ARTIC COLONY Created by destructrer 666 and H0CKEYVIS Supported Gametypes: Infection Map Description best to play in groups of 8-16 ARTIC COLONY is our first map of the colony series (8 in total). it's our first public map we've made so it probably has some bad things in it but it still is a great map to play. well to get back to the point the story is: a weapon ship was crashed on a hostile planet and our spartans need to hold out long enough until reinforcements arive (vehicles). the gametime is 15 minutes max but my experience learns it's usually over in about 5-6 minutes. the zombies start off with a huge supply of weapons (the crashed ship), but since the respawn rate is set on never their supply will get smaller and smaller. their ammo is unlimited so shoot them dead as fast as you can. the humans don't have unlimited ammo but their weapons spawn after some time. but enough talking lets see some pics. _________________________________________________ the crashed weapon ship [/I] [URL=""][IMG][/URL][/img] here you can see the zombie weapons [/URL][/img] here is the spawn of the zombies with a banshee and a prowler [/URL][/img] a minefield so zombies can't come speeding to you in a ghost/prowler [/URL][/img] the primary spawn of the humans the warthog spawn after 60 seconds the hornet after 120 seconds and the scorpion after 180 seconds [/URL][/img] another angle of the human spawns [/URL][/img] the fallback point of the humans in case their first spawn is captured [/URL][/img] the vehicles of the fallback point [/URL][/img] and last but not least the sniperspot it has a spartan laser and a sniper if the humans are in the scorpion you can try to kill them with the laser or overwhelm him and just melee him [/URL][/img] _________________________________________________ I would really appriciate any comments on this map (good and bad points) so i can make this map and the next colony maps better Download ARTIC COLONY here Download ARTIC COLONY GAMETYPE
i like the concept{have a similar thing in the pipeline myself} but the overall look is a little chaotic and basic also doesnt look balanced the humans are way overpowered but alt least you posted right first time read this if you havent already it helped me a lot and check mout some other zombie maps there are loads also its best not to take your pics in forge and you will need respawn areas as well as more respawn points
I bet if you look at the crashed ship from above, it will look like... a ***** lol ', But the map looks really cool. I like how you put a sniper platform in a tree. I also like the boxes with equipment in them. If you mean artic as in like the north pole, it's spelled arctic. I would rate this 3.4 Because I think that you could interlock in some places and because the pit of fusion and power cores is a little unessessary(misspelled). You could also but out a little more objects for cover, instead of random objects .
A Hornet in an infection map!? Not a good idea, and the only infection map I see that a tank is balanced is Convoy Tunnel. It seems like you took all logic of balance in Humans vs. Zombies and threw it out the window. First thing that came to mind when I saw it lol.
the equipment pile may would make it hard to select which one you want, becuz ther so close together. make sure you enclose the zomie vehicle spawn so it dosnt get destroyed rite away.
very nice idea, but i think the map could use a little improvement, maybe make the human base further away from the zombie base to prevent spawn killing, other then that i love it (im not trying to be mean, just helpful)
okay I will try to make all these things better and a V2. will be up soon (my colony series need to be great you know) write some more problems and they will be fixed!
this dosent deserve negative rep the guy asked for feedback and my comments were accurate and politely phrased as well as that i included a link to the forge guide and varouis other people have agreed with me whoever you are you are wrong and small i think v2 will be good but remember that it should be balanced there is nothing more boring then spawning as a zombie and getting killed repeatedly
This is an interesting idea and unlike most infection gametypes. Zombies with infinite ammon and any weapon they choose seems a little bit unbalanced and the map doesn't look too great. It's basically a bunch of weapon piles and vehicle depots scattered around.
looks interesting, i like the idea of the zombies using vehicles and weapons, it look like it would be a unique infection game and map.
I'll be quite honest, this looks extremely simple, quickly built, and imbalanced. If someone who has played this can say otherwise, you have a chance, but you do not have my DL for now. Armories = bad. Armories + Hornets = very bad. I'll give you some credit for the idea, though. Sadly, though, in Halo forge, it is not only the idea that counts.