Thank you, but I'm 20, not a kid. I playtested all three of these maps. Slayer plays amazingly on all three, Territorries is absolutely phenomenal on Compound. And I'm not a fan of Territories.
thats quite possible the lognest post ever almost read it all after i found out about half way through hes done such a good job describing it i know every inch without playing it and just downloaded em all
Yeah I know it's a long post, but if you think this one is long, you should see my Urban Warfare map pack post. I spend a lot of time on my maps, so I figure I should do the same with my posts.
hey wow all of these look really good..5/5 but I have one do you get the Foundry Designer thing?
I like all of them, but I think I like Stalwart the best because it is very neat and looks like you took alot of time on it. I don't know if it plays the best, but you did a really good job on that one.
please STOP replying to your own map! You've posted 9 times yes 9 times! Its getting kind of annoying... ( you should kno better) If i didnt kno any better id think your trying to keep your map in the front page of the forums! Let other people post maps... and let their maps be on the first page instead of yours like 24/7... sorry if im being to harsh but its true. Also if u do not stop i might have to report u to Mod... Im trying to be as fair as possilbe to everyone. Again Please STOP.
As of this post, 8. Plenty of other members reply to their own threads. Some of them far more than myself, why did you single me out?