This is a map made for the game type cops and robbers but can also be used for slayer or anything. There are secret passages for the brave robbers who dare to find them with out being caught by the guards of this place. There are 7 cells, a soccer field, dining area, 1 escape area, 2 showers, and a electric chair. Link to download
Hmm i'm almost posative you just stole this map and changed it up a bit....let me find the other post
I'm a huge fan of Infection, but I personally hate Cops and Robbers. The maps are usually nice, but I can't stand the broken Honor System. Now this doesn't say your map is horrible, it's looks very nice actually.
I totally agree this looks like station 69 or whatever it's called. I really doubt that you made this from scratch.
There's no way it can be. Nothing is in the same relation in distance wise. If you look at the reference areas of default Foundry and compare that other map with this one, they have different placements entirely.
If you don't believe me go check were you can download and it will have the description of grifball because i just deleted everything on that map to make a blank map. And that is what i made from scratch off of. Idk, i'll have someone with more power look over it and decide i'm just giving my opinion
The first picture seemed very similar to the other map though, you have to admit. But I guess I cant say anything bad in till I actually play it.
it looks greeat but could you press enter after each picture so it isnt so long it is hard to read i wont dl as none of my friends listin to the rules of the game and always end up killing each other and it turns into a game of run the **** away!!!
Your right, you did not steal this map but i must admit, they do look very much alike and i'm sure you have seen that station 69 map before, there are still a few people looking this over, but your safe, this map is 100% yours....for now lol jk
too bad that guy stoled it off the guy who originally made station 69. Edit: About the map i've never seen showers/soccer in a cops n robbers map, tomorrow i'll DL.
Although the map look similar the cells are in different spots, so lets stop talking about map theft unless you have indisputable proof. Anyways the cells looks great, and this seems like a great map for anyone that enjoys playing cops and robbers.
it does look like the same respawn as station 69 and i think the toilet is the same but the rest is his idea but may with have a little more pics please
hmm, average map, espescially that it is cops and robbers makes it bad, looks formiliar somehow, whatever.
No, the first picture is not like station 69. There are window panels between each of the boxes. He made this, and it actually looks quite good. You got my DL at the soccer field
i was neer a fan of caps and robbers because noone ever followas the rules so it's not fun. it's hard to play maps that require honor rules
sorry man but i think you stole it. i have played with the creater and it wasnt you. atleast give some 1 credit. btw if the real creater spoke up i would DEFINANTLY download this map. this is the only cops and robbers map i like.(well not technicly this one but you get the point.) Edit: sorry you might have created this map and if you did GREAT gob.
it looks like a map i'v seen before but edited in some places like you took one map deleted half of it and filled the rest in i might be wrong but thats what it looks like
It's way different from Station 69 if you guys are thinking it's that because station 69 bathroom is against the orange wall.