HERE IS V4 sharks & minnows v4 Shark & Minos v3 Created by Spitfire288 Now 100% UNcheatable ALL Honor rules have been taken care of, try to cheat all you want (you'll FAIL ) Lol (The reason im not changing the honor rules post is because of THIS *look up*) I Didnt know what this would be ( A mini game or a casual map, so its in both, just to be safe) wich one is this? Recomended players 3-16 players (works best with large parties) Supported Gametypes: Infection (Sharks & Minos gametype)<======This gametype is REQUIRED to make the game function, without it the map doesnt work! Map Description Sharks & Minos is based on an old Gym game that was played countless times during P.E. The rules are pretty simple, thier is one alpha Zombie (the shark), he/she Spawns next to a ghost. The humans spawn behind the shield doors at side A, at the begining 10 fusion coils spawn to prevent camping (SO DONT DO IT) you may be killed, if so u respawn in 2 seconds so dont worry. The Shark can go around and "eat" (splatter) the humans (Minos), the sharks may not shoot, only splatter. the Alpha Shark is invinceble and CANNOT leave his ghost, the "new" sharks are invinceble and only may leave their ghost if a Human is Cheating Eg. camping, betreying or trying to get out of the map (the map was made on a Griffball template, so its impossible) is the human manages to get somewere they cannot be splattered they may be warned (in all 39 test games this has NEVER happened). The humans must cross from one side of the map to the other, at A & B sides there are two deployable covers (45 sec respawn), two radar jammers (10 sec respawn) 4 bubble shields (IR respawn). In the middle of the map at 45 seconds in two flares spawn and at 180 seconds one power up spawns, on the side under the Alpha Shark spawn two trip mines spawn at 45 seconds. The Minos have to be creative with those objects or be the Sharks lunch. You may notice that there are only 8 ghosts (the Max on Foundry) and up to 15 sharks, when the first 8 zombies have been eaten and have ghosts the other sharks must Use the mongooses to "eat" (splatter) the minos. The sharks NOT enter the mino safe zone (shield doors, unless theres camping and fair warning is givin) READ!!!The new shark room features a gate, you must shoot the fusion coils below to open it, the gate remains open for 20 seconds. *Please note that its impossible to get back in the shark room, so dont waste your time and try, its been tested 39+ times* _________________________________________________ Alpha Shark spawn Side A Side B *New Shark room* Another Shark roomn picture Gate Mech. Shark exit _________________________________________________ And YES i know i spelled minos wrong (its minnows) it wouldnt fit on XBL Special thanks to Hunter288 and sticktrocity288, without them this map wouldnt excist, any Questions, comments or concerns just pm me or post PLEASE COMMENT Also special thanks to Zowabashi for helping me get my pictures up, thanks dude! And special thanks to Spartan_R14, he helped me make the game uncheatable (see his post), thanks SO much dude! Thank you for your time, and one more thing....... ENJOY! ***WARNING!!! ERROR!!!! change the damage the ZOMBIE (not Alpha zombie) damage so that it does 25% *** ****************************************************************** Download Shark & Minos v3, <=====The Map Shark & Minos v3, (UNCHEATABLE VERSION)!!! <====The gametype ***************************************************************** How do you stop sharks from shooting the humans rather than splattering?I changed the zombie damages to 0%, now the only way to kill is splatter How did you fix it so that the alpha zombie couldn't leave his vehicle? if he does,he will accomplish nothing except get himself killed HOw did you force humans to cross sides? If they dont cross to the other sides, they get KILLED by the fusion coils How did you make sure zombies without ghosts beat down rather than shoot? They CANT beat down (it does 0 Damage) How did you fix it so that sharks on foot can't go in the minnow safe zone? If the sharks go in the minnow zone the minnows can run away. *I will say this one more time kid, the ONLY way a minnow can be killed is by the fusion coils or get splaterd, even if you shooot, it does nothing*!!! Glad I could help, sorry that you think im ignorant Heres some comments by the fans them selves: Thank you all for your support, be on the lookout for v4
seems like an awesome game and map for me and my friends to try out. thanks. but where can i find the map i can only find gametype.
I saw this last time is there a scoring system now? or are you still working on that. i do however like how you put the door system, but without a scoring system players can just stay inside the cage/ starting area and win
Hm, lets see. I count 6. 6 Honor rules.I put them in bold. Honor rules suck. YOu know why? cuz on XBL, nobody is going to follow your silly honor rules unless they are forced to. For example, since you have no way of forcing Sharks to use their boost rather than shoot, they will just shoot instead simply because they can. Ex. 2. Why would the Humans cross to the other side anyway? There is no incentive for them to do such a thing. No reason why they should travel. Its not like they get any points or anything. And it's not like they're forced to either. Yea there are fusion coils or something but they really aren't a big deal and can be avoided. The list goes on of things that are wrong with this map. I'm sorry, but unless you are playing with a group of people that follow the rules strictly, your map will suck and not be played well. I know this might sound harsh, but truly, unless you can think of a way to make this without Honor Rules, its never going to truly work. Im sorry. Thats the way it is. 1/5. The one point is for your shark spawn room with the neat little switch-type thing. It is actually pretty sweet, and looks like it works well. Sorry man, but try a little harder next time. -MattDGiant
If you read the post right you would see that the honor rules HAVE BEEN fixed, im really sicked of getting yelled at for that
Looks different, I'll test it out, the pics show alot, but not the action I need to see, Which looks like it would be funner to test out anyways ^_^
Wow I used to play this so much in the pool.But very creative idea and great map showing it.Theres not much I can say about this map ,but the shark room looks bad ass with its openable gate.I'm sure this is loads of fun because the real game is too. So nice job on bringing back old memories =) and can't wait to see what else you bring to the community. P.S.I think it should stay in the Casual because its not like it revolves around something like mini-games.Or I could be wrong.
How do you stop sharks from shooting the humans rather than splattering?I changed the zombie damages to 0%, now the only way to kill is splatter How did you fix it so that the alpha zombie couldn't leave his vehicle? if he does,he will accomplish nothing except get himself killed HOw did you force humans to cross sides? If they dont cross to the other sides, they get KILLED by the fusion coils How did you make sure zombies without ghosts beat down rather than shoot? They CANT beat down (it does 0 Damage) How did you fix it so that sharks on foot can't go in the minnow safe zone? If the sharks go in the minnow zone the minnows can run away. *I will say this one more time kid, the ONLY way a minnow can be killed is by the fusion coils or get splaterd, even if you shooot, it does nothing*!!! Glad I could help, sorry that you think im ignorant
Jeez dude, I'm sorry. I was pissed off yesterday, due to some personal matters. I brought it into your thread. Thats my problem, and I shouldn't have said that kind of stuff. And you repped me, and I received a pretty nasty infraction that left me warned. So, It won't happen again, and I promise. However, I didnt make fun of your map, I was simply a harsh harsh critic. I gave you some questions, and although they were rude, you defended yourself and answered all of them. Plus rep to you, and once again, sorry. -MattDGiant
thats ok, i reported you because i got a couple of infractions for saying "this map needs a little work, so i was mad and reported you because i got in trouble for the same thing you did, sorry kid. (sorry about the personal issues, i hoped everything turned out good)
i meant that i didnt understand how it works, because i havent observed it in a 3D way. i usually cant tell a mechanism from the pictures, im sure its fully functional and inovative. i didnt meen it didnt work. if you talked about it i guess i missed where (i skim/skip when reading about maps). sorry for the bad wording.