ya but eh.. i think there goin to give more info on maps bungie day.. ill deff be updating if i get more info at all.
not legendary but i know wacha mean. thanx.. i didnt think to add info on them.. you dont mind that i have this post even tho you made yours first?
ah yes, mythic, not legendary. lol what was i thinking?! Nah its cool, yours has more info, but you could embed my video footage if you want, or mention that its mine
that any better? if you want to edi this post you dont need to ask my permission or to tell me just feel free to do it if youd like to.
anyone else notice the orange window part on the top left of the map? I'm guessing we may be able to get through the window and get out there.
What are you talking about? Are you referring to this picture? If you mean the yellow portion on the right side of the map, I don't think it's a window. Probably more containment units like the single one in the lab/receiver room.
" Head2@!#SWa#++-DL*SLAj3r " Head to Head + Swat + DLC Slayer "48hr0x0ABFFFFF [ERR 5929] " 48 Hour double xp "C!#4x---^&-$x%^^p3@" This could stand for Changes made, or something along those lines. I would love for it to be Cold Storage, but i find this unlikely.
"C!#4x--- ^&-$ x% ^^p3@" C ! # 4 X - - - C H I L L O U T ^ & - $ put up for free x % [unsure of this part] ^ ^ p 3 @ up at 3pm
simply break it apart piece by piece and see if any of it matches what we know. if you look real hard, it'll eventually start being really obvious to you.