Debate 9/11 - Setup or Terrorism?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'm sure everyone here has saw the topic of Zeitgeist, a movie that shows some interesting facts about religion, 9/11, the War on Iraq, and other things, but I want to focus on the parts after religion. The facts of 9/11 that Zeitgeist shows us is disturbing. Before I watched to movie, I thought that yea, the plane could of maybe taken out those towers and that I heard the Pentagon was hit by a plane and such, but now after I've seen the movie, I have more questions then answers at the moment.

    Some of the facts, as I know, are some of these.

    The Twin Towers were built to sustain multiple attacks by the type of airplane that hit the towers.
    If the floors collapsed, you would find a stack of floors instead of tons of dust and concrete. Also, the huge main pillars would still be standing.
    There was nothing found at the Pentagon "crash" site that proved an airplane hit it. No seats, passengers, or anything that resembled debris from an airplane.
    The airplane that crashed into the ground on the way to the White House had no blood or dead bodies. Many people described it as "A big ditch with a bunch of junk metal in it".

    If you haven't seen the video I suggest that you do before you try to debate the topic. Those theories or facts are only a few of what the video tried to explain. I know this may make people feel uncomfortable debating this topic, but I want to know other's opinions.

    This is the video. To skip the part about religion, go to the time: 43:30.

    HumBoys likes this.
  2. Furry

    Furry Guest

    The multiple explosions could easily be a back-draft...

    Whether its fake or real is out of the question. People died, its real, nothing else matters, you can't stop violence, terrorism or anything else negative, religion and other things drive these things. The human is just curious, some share curiosity, like you, no you can't stop and you never will, its an impending doom.

    Sorry for going all "crazy" on you lol
  3. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Thats cool, but what exactly was ur over all opinion? And could you turn your sig off?
  4. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    You know what? I don't need to go into the scientific facts on why these "coincidences" happened, all I need to show is that a conspiracy CAN'T exist.

    How many people wake up in the morning just to find all of the bad things? Every newspaper, TV, radio, and whatever else you can thing of reporter wakes up looking for every mistake or stupid thing someone did. Our government COULDN'T get away with a conspiracy, it is the same reason I believe that we put a man on the moon. It wouldn't be possible to hide, with how many people it would take to fake, it would eventually leak. There is no way they would get away with it this long without us knowing. I am sorry but to me this is complete BS. And besides what would be the benefit of faking it? "Oh I know lets kill thousands of innocent american lives so that we can go to the Middle East and make things better for them!"

    If they wanted to they could have just said that he was doing crap and gone there without faking everthing, I mean come on, do you know how much the Iraqis like the soldiers? They lived in fear because they were raised to fear them, but the soldiers are rebuilding towns and making life better for them! I ask again what would be the benefit to our government to killing all of those innocent hardworking citizens?
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Its called the false flags strategy. Make your people beleive they're not safe, get them to want to go to war. After watching Zeitgeist, my entire outlook on 9/11 has completely changed.
    Although since south park has taught me so much in my life, perhaps they are right about this too. The government conspiracy on 9/11 was a government conspiracy.
  6. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Once again... Why? Why do they want to go to war in the middle east? And how can you have a conspiracy when the office changes every 4 years (8 at most and most recent), and once again whats the point? Or is the republicans? Are we trying to screw everyone over?
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    The plane that was flown to washington has a movie called flight 96 (I think) and I saw oit and it obviously has people that died and stuff.So how could people dieng be fake.I have no idea what you are trying to say here.
  8. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    How Cliche. My brother was JUST watching the video Zeitgeist. To be honest with you, after hearing what that guy said from the movie and what I actually saw, I'd have to agree with the movie. The entire building was built with support beams so a blow from the top wouldn't do much but leave an mark in it. I think that yea, they planted some reactor core or bomb down inside the uilding because like the video said, it was cut diagonally so it would fall. I dunno I'm tired. I'm posting nonsense.
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You know, arguing against conspiracy theories are basically pointless, because no matter what kind of evidence you give them, the theorists will always find some way do dodge it and say that it's either 'inconsistent', 'a cover up', or speculate another wholly illogical and untenable theory that makes it seem even more that 'the government is lying to us'. It's like no matter what kind of truth that is out there, conspiracy theorists are stubbornly intent on exposing the 'truth'. I think the truth is that they find the truth to be too unexciting. Life is not a story. There are no secret organizations bent on world domination. There is no code that predicts the stock market. There are no heroes that save the day, or a secret nuclear program, or a new weapon designed to control minds. There are rare cases when conspiracy theories are actually true, but they have no correlating evidence in regards to the evidence that the theorists put out. Governments don't always have such benevolent, altruistic thoughts in mind, and it's good to be paranoid. To a point. Sometimes, you just have to assume that things will work. It's okay to assume sometimes, because then we don't freak out at every single detail. For an example, you can assume that user 'HALOLOVER1234' etc. is not some weird, pedophile stalker. There's always a way to 'expose' a 'truth'. He might put up a photo, but it might be some random kid's photo. He might play online with you and talk to you, but he could just be using some random kid's voice. The point is, assumptions are useful. If we're always paranoid, we'd never do anything, for fear that the worst will happen.

    And that is why 9/11 isn't fake.
    Ferretness and AqueousBeaver like this.
  10. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Oil, money and power? Three very simple answers.

    Oil, because America needs it. America lives off oil and everyone is running out. The countries that were invaded are the last mines left with mass amounts of quality oil.

    Money, because money buys everything. With lots of money you can buy anything and anyone. You do anything and... Well yeah.

    Power, because as soon as you taste power, you want more. Power gets you everything.

