Debate Suicide

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Projectt2501, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    My other debate, "Same Sex Marriage," has been flooded with a mini "Suicide" debate. This is where the debate will now be held.

    What are your views on suicide?

    Provide a good reason, and if possible, back it up with some hard data, and DISABLE YOUR SIGNATURE.
    FreshCherry and Tex like this.
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    My views: Why the heck would anyone do it? They bail out on everyone else. Its selfish.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I agree. It is selfish to do, because then your family and friends deal with the aftermath of it. That's the best word to describe it right now
    #3 Norlinsky, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2008
  4. Lil Kru8

    Lil Kru8 Ancient
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    To be honest I have thought about it before I wont lie. To you but keeping me from doing it is exactly what Al Capwnage said, your taking the easy road out at the expense of everyone close to you, it is incredibly selfish.
  5. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Not only selfish, but cowardly.
  6. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    It's obviously more deep than that selfishness, but that is a way of looking at it. I doubt that any suicidal people think about hurting others as they're taking their own life, though, but it's definitely something to think about. Though I don't agree with it at all, one must think of the social pressure that one must be going through, all of the hate towards them for reasons they can't understand - it must be tough for those that are pressured to even consider it.
    Tex likes this.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Great debate idea Proj, now let's all start flooding this one about same sex marriage!


    Anyways...Suicide may occur for a number of reasons, including depression, shame, pain, financial difficulties, or other undesirable situations. Nearly one million people worldwide die by suicide annually. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million attempted suicides every yea. As posted on Wikipedia. They are completely understandable reasons, I don't mean it's understandable to take your own life, but I do mean becoming depressed for all the reasons listed above (including depression...ironic eh?). As we all know, suicide is not a reasonable decision when it comes to ending your own life. It is more of a "giving up" society or life for that matter...

    In my opinion, I've been depressed on multiple occasions, just like the next person, but to take ones life, is to take the easy way out. There is no need to cause others around you great emotional pain simply for your own sympathy. I do know that there are some people, who don't have anyone who would give a damn if they were to die...which...That is something I don't have the time to go over at the moment, check back with me...AFTER TGIF!!! WOOOT!
    #7 Tex, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2008
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I do agree that suicide is never the best option. But I feel that it is not always seflish.
    I feel the someone's life is their own to control and, if they wish, end. But I think there are many circumstances in which you do have a responsibility to those around you. Parenthood for example, leaving your kids behind and possibly leaving a lone partner around to raise them can be considered very irresponsible. When you have children or take on other people who rely on you strongly, you take up the responsibility to follow through on it in my eyes.

    If there are no dependents to which you have a responsibility, then I do really believe that control over your own life is your right. People may love you and miss you, but its unfair to expect someone to continue a life that they don't want to live anymore just because you want to keep them around. Just as you wouldn't stay in a loveless marriage just so you didn't hurt the other person (a marriage without kids that is, Kids introduce other aspects as I said).

    I'm not saying that suicide is a good idea, I think that the best thing to do is keep trying, with use of therapy, antidepressants, or just a significant life turn around etc. These are all preferable choices which, hopefully, will not only avoid the damage left behind by suicide but will enable the suicidal person to go on and live a happy life. But, aside from dependants and significant responsibility as above, I do believe that the choice has to be your own, as you are the only one who knows how it is exactly. If people love you they shouldn't ask you to endure misery for so long just for their own sake (again, excepting dependents within reason)

    I just want to be clear, I can never condone suicide as the best option, far from it. But the choice has to be your own to make. Try to help people as much as possible obviously, but I think begrudging them for leaving is, in itself, selfish.
    whitelime likes this.
  9. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Good argument Pegasi. But (sorry for bringing religion into this) in many religions it's wrong, very wrong, to commit suicide. I know committing suicide is a mortal sin if you're Christian and I bet a significant percentage of suicidees are christians who just don't know that. That's pretty unfortunate for them, since they're supposed to burn in hell if they follow the church. My position on suicide: I can understand it if you seriously have no one that cares about you, you're hated by everyone you know, you're living in terrible pain, and have nothing to hope for. Any reason you have for suicide excluding (maybe a few others that I haven't thought of yet) those is bullshit and you're a selfish ***** for doing it.
    #9 ImI METAL ImI, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I've had 2 family members die from suicide. My Uncle whom I never met and my Aunty a couple years ago who I was very close to.
    I can understnd being sucidal, but I dont see any real reason to take your own life. I know how much damage it causes to the people close to them, my, grandmother has never been the same.
    ANd I agree with PegasiDelta's post, so I feel there's no reason I should almost repeat what he said.
  11. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    I think suicide is a problem, and those who commit suicide are leaving behind a family, or friends, or both. Suicide is very selfish, because as many of you have said already, it is taking the easy way out of pain, suffering and loss. What makes people commit suicide? Money, drugs, life, the loss of a loved one whom you loved dearly, deep depression, etc. I knew a guy one time who didn't go out to dinner with his family one night, and when his family came back, his brains were all on the outside wall. Suicide is an important issue, and should be watched closely I think.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I agree to the fullest extent, except with the last thing you said...

