I want to have my 1v1 map where the spectators spawn in the spectator box and the 1v1 gladiators don't. I tried making the starting spawn points attackers and defense in the play area, and setting the start spawns in the spectator box to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th team. It doesn't work. How do I make the spectators (orange team, etc) start-spawn in the spectator box while the other two guys (red and blue) battle it out in the play area? edit: ANSWER AT THE BOTTOM
weel, theres a spawn thing where players are less likely to spawn in an area near enemys, and did you place spawns for enough, you could try to make myltiple boxes though
My suggestion is you make 6 boxes spectator rooms and 2 spawns in arena that way 2 people would spawn in the middle while rest watch and wait assuming you play with exactly 8 people
Make 2 starting points for 2 guys fighting, and make respawn points in the boxes, the spectators will spawn up there, and the fighters, will spawn in the pit.
I think this guy understands me the most so far (out of the above). The only problem would be the Fighters would possibly spawn in the spectator box. How do I fix that problem? This won't work because I want to know which two people are going head-to-head before the game starts.
Have everyone spawn in the same area, and have the two fighters walk through 2 one way door switches.
Ahh, Kayaman, that sounds like a great idea. One problem. Wouldn't they not spawn together and spawn out of the map because they were enemy teams? Or wouldn't they start fighting eachother? I don't know, because then if a spectator died they'd spawn in the arena.
I know switches are the latest craze, but they don't appeal to me in this map. I have room for six fence boxes already, but the door switches aren't fitting to this map. I'm sorry about that. But you know, it seems as if someone has done this before. I'm probably just trying to repeat history. Thanks for that idea, though, kayaman132. Just to reiterate and for people that haven't read it all, How do I make spectators spawn in the spectators box?
Have both spectators and players start in an area above an upside-down fence box with two teleporters. Have spectators drop down into the fence box where they will be trapped for the remainder of the game (assuming team damage off and no starting nades). Then have each player walk through a different teleporter which takes them to opposite sides of the map (disguise the teleporters if you can). All respawn points should be inside the map, so those teleporters are for one time use only (use sender and reciever, not two way).
I don't think there's any way you'll be able to know who it is that is dueling. However, that could be the fun part. If I were you, I'd set it to VIP so you only get points for killing the enemy, and the VIPs spawn by the teleporters. You could have different rounds after each VIP dies. Sound good? Would you mind if I try making a map from this idea? I'll put your name in the description, because this really motivated me.
Yeah, I was going to come back here and post how I got it to work - and see what everybody else has been saying, but you're right. VIP is the ticket. In VIP, Red spawns at Defenders. Blue spawns at Attackers, Green team (spectators) spawn at 3rd team. So it works. How do you get spectators to spawn in a spectator box? Use VIP game variants, and adjust the rules for scoring. Sure you can make your own.