How can I make the entire floor be a part of the hill? Is it possible to set it so that anyone standing on the ground is in the hill, or do I just have to set the top of the hill to .5?
What I would like is so that anyone that is in a vehicle is out of the hill, and everyone that is not is in the hill. I know that it is possible to do with the floor on foundry, I am just not quite sure how. The way I saw it done was that if a play jumped, the left the hill, It would not be to bad if that were the case, But the real goal it to make so only players on vehicles can deal damage.
The only foreseeable way to that would be to make a raised floor and interlock the hill into the floor, or if you could manage to get a hill maker under the map.
umm sometimes when I am geomerging a box using the door technique a second time on the same box it will slip completley into the ground, how does this happen and what can i do to prevent it?
Q. A. To prevent this, keep ahold of the box, and save&quit. This will stop the object from falling through the ground, and keep it in the position you want.
how do i make an elevator that goes up and down i need step-by-step instructions please and thank you
I was able to simply float the hill marker one wall width above the ground and set the "top" setting in the dimensions to zero, and then set the bottom to at least .5. On to my next questions: I placed several sentinel beams on a foundry variant I made, when I played the map, they had disappeared. WTF? How do I fix it?
Hey, guys. I'm in some need of some serious, serious help. I'm Forging a map with two of my friends. I've Forged several maps with both of these guys, and we try to make everything as professional as possible. I sortta need you to get how much work we've put into this for you to understand. We've been working on a summer project, and gotten over halfway done with it twice now. We're using the budget glitch for the first time, and it's messed up on us twice. We've not deleted anything, nor have we touched the Run-Time Max. We're halfway through this map again, and it's refusing to let us spawn anything other than a few items. I need any kind of advice/help you can give. We absolutely have to have the budget glitch for this map, because of the picture we've drawn out in our heads. We're accustomed to Forging 2v2 maps with our own floors. We like to create maps that don't show Foundry at all, thus truly making them our own maps. Please understand that the aggravation has built up and we can't just restart our map again. We've already restarted twice, and it's becoming quite taxing. Help, please.
Read up on this,
Yeah, I've read that entire thing. We've checked host before every game by going to Theater. We've taken every precaution necessary. I need to fix what it is now broken.
Hey, bro. If there is an item that I won't be needing (in my current case, the Fusion Coil), can I skip that item for the re-budget glitching??? Will the budget glitch work for other items if I simply leave that one at it's current state? If I find myself later in the game needing a Fusion Coil or two, can I take a few games and use the same Run-Time Max method you taught me to make more?
yes you could leave coil's runtime the same, but if you go over your real budget, you won't be able to change runtime again.
At what point do I start exceeding the normal budget? Is that after I've actually placed the items on the map that exceed the budget?? Also, if my true budget of $61 allows for me to bump the RunTime Max up to 16 Fusion Coils, can I do that, save, quit, and then repeat that? It's been working for me, and I'm not having to do them one-at-a-time because my true budget allows for me to have a RunTime Max of more than one per item. So, when doing grenades, I bumped Frags all the way to the max in one game. I saved, then did the same for Plasmas. I just want to know if this will affect anything later on or not. Let me know, dude. Again, you're a lifesaver, bro.
Ok, in the main Forge Index there is a post about merging with the crane on foundry, but the video must have been taken down... So can somebody explain how to do it.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I will take that down right now. If anyone else want to explain it to him, yeah that would be nice. Kthxbye,