Attention Deficit V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Furious D 18, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    This map only works with the Progression gametype.


    Download Attention Deficit V3 map
    Download Progression gametype

    This map was inspired by Conquest, although it plays a little differently. Like in Conquest, both teams rush the center for control of the territories. But in this map, the territories lock after capture, and are only available one by one. Attention Deficit uses timed map events to keep players focused on one territory at a time.

    Players start in room one. They have one minute to fight over this territory before they are allowed to advance. Buried shield doors mark the area of the territory. Grav lifts behind shield doors keep players in this room. If the territory is captured before players are allowed to advance, they can still fight for control of the power weapons.



    After one minute has passed, players start spawning in room two. This area is much larger, and contains more powerful weapons and grenades. Players can still go back into room one to capture the territory if it is still contested.


    After another minute has passed, players start spawning in room three. This room contains the final territory. Like before, players can backtrack to capture the earlier territories. Players still in room two or room one can use the stairs that spawn so that they can reach the third room.


    The Progression gametype consists of three rounds of three minutes each. It is a Land Grab variant with 20 second capture times. Players start with an SMG and no grenades. Respawn times are set to 5 seconds, with advanced respawn settings of invulnerability and good camo for one second after spawning. This is to offset spawn camping.

    This map utilizes timed object spawns to control where players can go. For example, players start the game in a room where the exits are blocked by grav lifts behind shield doors. When it's time, fusion coils drop on the grav lifts and set off an explosion, destroying the grav lifts and allowing players to walk through the shield doors.


    Also, there are areas where respawn points are blocked by objects until they are needed. Barrels, fusion coils, and pallets are placed on top of the respawn points, and are destroyed by falling fusion coils when it is the right time. That opens up the respawn points to allow players to spawn there. Then when players are supposed to progress past the area, other objects spawn on top of the respawn points to block them again.




    This map can support anywhere from 1v1 to 6v6. But the sweet spot is 3v3 or 4v4.

    #1 Furious D 18, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
    jake the snake and Grey Benefit like this.
  2. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    Furious and his goddam creativity. Shield door territory cap areas, changing respawns. your ridiculous. I have yet to play this but hope too soon. Glad to see your back.
    #2 bnasty574, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  3. CostlyAxis

    CostlyAxis Ancient
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    Very nice use of timed elements, and the map looks well made. You've got a definite download from me.
  4. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Very nice.

    Glad to see creativity still exists around here, I was starting to get worried...
    I'll be looking forward to playing this after I get some sleep.

    Edit: It like a mix between conquest, and the stage spawn method! [/love]
    #4 absentrabbit, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks guys. It is supposed to play a lot like Conquest: some minor strategy, but mostly running and gunning. I've only done one test game, so please let me know if there are any issues with the spawning system. I worked pretty hard to perfect it, but you never know. And I'll be sure to pop in and share new pics from any games I play on it.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, here's one for you. Cosmic Rick hates warthogs with a passion. He will shoot at them even when his teammate Kapura is right in front of him. Shameful.


    By the way, the warthog has been replaced with a ghost in the final version. It's too difficult to get two people in a warthog in a game like this. They all just want to rush the territory. A ghost works better.
    #5 Furious D 18, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  6. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Furious still makes maps, omg forgegasm. Sounds a little confusing, but looks like it would be a lot of fun once you got the hang of it. Can't wait to get a decent party and check it out.
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I realize that, but I worked pretty hard to make the system work on its own. If you are alive when the next territory becomes available, you need to move towards it. Otherwise, you'll simply spawn in the next area. I wanted to make it easy to "pick up and play", just like Conquest.

    But thanks for the kind words. I hope you enjoy it.
  8. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i like how much work you put in to this map you made and how much intelocking did you use also why are there sheild walls is there a flour below cause if i will then DL cause it is looking well good and

    Read the reply to the PM you sent me.
    #8 sexy dude, Jun 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2008

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I am glad that there is little to no geomerging, too many people think it is necessary.

    Onto the map, all looks good, except one thing, could a person throw a well placed grenade at those barrel spawns from the first room?
  10. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    If I wasn't so tired right now then I would be typing up a rant. I'll get back to you on why exactly that way of thinking is killing forge.

  11. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    Changing respawns thats clever. Never seen it before.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    you are sneaky with your map posts these days. just DL'd. Conquest on HGH, i like. I'll be back with more comments after i get some action on it.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Furious D?! I thought you were dead!

    Dayamn, I was wondering how to make changeable respawn areas for a map. Owell.
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    OMG fewreeus! whar is the sexy meging?

    lol just kidding, that is the one thing you never say, especially to a genius like furious, i haven't played it yet, but i'm sure it's amazing, i'm just sad that i can't be creative now...
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    There is no flour or floor below. The shield doors display the edge of the territory. There is no visible edge to the area like in KotH, so I added one myself. You likee?

    I'm glad you asked. There are no grenades in the first room because they can set off the fusion coils through the shield doors. There are only spike nades in the second room. I don't think they can be used to set off any explosions, but who knows. I'll give rep to anyone who can do it and send me a vid! There is one plasma nade in the third room, since by then there are no worries about breaking the map.

    "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." - Mark Twain

    I don't do much in the Forge lately, and I'm "retired" here, but I still play the **** out of Halo.

    Lol, you may notice the walls of the third room are horribly sloppy and not interlocked at all. I'm not trying to win any aesthetic awards with this one. I just wanted a playable, durable, fun map.
    Nemihara likes this.
  16. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    He got excited...
  17. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    me likee very much, i thought you said you didn't care about aesthetics...

    to quote Norman Gunston - "Is there any truth in the rumor of your death?"

    anyone who can explain where that quote came from and why gets +rep and a cookie.

    OMG no aesthetics? you used to be cool... nah i'm kidding, it's nice to see that there are people (even if i am not one of them) that don't think aesthetics matter as long as the map plays well.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    wow, just wow.
    I'm not a huge fan of conquest but the way you've manipulated forge and taken halo to the limit is just so impressive.
  19. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    This looks fantastic. The shield door territory marker looks especially good. As do the weird spawn-changing timed events. Very nice.

    Hopefully the map plays as well as it looks, and like Conquest, Progression will be the cause of a series of quality maps.

    Although I am curious (and you're Furious! Oh I'm so funny *sigh*) about the Ghost. Without knowing what weapons are on the map I can't tell, but presuming a similar set to Conquest gametypes, does it not surely become too much of a powerhouse?
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Ummm... I don't know. The one and only test game I played had a warthog. The hog was used 2/3 rounds, and only with a driver each time. The ghost will me more appealing, so I expect it to be a valuable asset that both teams will want to control.

    But there is a regen and a bubble shield at each side of room 2. The bubble is behind where you spawn, and most people miss it. But if you get cornered there by the ghost or a spawn camper, it'll help a lot. Also, there are spike grenades scattered around the area, and near to the spawns. Finally, the ghost will have limited room to maneuver. It shouldn't be too difficult for people to team up and kill the driver or board it. I'm curious to see how it turns out.

    But the hog is still on the map, outside of the playable area. So you can swap out the ghost for it if you want. Do I take care of you guys, or what?

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