So I was working in Foundry, and I started having these dumpsters that were interlocked into boxes get launched out when I walked near them. It started happening regularly, and I realized that it can be set up to happen intentionally. Let me explain. Here's the setup. Dumpster next to a ramp. Then I spawned the box that was already there. The dumpster is now fully enclosed within the box. It'll sit there as long as no one goes near it. Bullets, explosions, whatever... nothing moves it. But when I walk up to it, and actually touch the box, out comes the dumpster! Moving over the area faster means that I'm directly over it when it pops out, and I get hurt. Now, if both spawn at the start of the round, the dumpster just flies out. But if the box spawns after the dumpster, the dumpster will get locked into place. So if this were set up in an actual map, you'd want to make sure that no one can get to the box in the first 10 seconds of the game, so that it has time to spawn around the dumpster. Has anyone else experienced this before? Are there any maps that utilize this weird activity? Can anyone think of any cool switch or door that might use this phenomenon?
Yeah, that'd be really amusing for mini games. but what happens to the dumpster when it respawns, does it just pop out, or does it lay calm until touched again.
This is really cool. Someone will definately find a use for it, just too bad it cant spawn at start. Oh well, it's only 10 seconds. Nice one, thanks.
lol like the trap doors on Ganghouse only without the annoying man cannon noise at the start and the revealing custom power ups. Good find mate though you're not the first. Someone once showed me a switch that uses the same principle. Pick up a CP and it re-spawns inside a dumpster in a gap in a wall of boxes. Initially the dumpster is flush with the boxes surrounding it but when you get near it, the dumpster gets pushed out enough for you to jump onto it.
Lol I discovered something similar when messing around with barriers trying to interlock and geo merge them
This gave me a great idea for a new map. You should have lots of death traps like this and make it that they have to get out of the house.
Sounds cool, though rather gimmicy Try setting the runtime maximum to full, that delays object spawn for just a split second.
yeah, but i think that dumpsters (like immovable objects) need like 3 seconds or so to settle, although if your technique works it will be awesome.
There is already a door utilising this, made by a pmp nmd slkbk
Dthen, that is 2 dumpsters, not a dumpster with an immovable object, though one of the h3a members did try to do this where dumpsters would pop out of the box then later in the game different ones would, so the cover of the map would keep changing (like pillars rising, then falling) but it was too spastic to keep that same path and it was fly and and fall over.
I believe you can do with any thing that dosent float in the air after youve spawn double boxes under it. things that DO float are bridges, single boxes, doubles, teleporters, walls, fence boxes and fence walls, yea pretty much others. some guy made a fusion coild despenser doing this technique
I asked that because if the dumpster is not launched far away and lands nearby, it won't spawn again. Like if a standing rocket launcher falls on the ground; it will just stay there until someone picks it up before spawning again. Also, after the dumpster is launched out, IF it spawns again, will it still be stuck in the box until someone goes near it? Lastly, how high does the dumpster go?
Objects spawn a little differently than weapons. After a while the dumpster will disappear and respawn inside the box, but it will just get pushed out again right away. Last question I have no idea as I've gotten varying results. Sometimes the object is launched half way across the map, other times it only goes till it is outside of the box.
Like Mallet said, playing with run-times should do it surely? Except I would have said minimum rather than maximum for a split-second delay on respawn. But what did you mean by the dumpster settling Snake?
I noticed this when I accidentally interlocked a dumpster with a box. It killed me and I was like wtf?
Does this work with other immovable objects? Like, if someone was to make a soccer game, could they merge it into a box, then when the players came near the center box, the ball would pop out?