Dr. Spy Arena: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Dr. Spy Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Supports 8-16 players *Just to be clear, this game DOES NOT have honor rules* ** Also added a quick rundown of what to expect during a Dr. Spy game** This map and gametype is inspired by a CTF game Paralyzed King and I used to play in gym class (must be a Boston thing,nobody else has heard of it). It's a combination of capture the flag and dodgeball with a few twists. In the real game there is 2 opposing teams and each team has balls for throwing, a flag, a doctor, and a spy. The flag and balls are pretty self explanatory, try to capture the flag without being hit and knocked out. But here's the twist: Both teams have a spy and only the spy can cross the line and try to capture the flag. Nobody else can cross the line for any reason. Also, both teams have a doctor. The doctor had the power to go to the knocked out players and drag them back(with a rolling board of some sort,not sure what it was called) behind the flag to be revived and let back in the game. So as you could imagine, games could get quite hectic with balls flying around,people being dragged back and revived, and spies capturing flags. My Halo variant is a play on that game,fit the best I could into the Halo world. The arena is symmetrical with both sides having an almost exact looking counterpart. There are one or two very small aesthetic differences, but the main geometry is exactly the same. What you will be seeing on the map as far as weapons and powerups are as follows: - BR start, magnum secondary - 1 Shotgun w/ 1 clip, respawn 90 seconds - 1 Sniper w/ 1 clip, respawn 90 seconds - 1 Regenerator, respawn 10 seconds - 1 overshield, respawn 60 seconds - 1 Custom powerup, respawn 60 seconds (spy powers,more on that later) - 1 Mongoose (for delivery of Regens to injured teammates on the frontline,and to cause a little chaos and distraction) This game aslo uses no Radar. The arena itself offers ample cover and is split down the middle by fence walls. This allows you to shoot the other team without crossing over if you are normal. All normal players are gold colored and show overshields making it easier to see who you are shooting at and also to confuse the other team if you are caught off guard on the wrong side. Players are also set at 200% gravity (less jumping ability) and 90% power with 2x overshields and 50% shield regeneration. This means that once you are depleted you will recover much slower than normal and this is where the doctor comes in. Since I can't make only 1 player be the doctor like the real game, all players are able to pick up regens and be shooters and doctors. Helping your teammates recover will be vital since you only have 3 lives per round, so make them count! Now onto the cool part,the Spies. Spies gain the following abilities when the custom powerup is used: Good Camo Increased speed Decreased gravity to enable jumping over the line to grab the flag 500% power (to make up for lack of shields since shields counteract Camo) Gameplay: Basically you will drop into the arena from the elevated starting points with your trusty BR and magnum. To your right is the Mongoose, and to your left is the Infirmary with the Spy CPU,Regen,Overshield, and Weapons. Power up to take cover and take aim at the other team and shoot through the fence walls in an attempt to kill/distract the other team. While this is going on your spy should be taking advantage of the commotion going on and be able to sneak in and steal the flag. Make it back over the fence to your score point without dying and you have a successful Dr. Spy game! Action Shots: I recommend determining who is the Spy before the match, that way you can focus on the task at hand but if you wanna switch it up feel free. Right now the game lasts 3 (4 minute max) rounds with 3 scores to win a round. Enjoy!
I like the walls in the middle, and your idea is cool and unique. Seems like the spy will die a lot though. Definitely a dl though.
It tested pretty good and the spy was actually a bit powerful, but he was left unchanged. The spy has no overshield but extended damage so if you land a headshot he can be felled quickly. But landing that headshot on an invisible guy with low gravity takes skill.
Play Testing this last night was a blast. Then those two annoying kids showed up.... Im Downloading now!
Ahh.. Good old Dr. Spy I love this game, It was easily my favorite game to play in gym class. I think you did a pretty good job with the gametype Creep, The map itself didn't really need a whole lot to begin with. I however have only played this with either just you, or with Lightsouts and Vicious Vice, So I can't really give you an accurate description on how i felt the gameplay was.. But I'm sure at some point we'll get 8 or more people to play this game.. and when it happens.. It will be Epic. If there invisible, Crouching won't really have any effect.. Besides I can't remember but I don't think there is any radar. But once the "Spy" shoots he becomes visible for a moment, and he's not hard to see.. He is black in color.. So basically if you are aware of your surroundings you should be able to see him heading for the flag..
i like it it seems like a great idea and a unique one i like the pix but dont you need like 8 people to play that kinda sux but still good job so ya nice job
This is pretty cool. Actually I'm pretty sure I've played something like it in my gym class. It was called "Medic". Instead of the doctor there was a medic, who did the same thing. THere were a couple differences, but these two games are generallly the same, which means that Dr.Spy MUST kick assage. SO, q'd. I will come back to you with a review after playying.
Yes Dr. Spy most definitely kick major ass! It's awesome to know that myself and Creep1ng weren't the only people playing this kick ass of a game when we were younger! Keep on rocking!
Thanks meng, and don't worry, I plan on having plenty of matches on this baby. You can try it 3v3, but it might suck. 2v2 would most certainly not work. The most hectic game would be 8v8,we had one of those in testing and it was crazy, too bad a couple people ruined it,but oh well. It's layout is pretty simple and there is 2 overview shots, pic #3 and pic #9.
dude this should be a features mini game the only problem is the honor rule kinda, unless your allowed to kill anyone you want i get the rules, its jus a bit hectic, and amazing at the same time
This looks like tons of fun. I remember having a gym game similar to this, but there wasn't a CTF or Spy part, just medics and other people. The concept is very unique because you are using a real life game and converting it. I like this idea alot. This has inspired me to make a map and game with the concept of a "spy". I wish I could play this, but alas I have not many people who play custom games. It seems very fun though. I hope this gets more good reviews because the originality is a breath of fresh air from all the sports and maze maps.
No honor rules here, you shoot through the wall if you are normal at anyone you want,and since there is no radar you are encouraged to sneak around and kill whoever you can as the spy. Thanks man, this is also my entry for the Ghosts of Onyx June "Game Specifics" contest,but there is a few good entries so we'll see how it goes. Competition is stiff. Also, the pics lie. The new version is behind the link with the custom powerup and mongoose swapped.
This seems like a cool mini-game. To be honest. I'll have to download and see.. So I'll get back to you on that but overall: it looks like a nice mini-game, and could even be turned into a tournament. It looks great, cover doesnt seem like an issue, and the gametype really affects how this map will turn out, and that will make this map a featured for sure.
This just seems like an idea that's way too complicated for the average halo player. Because of that you'll never get a game going. The arena doesn't have good aesthetics and doesn't have any original structures other than basic cover.
It seems complicated, but it is simple once you get it going. As far as the aesthetics, what else do you want? It's an arena!! I think it's got just the right amount of aesthetics without being to cluttered. And since I assume you are judging it based on the pics, I strongly encourage you to actually try it. As a matter of fact, I encourage everyone to actually try the maps they look at rather than judging based on a couple of pics.
I like the fact that you took a childhood game,straight out of gym class, and converted it into a custom games map.This is what I call clever.I want to see more maps like this from you.My final rating:5/5.
nice map. I remember playing this in gym too but there were no flags it was just a dodgeball thing with medics and a spy but the spy had to do something else which i dont remember