when you have things in your fileshare when using bungie pro, if the slots are higher then 6 will it get deleted off your fileshare? example: i have my maps on slot 9,8 10, 12 (example #s) will they get deleted and i have to reupload them when bungiepro expires? and will i loose all the download info on them?
My best advise is keep an eye out for when you are about to expire and purchase a new Bungie Pro like the day before so it doesn't expire. If Bungie was nice they would give you a heads up so you know when to re-up without losing what you have on your fileshare.
Wait the maps will be deleted of your hardrive?If so than that seriously sucks.When will my bungie pro expire if I go it with the DLC.
Exactly 4 months from when you purchased. And not from your hard drive, from your fileshare. Unless you don't have them on your hard drive and only on your file share., then they will be deleted
Hm...I was wondering about that. I guess it's a good thing that I don't really have a whole lot of DLs to worry about.
ya i am.. im goin to get it as soon as i have a mounth left. good, thanx for keeping this thread company
i wish i thought about that and i would have put the maps in the first 6 slots dam, but thnks atleast i know now
What I don't understand is why it is a repeat payment. I can understand having to pay a little extra for the extra storage space, but it's only space, so once it's payed for, what else requires a future payment? Boooo.
Actually, I'm 99.9% sure that when your Bungie Pro expires, you're simply not allowed to upload any more files until you cut your share back down to only the first six slots. And 400 DLs as a max? Psh. 4200 is what I'm at on High Haven now! Booyah! But, sadly, Curbstomp and/or Battery will definitely be featured in the future, so you're gonna pass me.
Basically when BungiePro expires, the slots 7 and up remain there containing all of your files. The only location you can add new files to are slots 1-6. My suggestion is this: If you have a friend who plays Halo, have them copy your map/maps to their file share. Its safe there and you won't lose your dl numbers. Next, delete the map you just copied from you file share (Its now in your friend's file share, safe and waiting). Next fill that slot you just deleted with a random map from your hard drive, it will be deleted later. Make sure slots 1-6 are filled as well. Now go back to your friend's file share and copy your map back to your own file share. Repeat this process until all of the maps you want to keep are in slots 7 and above. From there you can delete the filler maps in slots 1-6. When your Bungie Pro subscription ends, your old maps will all be in the non editable slots 7 and up (safe and sound), and you'll still have your original 6 to add and delete as you wish. Hope that helps! PS - My map End of the Line has 20,000+ downloads.....I'd hate to lose that number.
I don't think that you will lose them just you can't add anything to it. Because that is what happened with me when my xbox live expired but I don't know
they should just give us the damn slots, its not like anything we've bought from them in the last year has been worth the money anyway.