Im a pretty big fan of Bungies double xp weekends but Im getting tired of playing griffball every other weekend. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for a double xp weekend. I know that HaloTracks is trying to get a racing weekend. I would like to see something like paintball or boxing, although boxing might get boring after a while. Anyone else have any ideas?
Forged maps Double EXP weekend? o.0 pretty much just Team Slayer on good maps from ForgeHub, random selection
Snipers should be a permanent playlist, replace RBTB with it. But if not it should be the filler for each week's double XP when they cant find anything. I'm truely sick of Grifball. I'd like to see Fiesta return, I'm a massive fan of Random weapons. No Rockets, pure rockets is fail. Perhaps a weekend of Forgehub minigames.
Im with you on the mini games idea. ForgeHub has some really good non cheatable mini games to offer. I really think that Bungie should consider using player made maps and gametypes for double xp weekends
If not I'd be satisfied with one week Snipers the next week Fiesta(but no fiesta ball) and just swap between them each week. That'd be awesome.
Ranked snipers and social snipers would be epic! I can't believe they havnt done that yet. No one vetoes shotty snipers
I veto shotty snipes if its on High Ground. And yes team snipers would be a fun playlist but I think people would get tired of it after a while.
As if it is sweet. If you know the map. I love team BRs becasue almost no one knows where the other shotgun is. So if someone grabs the sniper before me, I've got the shotty, and 2 spike grenades but if they dont I've got the shotty, sniper and two spike nades.
Yah, Last Resort is one of my fav. maps. Especially team br's cuz Im more of a br sniper than runnin around with an assault rifle
Ya, I think loco made it.Its pretty fun. It wont be as fun as splatterball, whenever I decide to finish it.
I personally want Team Splazers (only score for lasering ppl) or Team Sentinel Beams. Either would be awesome. Also, I agree, Snipers should be its own playlist
How bout vehicular onslaught, no weapons, every1 starts with brute shots and every vehicle is at their disposal with a low respawn.
Infection weekends should be massively improved then maybe more people would play it , Bungie made infection maps fail and the gametypes are even worse. I mean , its as if the zombies great stronger by the second! some good old Convoy tunnel, I Am Legend V3 , Bart's Chapel wouldnt hurt would it?