Hey, I'm new here, and I was wondering what the "honor rule" was, as I hear it often when looking through maps that others have made.
Well, to put it simply, if a map requires honour rules it means that it can be escaped, ruined, lets people cheat etc. Honour rules are basically telling people not to do something map-breaking and to avoid doing so even though the chance is there. If a map needs no honour rules then it is sealed off and everything that could possibly ruin gameplay has been eliminated. I make no sense.
"Honer Rules" are rules that aren't built into the game, but are rules that are specified by the map maker. A good example of an honor rule intensive game is "Cops and Robbers", in the game the cop(s) can only kill the robber(s) if they disobey them. The game is easily cheatable and the experience can be ruined by that. Just try not to have honor rules in your games, that way people can't cheat.
Honor rules are like how those bossy kids at birthday parties repeatedly make up fake rules in their games, like 'once you're tagged, you get punched in the balls', among other things.
You mean....Johnny lied to me? All those years of tag and getting punched in the balls. Anyways I would suggest that you make a map that has NO honor ruls because I will always cheat on them....
Yes, honor rules are just guidlines not actual rules. Games generally work best without honor rules. Tremors is a great game, but I hardly ever play it, mainyl because it ahs way too big of an honor rule.
Players follow the party leaders instructions and dont "cheat" in the game even if it possible. Such as passing a VIP checkpoint and not repeatedly driving backwards and forwards over it.