if i put it in my sig will you look at my thread? jk im puttin it in anyways! case all the cool people have it!
name - II SHEDO II Head -Rogue ls - Default rs - Default chest- CQB Color - Teal Sec. Color- Orange Detail - White Holding - BR (with sniper on his back?) font - Jellyka Castle's Queen Font | dafont.com all uppercase of course I would prefer him to be on the Right Side of the signature.
Funny is how people actually still post in this thread. Even though he doesn't make new sigs. Useless threads ftw
You're right, it truly is a test. It shows you how people are completely ignorant and can't even be bothered reading a single sentence at the very top of the original post... Silly people, makes me wonder though. Do people look at the OP and see the sigs I have made and decide they want one then post, without reading a thing? Strange people...
Wow, someone asked instead of posting their request...That's much more acceptable... Anyways, to answer your question allergy...No. He's only making sigs for special people to him nowadays =/ sorry to disappoint you..
Wow, your works are amazing, I'd be honored to have one in my sig! Here's hoping you don't have to be a recognised name around here to get a sig done... Name on Sig - XxadavancexX Slogan - Good Boy want A Lolly Pop? Main color - White Secondary colors - Silver/Blue Main Style - I trust you to make it cool. If wanting a Spartan Model http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/PlayerModel.ashx?p1=0&p2=9&p3=2&p4=1&p5=4&p6=0&p7=19&p8=2 For the font, I dunno really, something like Bleeding Cowboys Font | dafont.com ? If the sketchy look doesn't work then I dunno. Like I said, I trust you to make it look good. If you get around to doing this for me, thanks so much.
well, it's been a while since i've been on this thread, but unless something's changed, Rey only makes sigs for himself, his close friends, and occasionally for someone he deems to deserve it.
Wow you're retarded... I also have a question, why did you just copy EXACTLY what Weremidget said in his request? You're simply retarded... Seeing how you can read his request, how about you go read any comments that have been made on the last couple pages and the blue sentence at the top of the original post... I LOL IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION Oh yeah And what he said =P Fanks Ivory xD