Attention Deficit V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Furious D 18, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    not until you give us an MGC version so we can screw around with your beautiful creation, lol.
  2. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Awww, such a kind old dear XD

    Fair enough, like I said, I haven't actually had an opportunity to even download it yet (my connection seems to have gone a little funky), so I was just assuming. But as you say, the area seems small enough to cause the driver some hassle, and I've just looked again and it's in the second area, not the third as I thought, so there's spike grenades too.

    Oh, and snake, as much as I'd be amused by whatever monstrosity you decide to spite Furious with, maybe you should leave this one unsoiled ;)
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This map does look sexy. I guess I'm not really surprised. I cannot wait to try this out tomorrow!
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Oh, I need to explain the title. I like to do that.

    Attention Deficit refers to how you keep moving on from one thing to another. The map structure makes me think of a simple-minded person who keeps getting distracted by something new and shiny.

    Also, I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the Conquest game itself. Like Infection, there doesn't tend to be a lot of strategy or variety between rounds. I imagine a lot of simple-minded gamers enjoy these types of games because they don't have to do a lot of critical thinking or planning. They just shoot stuff. The name also refers to those types of people.
  5. IEklypseI

    IEklypseI Ancient
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    This is probably one of the most elaborate maps I've ever seen in terms of operation. Your ingenious use of time-delay spawning for objects is quite impressive. I have a question, though. When the objects spawn to block past spawn points, are they large enough to resist being knocked over? I would assume that you would have planned it that way, but I just wanted to make sure. Also, is the map proofed against using grenade-jumps and team jumping to get ahead before the players are supposed to?
  6. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Hey! I love both Infection and Conquest!

    I'm not I?

    Haha, no, I see what you mean though. To be honest, this seems like the natural evolution of Conquest. Seems like there would be more strategy, at least in that you have to choose between moving on or heading back if the first (or second) territory is uncaptured, and also that you can head back to gather weapons and the spike grenades from room 2.

    So more enjoyment overall methinks.... excpet for those "simple" people ;)
  7. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Great map, no bugs, everythings great, doesn't support camping to bad and has even got CHANGING SPAWN POINTS.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for the compliment. And yes, all the objects that spawn to block are immovable objects, except for a couple dumpsters, and those might as well be immovable.

    There are no frag or plasma grenades to do grenade jumping. It would be possible to jump out of the first and maybe the second room with partner jumps or team jumping, but it isn't a good idea to try. With such a small area, enemies would probably see you and kill you long before you succeed. And even if you did, you'd be a man short so you'd probably lose the current territory. So it isn't totally 100% unbreakable, but it's pretty solid.
  9. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    this is the most original map i've seen in a while. using the shield doors to mark the area of the territory, sweet idea plus it looks cool. i love how you use barrels to block the spawn points that idea should spread into other maps like wildfire now
  10. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Wow I don't really care for the map (personal taste; no offence), but the physics of it are amazing!

    Plus, I'm anxiously awaiting your rant - I have a feeling I will totally agree. I'm sick of seeing plain maps fawned over because they have a nicely interlocked or merged curved wall, for instance, while rich, creative maps that don't NEED interlocking have numerous replies like that other guys.

    My Old Town map was criticised for looking crooked and unkempt; it was SUPPOSED TO! IT'S AN ABANDONED TOWN!
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Very creative idea....too bad i dont play conquest lol....if i did i would dl immediately!

    Stefan D
  12. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    this looks rly good and really creative goood job
  13. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Well you're in luck: it isn't Conquest. I said it was like Conquest. What you said is like saying, "this map is set up for One Flag CTF? too bad I don't play Multi-Flag CTF or I'd download".

    I mean, I don't really care. I just felt like pointing that out.
  14. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    I hope i get the chance of playing this loveleh map lol. I dont get why blocking off the respawn points but probably cuz i smoopid.
  15. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
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    Thats really creative. 5/5
  16. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The blue territory boundary is clever, but the way you've manipulated the spawns is ingenious. I've never seen that before, and there's so many interesting things that can be done with it.
  17. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    I can't get the damn thing to download. Anyone else having trouble?

    I can queue it, but when it tries to download on Halo, it fails :S
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Well, it's about damn time you returned to put all these mapmaking newbies in their place! This looks really sweet, Furious. I'm always partial to gameplay over aesthetics. Can't wait to see how it plays.
  19. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    Me too. I can't download it. But I've definitely got space for it.

    Well anyway it looks like a great map. I don't understand the spawn system. I've played The Last Level and that always went wrong with the spawn system. The boss always spawned in the wrong place.

    How does it work?
  20. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    *Rolls on floor, begins laughing* *Get's up, wipes tear from eye, smirks again, and begins typing*

    Anyways, you are gaynius. As others have pointed out, awesome creativity. I too was figuring out how to alter spawns in game. Good job on working that one out. I admire the balls (or laziness, but I doubt that considering the impressive processes that are in your map) you have shown in not worrying so much on aesthetics. I'm super lazy, and would probably be the same way if I didn't have OCD. If I could find an intelligent and competent group of Halo players, I bet I would have an assload of fun on this map. Great work.

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