    How in god's (metaphorically speaking god) green earth is it supposed to be watched closely? I mean, you're basically saying when people see someone getting depressed, to try and help them out, but then everyone would get depressed easier, just to get attention...
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well in my religion (catholic) suicide is wrong and if you do you will be punished for it and possbile go to hell.But if you really are that depressed or whatever then I guess its a possibility.But its not for me.
  14. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    its also strongly against the christian faith to presume anyone goes to hell. You just have to hope they found peace with the Lord and stand by what is right.
    XxTexasHornxX likes this.
  15. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    You really must be having a bad time if you consider suicide.

    You know what i blame? I blame us humans becoming civilised, if we weren't we could still be in caves happily hunting deer and things, and nothing in the world would be bad. (not much anyway). And don't say "but we won't have xbox 360!" because we wouldn't even know we didn't have it. That also brings me on to something else.

    The less fun you have the more fun things are (now this is pretty stupid because if you have less fun it's more fun which is the exact same therefore nothing changes.)
  16. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    There are also plenty of cultures/religions where suicide is an honorable way to die.

    I don't agree with suicide, but I also don't blame the person committing suicide. Although it might seem selfish after the fact, I imagine the person isn't thinking about the consequences for others in such an unstable mental state. I put most of the blame on the ones around the the person thinking about suicide for not seeking psychiatric help when the person is depressed (you don't become suicidal in a single day's time).
  17. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Texashorn, can you name a religion in which suicide is honorable? I've never heard of any. I know that Japanese during WWII were told that committing suicide before the enemy capturing you was the honorable thing to do. I know there's plenty of other cultures that honor/ed suicide, but usually in a certain form or under a certain circumstance. But I've just never heard of suicide being honored by a religion.
    #17 ImI METAL ImI, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  18. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    You are right with the kamikaze's during WWII. Seppuko was a form of suicide practiced by the samurai. This ritual was a part of the bushido (samurai code), which could be considered a religion by definition. There is also a form of self-sacrifice performed by Hindu widows where they immolate (burn themselves) themselves during their husband's funeral. It could also be argued that it is honored in Islam. Was 9-11 not suicide?

    Also, euthanasia can be considered suicide even though it is medically assisted, and the patient might be terminal. Euthanasia is definitely practiced by different religions even though it isn't directly through the religion. It all depends on your definition of suicide.
    #18 XxTexasHornxX, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
    Tex likes this.
  19. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    There's all sorts of ways religion, belief, family, and so on ties in with suicide.

    Here is the Christan US, suicide is frowned upon. With the Japanese, it happens much more often. In Japan there was (and still is, but not as much) a absolutely enormous pressure to succeed. Often, if one didn't, it would dishonor them and their families. They would commit suicide, and it was the honorable thing to do. Japan now is still struggling with the suicide problem.

    Then there is the Muslim religion and so on in the middle east. Some believe that all this killing is in the name of god. They think that the honorable thing to do is suicide bomb someone because they have different beliefs. Now, they are even raising children to believe that suicide bombings are the right things to do. I try and be accepting of other religions and views, but this is just wrong.

    You can even look back to more basic times, and suicide existed. Sacrifice, for the gods. For food. For anything. Its almost the same thing as suicide.

    Then again, different people most likely look upon us with same disgust we look upon their suicide. They have different views, and its not for us to decide whats right. Non-third world countries tend to be much less religious, therefore not believing in an afterlife. Imagine that killing yourself would honor you, your family, your god, and send you up to heaven, or reincarnate you into a better life. Not so bad now, is it?

    You may have your own beliefs on suicide, and thats fine. But you must realize what it means to others.

    I personally believe, as a mostly non-religious person, that it is wrong. I live in a bubble. I dont hear much about killing, suicide, ect., so life to me seems wonderful. I would never commit suicide, no matter what. If I'm ever thinking about it, I'm going to tell someone. They will care. They will help me get help. I would do the same for others.
  20. tropicalbert

    tropicalbert Ancient
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    suicide is the point of no desire to live... Not good for people around you, but your decision.

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