The reason mine is so wide is because I have 2 monitors. One of which is a 28" 1080p Monitor, just wanted to say that.
I can't remember how to take a pic of my desktop (some app on my stupid mac that starts with a g) so here's my regular pic: Tom and Jerry FTW
Hey guys.. i edited my desktop and started using vista sidebar.. so here you go newest screenshot of my desktop Edit: and i also created the icons for rocketdock Vista Sidebar, Rocketdock, Firefox 3, and Linkin Park FTW! CTRL + A ?!
**** yeah, I am cool. I don't see you spinning your desktop around, or virtualizing three different OSes at once, or painting fire on your screen.
Yeah I'm the same. I hide the dock on my mac and only have one folder on the desktop, inside which are more folders where I sort my stuff. I'll post a vid in a sec.
I figured out how to install new themes and now I'm even more neat. Theres so many better ones that hog up less memory then Vista's Default transparent one. This is my new dock, and its neat enough that I dont have to hide it. Everything else about the theme is pleasent to. The way mousing over icons and selecting them works, the loading bar, the start menu, all look fantastic. God I'm so OCD.
Lol, that looks really nice Opo, where did you get that one? Oh and Nemi, what does painting fire on the screen achieve =P
Devient Art: Chocolate for Vista by ~omganinja on deviantART And for anyone who doesnt know how to make you desktop perty beyond a wallpaper, check this out: Desktop Customization Tut. Ive been chaging my desk like crazy lately but swearz that this is it: I made the wallpaper meself, aren't you proud? Combine that with the hmmXP theme for Firefox 3 and you get one very clean fast loading awesomely simple and pleasing theme.
Here's a picture of my left monitor, that thing at the top is, I guess, technically my Task Bar =] Oh and there's no Start Menu, Start Menu's are over rated =] Here's what I use instead of a Start Menu
I have my dock down the bottom and it's hidden so you can't see it. All I have to do is move my mouse down there and it appears. PS: Where did you get that wallpaper?