This is StrangleHold v3, the most recent version of strangle hold. along with ts and koth, ctf is now a playable game type this time around. also this map now has a non MLG variant, and an MLG variant isntead of MLG. This makes the map more accessible to the more casual halo player. This is an arena map with 4 corner bases, a middle structure, and 2 bases on each side of the map in the center. the map is also multiple levels, that are meant to give the person in higher ground the shooting advantages. I would suggest using a br start in non mlg gametypes because the assault rifle has insufficient range for cross base shooting. to make this map i used interlocking, geo-merging, and floating objects, along with other basic techniques weapons in non mlg map: Download NON MLG Map br x2 carbine x2 sword x1 laser x1 sniper x1(shallow clip = 8 total rounds) spiker x2 smg x2 firebomb x2 plasma nade x2 frag nade x4 Power Drainer x1 trip mine x1 Gravlift x2 weapons in mlg map: br x2 carbine x2 maulerx1 frag nade x4 plasma nade x4 ctf variant:Download Gametype flag return= instant flag carrier damage= 50% flag carrier speed= 75% caps to win= 5 time limit 30:00 player speed 110% player damage 110% shield recharge 90% staring weapon br secondary weapon= magnum PICTURES please leave comments to let me know what you think. if you guys ever want to play this map with me, my gt is wheezyy, im usually up for a game or two
you jump in the window panels that are on the side of the middle structure. its a pretty simple 2 step jump. sorry for not pointing that out in my OP
looks really good, uv got the right idea, looks big and ther seems to b a good amount of cover, youv interlocked it nicely, well done looks very fun
very cool map, my only things that i would like to point out are: 1. the ground floor seems rather open. perhaps add some little things down there to spice it up 2. add extra access points to the structure that the sword lays in. Personally, i use multiple entrances to all my structures keep in mind that those are just my opinions, so don't take it as harsh critisizm or anything. very good map overall.
Very nice map, great interlocking, and i loked how you were able to geo merge the stairs not alot of people can do that great work man =)
thanks. geo-merging stairs it pretty easy actually. you just have to put a double box on top of the stairs and use the method that invloves the doors, not the standard method.
Ya, i know how to geomerge i was just pointing out that alot of people dont and i liked how you have it in you map cant wait to play it
i i geo merged it because if it didnt it wouldnt be right up against the wall because of the stupid bump along the bottom. it was done mainly for aesthetic purposes, also so grenades dont fall down the crack or ammo from a dead guy or something
This map looks great. The interlocking was really good. The layout of this ma pis a little like lockdown which is good also because lockdown has so many DL's. But i am a little concerned on how to get to the sword
sword is pretty easy to get, you can get on the platform by using the window panels, dumpsters beside the platform, or the two main towers. there are 4 window panels. if youve played or seen stock pile you'll realize that there are more ways to reach the middle of this map than stockpile.
Wow. Nice job. Interlocking= A+ Weapon Choice/Placement= B- Gameplay= A+ Thread= B- Overall= A- (I apologive for the elementary school grading system) P.S.- why is it called stranglehold?
i removed the mlg map variant from this thread. that variant will be put in its own thread tomorrow to try and maximize downloads of this map
I thought this map had a mauler on it. And not a sword, thanks for clearing that up. I like the map, it seems to play nicely. I downloaded the MLG variant of course. It was smooth and I like your use of geo-glitching and merging.