If a list has been previously compiled for Symmetric vs. Asymmetric gametypes, please point me in the right direction. Otherwise, I was hoping that we could compile the list ourselves. I'll edit this post to contain information as it becomes available. Hopefully this will help others in the planning of their maps. In general: Asymmetric means that one team attacks and the other team defends. Symmetric means that both teams are attacking and defending or going for the same goal. _________________________________________________ Symmetric Gametypes: King of the Hill Neutral Bomb Assault Slayer Team Slayer Two-Bomb Assault Two-Flag CTF Two Sided Territories Two Sided VIP _________________________________________________ Asymmetric Gametypes: Infection One-Bomb Assault One-Flag CTF One-Sided Territories One-Sided VIP _________________________________________________ Unknown Gametypes: Juggernaut Oddball _________________________________________________ I'm sure that I left off some gametypes, so please help me fill the gaps. I also might be calling some of these gametypes by the wrong names (i.e. One-Flag CTF). Also, I'm fairly convinced that certain game settings will change a gametype from Asymmetric to Symmetric (or vice-versa). For example, Capture the Flag is Symmetric by default, but changing it to One-Flag makes it Asymmetric. We'll probably have to play around with the settings of each gametype quite a bit to get a definitive list, but I think it would be worth it. For instance, I don't think that allying players that aren't the Juggernaut changes whether or not the gametype is symmetric, but I never really paid attention--so I can't be sure.
Not tested but my guess is, Assault (two bombs, two bases) would be symmetric, Neutral bomb would also be symmetric but One Bomb would be Asymmetric. I think I am going to go look at infection for a second. I have a hunch it is going to be asymmetric but the gate starts open on high ground for infection so it could possibly be symmetric.
Asymmetric means on team attacks and the other defends. Symmetric means both teams are attacking and defending or going for the same goal.
Well when playing Infection on Sandtrap, one elephant dissappears which would lead you to believe that it is asymetric.
Here are some more: Asymetric: Infection, One Bomb, One-Sided Terroritories, One-Sided VIP Symetric: Neutral Bomb, Two Bomb, Two-Sided Terroritories, Two-Sided VIP, King of the Hill I think Juggernaut is asymetric.
I don't consider this common knowledge, and don't expect you to be able to name them all from the top of your head even if you know it. What's wrong with having helpful references?
Continue this thread, and we will merge it with other similar threads to make a *dun dun dun* master thread.
Not a problem, just trying to come up with ways to help people out. Sounds like a good idea. I thought about posting this in the reverse engineering thread, but it seemed a bit trivial for that. Anyways, I updated the original post with the information in the thread, thanks guys. I'll have a look at the other gametypes tonight to finish it up.
No, you'd have to setup your own special custom variant and call it "Neutral Flag," ideally you could just do "Neutral Bomb" where you have to bomb your own base. However bungie has no official Neutral Flag setup for you to use.
Nice, I didn't know if infection was symmetric or asymmetric, and was too lazy to go check even for my new map. Thanks for posting this.