Automation DOWNLOAD Created by: IncredibleHulk There was a time when all i would do was no-scope and sticky the crap out of fellow spartans. Then it hit me, what would be the perfect map for both of those. That was the start of Automation. So i basically went through every different map type i could. E ventually, i just stuck with the small enclosed map with a pit idea. I took the liberty of playtesting numerous times to ensure maximum playability. This led to me adding more spawn points and hills for crazy king. Here are some pics: With roof Without roof Recommended Gametypes: -crazy king -nades n spades -slayer randoms -snipers
I can really tell how its set out on the inside, it'd be very useful for viewers if there were more than just 2 pictures.
It looks like that a few areas you skipped interlocking. It also looks like a good map for FFA. Not really leaning towards the Snipers Gametype for this map, too small. Maybe with the magnums but people who are expecting to actually use the snipers won't be having much luck with them. Overall a 3.5/5 from me.
Oh okay, but it'd still be better if you had more pics, just saying. I havent even commented on the map yet. It looks like a fairly basic layout and construction, but I cant really tell yet. Also for future maps, its best not to take your screenshots in forge, and could you also post the weapon list. I'm not trying to be a pain, its just thats what it takes to make a really professional post.
First of all, i took the pictures in forge to show people there isnt spawn-camping. There arent any weapons or equipment placed on the map. Also great sig, hows mine? Its simple but cool.
I can understand that, but generally pics are taken out of forge, some people think its looks tacky with the respawn points in the screens. Thank you, I take pride in my sig. Yours is nice, its simple, but I think the white outline is too thick.
From the distinctively slight amount of images provided that I've witnessed, not much can be criticized about the map... And, like stated before me, screenshots in Forge seem visually impaired at the least. I suggest playing a Custom Games match and maybe even add some action shots to spice up your page. Also, I would gladly want to "play test" your map if you find me online. I'll probably be online from now until a while although my family is coming over at around 4-6 PST. EDIT: I forgot... Gamertag: The Kyle 0613 (surprise, isn't it? =P)
From the screenshots that you've posted it looks like a fairly simple, small and clean map. Personally I don't think that it'd work well with the nades and spades or snipers (team or solo) but thats just from what we can see obviously. If you intended this map to work with all slayer gametypes then you should've put weapons in but that depends on what you want the map to be used for. I'd give this map a 3/5. Edit: I wouldn't mind play testing this map if your offering. My gamertag is Thecheez94 Edit (again!): I probably won't be on until Friday or tommorow at leaast
ive played this a very very long time ago and it was CrAzY.. its deff worth a dl if you ask me.. but i think this shouldbe in casual maps or something instead of competitive.
this is really quite a small map i think thought you should make a V2 and make it bigger cause it is good forging
you might want to interlock the double boxes especially where people walk but other than that it looks like a pretty solid map fun for 1v1. It'd be nice for some action shots to.
looks interesting, seems like it would just be a lot of chaos im not a big fan of just run and gun chaos, but it looks cool
looks like it might be to small to do anything with a big party but with a small party it looks like a lot of fun