there could be small rivers with moon light lighting them up. This is my Halo dream a Halo battle in a dark foggy forrest at night.
when i read "halo dreams" i thought you meant like dreaming of things that had to do with halo. cause i....a few times....have actually dreamt i was playing or in halo. it was awwwwesome!
Maps: -A large sandbox type map, with moveable barriers, and weather effects. -Solid color map (white, black, etc..) that you could customize from the ground up, or sky down. Forge: -Placeable water, trees, grass, etc. -Moveable terrain (create hills, dropoffs, waterfalls, caves) -Invisible barriers -Doors that open and close -Undo/redo options -Objects can morph with option (ex. 'Allow morph' in X options for item) Equipment: -Remote explosives (a UNSC based C4) -Weapon add-ons Vehicles: -Hornet with missiles on Avalanche (forge and custom games and 'Heavy' game variants in matchmaking) Weapons: -Motion tracker (attach to player or vehicle and will be permanent blip on radar for 20-45 sec.) Halo Features: -Save changes will update fileshare without removing dl #'s with confirmation. (must keep same name/description) -Better rewind in theater -Fast forward anytime in theater -Bungie pro allows more custom content limit (or unlimited, idc) -Bungie news and updates are updated daily and include the weekly update, humpdays, etc in the menu -Option to change music volume in main menu (it gets annoying) -When forging, it'll ask twice before you exit the game so you don't accidentally end the game when you mean to start new round (has this happened to you, because it happens to me all the time) -Option to veto gametype, but keep map (vice versa) -Matchmaking will find players closer to your rank, not just your skill