    The corrupt American government used, has Linubidix stated, the False Flags Strategy. The American government and many others around the world use such strategies to make the overall population think a certain way.

    For example, if you're an Australian you should know about the Pearl Habor attacks, if not, then you need to go away...
    This "attack" was not so much an attack as it was a retaliation. The Australian government did as much as they could piss them off that they finally did attack. If you really want to know what happened, Google is your friend.

    If you honestly still believe that "Terrorists" attacked the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and also crashed a plane then you my friend are clinically retarded. I'm being serious.

    I can't be bothered arguing any further in this absolutely ridiculous "debate" because as far as I'm concerned there is nothing to debate.
    The facts are there, the American government is incredibly corrupt and I don't know how much further you Americans will let it happen, but the way that you are all (well most) are rapped around the Governments figures is insane.

    Use your power to Vote, actually go and use it.

    Australians are, by law, required to vote for this very reason I suppose.

    If you find that insulting then so be it.
    #10 Reynbow, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Reyn, attack the argument, not the person.

    Actually, I'm not religious at all. Nor do I care about this specific debate. Of course, 9/11 could in fact possibly be a government conspiracy thing, instead of a terrorist attack that the government told us.

    The point is, I don't see anyway to argue against conspiracy theories in general, because no matter what kind of evidence I can give to theorists, any truth that even barely suggests that there is no conspiracy, and that what happened actually did happen, you'll just find a workaround and say that the government is brainwashing us and etc.

    It's a strategy that leaves me reacting, which is very annoying and not worth the effort giving evidence for, seeing how conspiracy theories tend to go.
  12. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    You do know that 85% of the middle east want everyone in the west side of the earth obliterated right?

    So its Eat or be Eaten, 9/11 Americans sat down and watched ourselves get bit.

    I quote Big Tone:
    Always bomb first if theres ever funk.

    This should of been a eye opener to everyone who thinks these heritics in the east should be left alone to play hitler. WHY SHOULD WE ALLOW THESE COUNTRYS TO BE SO UN CIVILIZED AND ATTACK US WHEN WE HAVE THE POWER TO SAVE US AND THEM FROM RELIGIOUS OBLITERATION FROM THESE SELFISH HERITICS.
  13. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    i hope u mean why why did they go to iraq, easy answer, oil. and i also think that 9/11 was fake and its a shame to say that as an english family friend was killed after tower 1 collapsed on top of the lobby, he was apparantly running for a train.
  14. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    I cannot believe how inconsiderate you people are, are you seriously saying that the government killed my uncle for oil?? You guys have no idea what you are talking about. We have plently of oil, we have used almost none of our oil. I would yell at you but I am just too disgusted to continue.
  15. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'll get to the rest of the other posts after this one.

    Yes. The government blew up the towers to get us to think that we were under attack by "terrorists". We're not under attack by anyone. Think about it, how many terrorist attacks have we had in the past SEVEN YEARS? Nothing major and I believe that we haven't had anything minor either. Yet, we're still at war with Iraq for SEVEN years. Oh and yes, we have plenty of oil, it's just that the government stripped all regulations on oil so they can charge anything they want for it now, but they're making it seem it's because of the war.

    Nemihara: You know, arguing against conspiracy theories are basically pointless

    Conspiracy theory? They have some really good points which are backed up by some damn good evidence. This is more than a conspiracy theory, although I don't know what the next level is other than the truth.

    coyoteboy1023: Once again... Why? Why do they want to go to war in the middle east? And how can you have a conspiracy when the office changes every 4 years (8 at most and most recent), and once again whats the point? Or is the republicans? Are we trying to screw everyone over?

    To put it simply: The government goes to war because they get more money towards the government. Taxes go up, areas of the market are drained, etc, just so the government can build up a massive army. And now you're thinking: "There can't be that much going to the government's army". Well actually over 100 BILLION dollars are being spent on army research, development, and more. Also, if you haven't noticed, president Bush is in on this and he's been president for the last eight years...
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    All conspiracy theories on the Sept.11 attacks were poven false already. Check out the Discovery Ch. Documentary of it. It brought forth all of the accusations that the conspirators brought up and were all shot down. The conspirators just do it for personal gain, ever wonder how much they make because of all of the books, documenteries, magazine, etc.? alot. How can you say it didnt happen when we even have terrorist taking responsibilty of it? Along with numerous Al Queda prisoners that confessed and such.
  17. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Really? Then I want to see this video. If they took this one out, thats pretty impressive cause they have some extremely good evidence and major points to all of the happenings.
    #17 Juggernaut, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I forgot what it was called I think it was 9/11 Conspiracies:Fact or Fiction.
    I think. maybe not. not sure. pretty sure.
    And take off ur sig.
  19. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I was just watching it too. It made me believe that the goverment is hiding alot of things from us. Why can't we just turn to a new source of power? What is going on in Area 51???? Is Osoma a real person or is he just a fake identity that the "Terrorists" use? Something is going on and the goverment is behind it all. JFK may have discovered it but was his assasination planned by the goverment? Is Oboma or Mcain (mind my spelling) in on this?
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Oh it's real alright. If you pay any attention at all, you would know that a good number of the "facts" presented in Zeitgeist are false. The Twin Towers were meant to withstand a 707, much smaller than the planes that hit. No, the large pillars would not still be standing, wrong again. Oh, and the claim that no evidence of a crash at the Pentagon, did you know that is 100% false. Do not trust the Zeitgest, I looked up a number of the "facts" put on about religion, and a few others, especially about religion, wrong. Just more internet propaganda and a day's work.
    #20 Bottlecap, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008

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