
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 29, 2008.

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  1. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    this looks like an excellent map!...i like all the merging and interlocking. i wonder when this is gonna get featured ;p
  2. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. I see no weak points in any of it. Every aspect of it is amazing. I love some of the things you did. Would you mind if I used some of your idea's in my future maps?
  3. Noquarter7

    Noquarter7 Ancient
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    Don't quite understand the name because he don't have knives on our guns haha but this is a top notch map. I enjoyed playing FFA on this map because of the multiple levels of gameplay.

    This map provided my friends intense long range fights from the top of the structures and then hectic lower level battles in the double boxes on the bottom. Along with all the surprise attacks from above with that gravity hammer. This map felt like fighting inside a big mall courtyard minus the escalators. 4.5/5

    EDIT: the floating bridges with stairs underneath it look pretty nifty as well.
  4. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Dude this has to be the awesomest map so far. I like everything! 6/5!!
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    It seems a lot more diverse in the post. What I mean by that is that it isnt as big as I'd expected, but I still love it. The layout was great, forging was close to spectacluar. I had no problem with the weapons, they seem balanced and well thought out, it doesnt appear that the powere weapons will be too dominant which is great. It was worth the dl and Bayonetwork has earned its spot on my file share.

    The only thing I didnt love was the fusion coils, they were placed fine, but some of them had a 30 second respawn, was that intentional?
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    hay. this was so much fun to do with you, especially b/c i was suposed to fix 1 thing and sugested making a map together and gave it to you all fixed up and changed. im hoping to do another map with you for sure. the post is great lots of info and loads of pics. if you want me to design the v2 and post it i can.. i will fix up the gametypes add some more and maybe even tweak the map if you would want it. change the cores and some other stuff. also default juggernaut is a set up gametype... i think thats all for now..

    it was mad fun doin this even tho i came ina bit late i hope you aprisiate me coming around on his. thanx andill ttyl.

    its in my sig btw.

    lol. my trademark.

    you can see what i did and what was influenced by me. lol


    you did the ramp here and i changed the door to the sign


    the fence walls which i did some and you did some andthe archways you did.

    thanx with your style of different level fighting it makes this map awsome! and just as great as any of our maps.
    #26 Blaze, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
    IxGUNxSLINGERxI and Epic Tusk like this.
  7. HeyLetsRace

    HeyLetsRace Ancient
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    This is the best map I seen in a very long time. But I have to say that you can camp a lot in this map.

    Foundry lovers:Foundry Designer
  8. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i donno when i played it and was makin it i have seen that if your smart you wont rush them but go to a higher level which changes the who fact of camping, the ac was the only thing that caused you to be able to canp without being able to be seem from a higher spot but thats not to much ofa problem.. play a game with your friends you wont be complaining at all i promise.

    EDIT: very good idea with the pics ;-) we think alike alot!
    EDIT: sry for all the edits.. lol
    #28 Blaze, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    go crazy. i just ask that if its obvious that its not been in any other maps before, that you give me or blaze credit where it is due. that goes for anyone. forge away!

    it has nothin to do with actual bayonets... i just really like the song, and im in love with their titles. im not done with them yet lol. expect more weird merged word titles from me.

    yeah, sometimes pictures have that effect. i wasnt trying to disguise the size of the map, because i dont want a sense of disappointment after its been loaded up... but sometimes pics look too good. i found that its big enough to support good games though.

    the fusion coils... i thought i had set them up for 45-60 sec respawns depending on the location, but i noticed they were rather useful during gameplay. Version 2.0 fixes this and several other problems.

    really? i havent found it all that easy to.. any place you can possibly camp, theres another entrance to. i think people just need to work on countering camping rather than trying to avoid, cause its gonna happen.
    #29 thesilencebroken, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very nice v2 is up.. if you need anything else fixed ill fix it up for a v3.. btw.. your first pic isnt working for me. :'(

    Edit: its working now.
    #30 Blaze, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  11. audix

    audix Ancient
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    cool, im going to download.
  12. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    holy crap!
    that is an insane map you guys made there!
    excellent forging, design, and everything. I'll queue this and play as soon as my box gets back. This map looks original and fun. keep up the good work, you two should do another. makes me want to get back to forging even more.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    im hoping that there wont be a need for version 3, but we'll see.

    thanks! and i dont think you've seen the last of our collaborations.
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    ok thats good..... and yay!
  15. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I brute shot jumped out with the overshield. It was too easy. You may want to fix that.
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    The architecture is impressive and I really like the use of stairs for the underpasses with the bridges on top, and the bridge hallway with the overshield is really nice also.

    I do have some concerns about the maps playability/durability however.
    There are no respawn areas in any of the gametypes. Respawn areas keep spawns from getting repetitive and predictable, and limit spawn camping. You should look into tossing some down for the different gametypes. Also, I felt the Oddball spawn was a bit odd. Usually putting the oddball up high isnt the best idea, as once you grab it you are already at an incredible advantage. Players should grab the ball on the bottom and have to work their way to safer ground.

    Other than that the map looks awesome, a little power weapon heavy but hey, only adds to the excitement. Keep up the forging, and hopecully we'll see a v3 in the near future.
  17. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    This map is amazing, This should definitely be featured soon. Perfect Interlocking. Perfect map.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    aw, did you chnage the coils because of me? If you did thank you.
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow I'm truly speechless.I would never think this would happen to me about a map.100000% beautiful from the pictures.But I haven't played it yet but i'm pretty sure its just as I expect.Greaaaaaaaattttt job and I won't even need to see more maps from you seeing how amazing this one is.(Actaully I do ,make more amzing maps)I dont know how you did this or if its even possible but nice job and 1000/5.

    Edit:I forgot to say;Featured!!!!!For sure.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    not to be a prick, but i truly dont care. i made it so that it wasnt ultra easy to hop over the walls. you went above and beyond to get out, and i have no concern for map breakers.

    yeah, i will try that out tonight. i had a hard time deciding where to put the flags too, but i think i found a somewhat decent place for them. Ill rethink the oddball location, and ill put some spawning areas down to fix it up a little.

    i respect your thoughts, and you know alot of what you're talking about. so i try to follow good advice when given. except weapons usually.


    Thank you VERY much!
    #40 thesilencebroken, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
    LIGHTSOUT225 and Linubidix like this.
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