NOTE THIS MAP HAS BEEN REVIEWED BY THE MARVEL MAP REVIEW TEAM AND HAS HAD VERY GOOD REVIEWS , IT IS CONFIRMED THAT A VERSION 1.2 WILL BE REALEASED SOON. Art Vandelay By: About 6 Bushmen First impressions: Upon the first game, I realize that even though you didnt have enough to block off the back bases. But you could have put forward a little more effort and made makeshift bases. Because I dont really like the hills in the bases. Theyre extremely open. I have to tell ya. I love the energy sword holder thing. It feels like "art". Just in case thats what you meant by the title. Also, the stairs ladder doesnt work everytime. Considering you cant jump into it or else you fly right past the top. But I love this on CTF. It had many great alternate escape routes. I remember one game where i dropped the flag at the bottom of the center structure. Then i used a grav lift to get it up to me. The machine gun turrets in the ground were genious. I felt like a robot turret. lolol Our suggestions are: -Merge the stair ladder into the double box -Then merge the man-cannon into the stairs. -Add makeshift bases in the back -Maybe add something different than fence boxes along the side. Other than that i really liked the map. I was tempted to review it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL MAP POST Art Vandelay Name: Art Vandelay 1.1 Description: This is what Foundry should REALLY be like , Art Vandelay 1.1 is the next step in competitive H3 Fun. Created By About 6 Bushmen Hello , everyone! As you all know my GT is About 6 Bushmen and I bring you my new , totally revamped version of Art Vandelay , a map which I made months ago which was safe to say a “decent” map but I wasn’t always satisfied with it so I decided to make a much better version which has better gameplay , looks a lot better (great IMO) and has a better fun factor involved. AV is an asymmetrical map based in Foundry which is great for FFA ,One sided objective and occasionally a game of Shotty Snipers, the map plays all game types except infection. The reason why i decided to name the map Art Vandelay was because it was Foundry's Project Name before it was originally released , when it actually was released it gave me the impression that it was blank and too open for fun gameplay and V1.1 has become one of the better maps I have created. The best tactic to play is the rules of high ground as this map is based on Multiple levels , there are deployable grav lifts placed in strategic places to allow players stuck the bottom level to get to higher ground/over large obstacles etc so they can get back into the game much quicker than without. I think that the best feature of this map that makes it stick out is how the Main Tower as it is shaped so man cannons drop the player straight INTO the tower itself because of how it is forged , this design improves gameplay and makes it look much more pleasing to the eye than the standard 1.0 Art Vandelay. Version 1.1 Changes The Tower has been rebuilt to add more access routes and look ALOT better than the original. Extra Statue added for Needler spawn. Defenders base has been moved to the back corner where a new base has been added. The Gravhammer hallways has been deleted and replaced with the defenders base and wall obstacles to break lines-of-sight. Rockets have been moved from the elevated walkway to the old sniper spawn in the corner. The snipers in the back corners have been deleted and one has been placed in the main tower. Main Lift Area has been reshaped and made much smoother to play on. Grav hammer has been deleted. Asymmetric Weaponry/Scenery has been added to change gameplay/style of the map. Pictures: NOTE: Pictures are PURELY for comparative detail to see the difference from 1.0 to 1.1 , Old Pics are marked in capitals. OLD TOP OF LIFT FROM AV1 OLD CENTRAL TOWER FROM AV1 OLD CORNER OF MAP FROM AV1 OLD SWORD SPAWN FROM AV1 Defending Base Attack Overview Cannon Trajectory depending on what speed you go through the Mancannon. If you jump you go INSIDE the building , if you walk you head onto the the top of the tower. Defending Base Outwards towards Tower. Ladder into the tower, if you jump from the Mancannon you also land here aswell. Main Air Lift Weapon Respawns Quantity / Clips / Spawn / Asymmetric Battle Rifle x4 / 2 / 60 Both Energy Sword x1 / N/A / 90 Symmetrical Carbine x1 / 2 / 60 Both Mauler x2 / 0 / 60 Both Shotgun x1 / 0 / 60 Asymmetrical Sniper Rifle x2 / 1 / 90 Symmetrical Overshield x1 / N/A / 90 Both Active Camo x1 / N/A / 90 Both Needler x1 / 2 / 60 Both Plasma Grenades x2 / N/A / 30 Both Incendiary Grenades x2 / N/A / 60 Both Human Turret x2 / 1 / 120 Asymmetrical Brute Shot x2 / 1 / 45 Both Grav lift x4 / N/A / 60 Both Spiker x2 / 1 / 45 Both Bubble Shield x1 / N/A / 90 Both This Map is worth being on your hard drives so please download and comment on what you think needs improving , if its honestly that bad I will make a version 2, If you really want to see how much of a difference version 1.1 is to 1.0 download the old one if you like ill post a link. Download Art Vandelay 1.1 Here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download OLD ART VANDELAY HERE Your Friendly Ghillie Suit People, About 6 Bushmen.
Its better if you imbed all of your pictures, unlike bungie, we like to see them all without having to click on every single thread
Yeah im doing it at the moment because i accidentally posted it abit too early but ive done it now , all it takes is a bit of patience my friend
Hey thanks for fixing pictures. I was pretty sure it was a mistake because you have posted other maps. I like the stair thing with the doors. Will download.
looks pretty sick but im not gonna lie nothing really stands out as being unique. However as a whole the map does feel unique if that makes sense at all. im gonna give this one a 5/5, te first perfect rating ive given since kashmir highlands. good job and excellent map
This map looks pretty good. the funny thing is that i named a map art vandelay too! its not on FH cuz it was one of my first maps and it was pretty bad. this looks good so im going to DL.
Thanks all , i might change these suggested issues in later versions but i think ive hit the budget and ive only got a dollar left lol. I might remake the map again with the unlim budget glitch but for now this is the best i can come up with , i'll begin making my other maps for the time being.
very very nice, the interlocking looks well and the layout seems original.. the sword and fire bombs are in he same spot which are a bit over powered and the bridges can be flipped but thats all i can see that may need improvmeant.
I've heard the name before, but I don't remember the map looking like this. But I will download anyway : ). 5/5
thats a really great map its busy, but not cluttered. well forged (interlocks and such) and looks very playable. Ill queue this and play when my box gets back.