the way i look at it... hmmm. im messed up just a bit so beware.. i think sucide is posible a way to no more feeling which would in the end be great. no more hurt no more happy it al adds out. and ifyou wanna say your "bailing out" or "giving up" or "goin o make every1 sad" who cares b/c if people get sad they know they can end it just as easy... and if you say its the easy way out your completely wrong.. some people it takes a little while to except that its the end.. unlikeme that is not scared 1.1% of death andhow ill end up b/c its better then the world in my opinion.. unless theres some sort of reborning, then im ****ed... lol ill be POed! anyway. i told you im messed up but thats the way i look at it.
you weren't kidding, you are messed up. I'm a little odd with my views on death myself. I see it as if you want to end your life, do it in a super epic way. Be original with it, perhaps save somebody else. I'm in a situation where death seems to be lurking all the time and i'm far from afraid of it. would i end my own life? not in the way you guys are saying. if a option of death comes along (taking a bullet for somebody, playing hero in a bank robbery, getting hit by a train for pushing someone out of the way, nuclear blast etc) that is way cooler than a hospital bed, i'll happily take the fall. I'm going out with a bang regardless of how suicide-ish it may be. Just as long as it's not a hospital bed. My views on others who end their life for a way out due to depression and other lame things that will pass with time is not the way to go. There was a guy who hung himself after his girlfriend broke up with him at my school, NOT CORRECT ROUTE. death-bed hospital escapee running through traffic, totally permissible. I believe there are situations where suicide is an acceptable option. in very very very rare cases.
I know that people go through though times, and life can be hard, but there is no excuse to commit suicide. When I was in middle school there was a kid in my class that hung himself because everyone picked on him, they all knew that he had low self esteem, but they picked on him anyways, and in a way he brought it on himself. Anyway moral of the story is all the kids felt like ****, and his whole family was ravaged by him ending his life, so all in all in may sound like a quick means to an end but it's an extremely selfish act.
ya i just wanna do it b/c honestly where islife getting us? even if we get remember what we had what s it goin to do beside the fact that it would cause us to miss more and regret more? ultimatly i think the world would be alot less painfull if there werent an people. lol
Joining the military as an alternate route for suicide is a horrible option -_- Those that are already depressed being maliciously assaulted to do what they're told, sounds like they are going to take out a few troops with them instead of soloing out their own death. Where is life taking us, this is a good question. I guess the best way I can answer that is that life is taking us down a road we can only go down once, which inside this road, there are turns, or decisions to be made rather...Anyways, while going down this road, you have to realize, that this is the only road that is to be accessed, you can't go back, from one of those turns that you took a while back...Basically, my point is, you only have one life to live, why not do something amazing with it? There is no point in a wasted life, especially when your mother/father/friends/rest of family/rest of world, are going to be effected by it. They aren't really the point of it though, you are. Once you've ended your own life, what is beyond that? You truly have no idea, noone does, so why risk losing all that is possible in this own realm? I guess I'm done...I hope you can understand... btw ♥ to you blaze =]
You could argue that it is more about others in certain cases. When you give your life fighting for your country like the kamikazes in WWII, you are doing it for your country. Also, when euthanasia is the decision for someone that is terminal or illness that would make life low-quality, it is likely that the ones around you would prefer you die a quick death than watch you live in such pain or misery.
I believe that suicide is wrong in nearly every situation. There are always people around you that care about you, whether they be friends, family, or even roommates. It is simply not fair to them. Even if you feel that low, don't make someone else go through a similar situation. Even if you don't owe it to yourself, you owe it to the people around you. Aside from that, I think that it is a cowardly response. Instead of trying to go out and fix the problem, you chose to take an easier way out. Of course, this is not a black and white issue. In very rare circumstances, it may be okay. If, for example, someone is on their deathbed, in excrutiating pain, with a zero percent chance of survival, and everyone around that person knows and accepts it, then it might be okay. But that is basically the only situation in which I would say that it would not be wrong.
Oh yeh, you're right texas, I have heard of the Hindu immolation one. I've thought of suicide before, (who hasn't? or am I just weird..) but I definitely thought better of it. I would be leaving behind my 7 year old sister. What would that do to her? Probably ruin her life, along with the rest of my family's lives. That would be a terribly selfish and sad thing to do to them.
I disagree. In no way do I support suicide, but I can understand it. If you have no desire to live, and you're that depressed do you think that your family, or friends want you to go through that? Of course they'll be sad, they may even be depressed for a while, but they'll get over it. It's better then you going though your whole life depressed. And sometimes it's not as simple as 'fix'ing the problem.
Sorry Asper, I have to strongly disagree with you there. You don't just 'get over' someone who's committed suicide, any more than they could 'get over' being depressed enough to kill themselves. You'll always second guess yourself as to whether or not you could have done just a little more, listened just a little harder and been able to do something about it, even though you couldn't have helped them any more than you did (unless you didn't or chided them into it, then **** you; choke on your guilt). The people who simply say that suicide is cowardly don't seem to realize the sheer will it takes to go against the basic human, no universal, instinct to survive. It takes a tremendous, soul-crushing amount of pain to want to seriously consider eliminating yourself from this place and I feel for anyone who harbors those thoughts. Of course, I say all this speaking of suicide that comes from depression and not religious stances. That's a totally different animal that I won't delve into now.
i beleive that if you can work up the courage to kill your self you could get the courage to overcome your problem as my family always says
I believe that suicide is not very smart. I can somewhat understand that people think that there's no reason left to live, or that they just want their pain to end, but it's also incredibly selfish. By comitting suicide you are ending the pain of yourself, but are also passing the pain onto your friends and family...Is that really what you want? People comitting suicide don't realize how much pain this will cause others, I'm sure if people truly thought about it they'd realize how senseless it truly is... Also, I'm sorry, but I just had to link this.
But the people who do suicide are either crazy or very upset .. And i do think that suicide is wrong but some people just get that upset and think they have no reason to live .. But i hate when people say they will commit suicide to get attention ..