Map Title:Boxed In II"Spartans Never Die"/This was a already made map that only used half the field of foundry and i extended it so you could use the entire field instead with more weapons more objects and more strategy.also this can be played with any thing so theres no game variant. Download Map Description: I made this map based on the original on the account that i thought it was a waist of a good map and a little boring to be fighting in only a small area so please have fun on this new adventure on "Boxed In II". The Right The right side is still the original The left The Left side is still the original The Middle The Middle is still the same also The Top Front The top Front Is Still the same as the rest of the front of the field The Top Back new part added on to the back of top Back Side Of The Field Every thing is to almost copy the front but all is new Top Corridor a new feature with a flame thrower and a sender node Sniping Spot New Feature where the sender node puts you here for a view of the whole field. Remember peaple i dont diserve all credit on this map on the acount that it was already premade when i made it. I just wanted to extend it for the pleaser of the gamer for more fun and stratigy.
looks good for no interlocking, however, even tho there is no interlocking there are a few things you could improve on such as flipping the boxes and bridges for smoother running and aesthetics, another thing is...the sword and invisi are really close and could mean bad things for the other team if someone gets both.
needs some interlocking but nice idea and design just get some interlocking but looks good so ya nice job
looks like a great map. You also did a good job pulling it off with no interlocking. It does look a little open in some spots though.
All I have to say is that you could of worked harder on the aesthetics, but is alright for using no interlocking. 2.99/5.
Great beggining map w/ no interlocking. But there is a few things I would like to change. If you would like some help, maybe I or any other member could help. I was thinking you could close off the map so there's only the hallway side and the middle part. The only things that bother me about the map is the telle and the plainess of the front and back of the map. Other than that good job! P.S. if you do make a V.2, please interlock
This lost you a DL from me. Even the worst maps don't get referred to as "waste of a map." Even with such an insult, you spelled "waste" wrong. Now, I see nothing wrong with taking a map that you like and improving upon it as you see fit. Sure, what you make may not be as good as the original, but so long as you request use and give due credit to the originator, it could reveal some new playing styles to the original. Now, were I to re-make Boxed In, I would be sure to keep a few things in mind. 1. Did you request use by the originator? If not, then you've crossed a line in my opinion. 2. Did you stick to the originator's plan for the map? Sure, you are free to expand to a certain extent, but be sure to make your re-make a respectful re-make. If the person before you made a symmetrical map, be sure that the parts you add on are symmetrical. If the person made a map designed for small-party FFA, then keep your map at least to FFA standards. 3. Did you respect the maker? I don't think you did this. You called his version a "waste of a map." That's just disrespectful, and very much unlike ForgeHub. Please, in the future, try to respect the originator a bit more. The goal for one's map might not be what you prefer, and a re-make is a nice way to elaborate upon those desires, but do so with a bit more class.
Looks alright for a 1st map post!? iono couldve used clipping/interlocking and some spots are open. 2/5 nice try though
The point of the original 'Boxed In' was that it was, well a boxed-in map. It was a small close-combat arena. You kinda defeated the purpose of the original map and didn't make a whole lot of improvements.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- this is actualy my third map post and i added on to it after it came out.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- For one your being rude i did not mean for it to come out that way i aprisiate the hard work the original maker did and i kept what he did the same all i did was add on to show that and i even said that "I DID NOT THINK UP THIS MAP" so bite me and you now what i admit im a bad speller so SCREW OFF!
this was on bungie favs a long time ago when it was on there and i was a noob i thought this was the greatest map in the world but yea its still good for no interlocking