My team name is The Legalizers (long story), and we needed a logo. I had the picture set up, but I needed photoshop to edit the logo slightly. If you can tell, I made a law related cover by using a gravity hammer instead of a gavel and sounding block. It would be great if someone could make the hammer lean against the block like this: It would be cool if it could say something stupid like Layin' Down the Law in the open space in the top right corner. Maybe, it could have a cool background too. I am new to this part of the forums, so if I am not allowed to make requests here, just tell me. I don't think it should be too hard of a job compared to some of the amazing sigs here. Thanks for any help. Edit: I wish I could use a flat block like the one in the second picture, but I couldn't find any that wouldn't require editing. If someone is able to figure out how to use a flat block in the logo, that would be great. I don't care about size at all but the squarer and higher resolution the better. The original picture of the hammer is too large, so here's the link if it helps at all.
That's harsh. I really like the logo though. Can you make the hammer a little smaller, so it doesn't overlap the words? That way it would looks more proportional compared to the block, or you could make the block bigger. Also, if you could make it just say Laying Down The Law because Laying Down the Law Since 08 doesn't make sense because it is 08, that would be sick. If you could, it would be sick if you could make one 200 by 300 pixels and another 64 by 64. Other than that, the logo is sick. Thanks
What is that? You can't edit it at all? Can't you just ope the picture in photoshop and change it? Edit: I don't care about size, but if you could just change the words and make the hammer smaller, that would be sick. Edit 2: Could you just add some height to it?
Done in quite literally 3 minutes. I figured you were gonna go with the other but I also figured what the hell. For your consideration.
I wouldn't have asked if it didn't take but a few minutes. I think I am going to use yours instead because the size of the hammer compared to the block looks better than nasty's, and you didn't screw up the quote. Plus, Nasty was hatin' .
Texas, if he didn't save the psd that means he doesn't have the layers of the image saved, making it impossible to change anything on it, but only add things.
so nasy, ive been wondering, is your sig saying "i love you *****" or "***** i love you"? cause it would make all the difference.
I made perty picture lololololololololololl!@!@shitf!!@211!!!1 I got all the layers and PSD so If you want something changed, its no problem. (edit) I just realized that it needs texture, holdonasec. (editedit) I think it looks better:
The latter. Thanks for all the sweet logos so quickly. They are all sick. Edit: Opo, that one is amazing.