sweet, a long lost legend re vamped to be even better. im sure this is going to play great as well as the original. DLed
Wait, you just posted this like 19 hours ago, and you already have almost 170 downloads?! Well-deserved, I remember playing the original in TGIF, but that's pretty fast...I guess that comes with being a badass mapmaker eh?
being newer to forgehub, i am not familiar with the old one, but i loved the new one. its gonna be a favorite of mine, guaranteed.
*sniff, sniff* I smell another feature from Draw the Line. The first version has amazing gameplay, this can only be better.
If anyone else is having problems downloading the map, just look me up on xbox live and download Gridlocked directly from my file share. I'll see if I can fix whatever problem is occurring tomorrow.
I did not have a problem Down Loading the map and after my Forge-through I feel in love with Gridlock all over again. I really like how you used the Gauss Warthog to change thing up I can wait to get a game on it later DTL.
Well, we just played a great 4 games on this map. Team Slayer, Oddball, Multi-Flag, and Territories. My favorite was CTF. Here are some of my memories, in picture form. Team Slayer. Furious has the plasma pistol (seriously). WetBeaver has the shotgun. They meet. From that picture, it's pretty obvious who should win this confrontation. Point blank shotgun to the face! Furious goes down! Or does he? Somehow I don't die. But I have no shields. I waste no time taking care of WetBeaver. Yes, he got robbed big time. Other memories. Team Oddball. DtL needs some work on his timing. He throws a flame grenade at the ball carrier, but waits a fraction of a second too much and has backed out of the bubble shield by the time he threw the nade. It explodes in his face, catching him on fire. Don't worry Draw, I've done that a few times myself. Final memory: CTF. Someone is shooting me with a needler so I duck behind a box. I'm not dead, so I pop back out to shoot. One final lone needle flies into me and I explode. ONE NEEDLE! Sorry, no pic. Fun games, great map.
Yay, it worked! And the map made me have a forgasm. It was, for lack of better words, FREAKING SWEET. I haven't even playtested it yet. On a mere Forge Through (For me, that means grabbing the Gauss Hog and driving around) I nearly shat my pants.
Its great very well made used geo thing =] Looks outstanding high doubles boxes =] kewl with that! looks fun to play also great job.
That picture is very embarrassing....thanks =) And there were a few other times when you lived when you should have died. You must have had luck and or host on your side. I'm glad you had fun, I think its one of my favorite maps to play on. This map probably took twice as long to build because I'd drive around in it so often....too much fun.
That's hilarious. This totally had me running round going "WTF, is there an overshield on this map?" ...great pic replay...
This map looks sweet with its simplicity. I will try to get some splatters on this map =). Will download.
I always loved the original Gridlock. This one looks even better. I am quite happy that you geo-merged the boxes. It makes the map look more natural and a part of the Foundry environment. I've downloaded.
There actually were two overshields in the old version....but I took them out because I thought there was too much going on in the map. I took out the brute shots as well....among other weapons. All for good reasons. You can definitely catch people off guard when driving. I've gotten a few amazing splatters myself while playing. I'm really glad I geo-merged everything too. It really helps ground the map, and evades the look of vertical stacked boxes....unlike the original. I'm really proud of this map, and I can certainly say it's my favorite to play on.
i finally had a game of Team Slayer on this map. It plays SOOOOOOOOOOOOO smoothly. like... it actually plays the best of almost any map i have.