Wow...I need a cigarette after this... Coincidence after coincidence...I just need to take a break from this thread all togethor, it's creeping me out...
the mians are smarter than we are, great. well i guess we need to cease exhisting now that the world is this ignorant. stock up your basements men. the a-poc-o-lips is a comin', the mians told me!! forge hub wont have a good year in 2012 because everyone will have sold their x boxes for generators to power their toasters. if theirs going to be an "end of the world" every 12 years from now on, everyone might as well start believing it. ps 2000 was the end of the world, we just don't realize were dead! aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
The world will end as in the original hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. But's it's not too late because we already know the answer. even google calculator knows the answer (yes this is in my sig)
Yeah, I've heard about this. I'm going to laugh my ass off the day that comes while pointing at a certain friend I have who believes it.
I think this is total BS and it's just another thing for people to complain about. 40 years ago they said "in 30 years the world will freeze over" it was a pandemic just like global warming is now. Total bs.
True, there were epidemics in the past that were filled with lies...but isn't the false sense of hope that it's not going to happen exactly what makes it so they are more likely to happen? I mean the point I brought up earlier, about gas...No one is refraining from using their car, even after this alleged "gas shortage" what will happen? no one truly knows, and to say it's total bs, isn't helping the argument...
sorry i havnt studied it and my spelling is pretty bad, but i also didnt think it mattered THAT much. anyway please ignore the few occasional "mYans" i put in my summary.
Omg me and my friend we're talking about this for a long time. rawrr.. it gets me annoyed thinking about it. But yea if the world is going to end what will hapen after human life, that's scary.
I believe that there calender was flawed and that 2012 for them would have already past. I do not currently know where I heard this but I will back up my evidence later. On the other hand, it has been foretold by many different cultures, including the Bible Code. I doubt there could be that many coincidences. Then again, all those cultures believed dragons were real...
Well, if the world ends in 2012, something bad must have happened. I mean we can't run out of oil, in about 4 years, and global warming is a cycle. The earth get hot then it cools down. I admit that there is a lot of pollution in places, like Asia, because of the Asian Brown Cloud. But if the world was really going to end in 2012, then it would have to be a natural disaster or meteor, or asteroid. And even if the world doesn't end in 2012, it will in a couple of billion years since the sun will grow to big and evaporate all the water on Earth. So the world will end, maybe in our lifetime, maybe not, but it will end. Also, predictions like this do come true. The zohar (philosophy book) predicated that a group called Al-Queda, would attack one of the worlds tallest cities, on the date of 9/11/2001 and that happened. I don't know but thats something to ponder on.
its kinda scary because i heard that about 3 years ago and it seemed ok i knew it wasnt going to happen and if it was i would hav along time left to party but know i feel like its around the corner, but thankfully its a lie and enjoy life while u can