ok just looking for suggestion here on what objects to interlock (since thats all ppl seem to care about) together in this map to make it better, please dont say everything cuz im not going to do that be specific
actually i lve maps that arent interlocked it makes it much harder to make stuff look right and i think this map looks fun to play
wow im not going to interlock the whole ground dude and besides you dont "bounce" and even if u did it wouldnt b enough to throw off ur aim
it looks great and good fro BRs. but the map looks alittle sloppy. i suggest you learn to interlock, it makes gameplay less bumpy and it make the maps look more cleaner and professional
It isn't really much, maybe just the bridges into the double boxes. Just a suggestion for a better map...
Yea, he said its like Onslaught, he didn't say it IS. But anyway, this map reminds me of a lot of MLG maps, you just took it down a step and used less merging not as many structures, you have a good idea, all you need to do not is put more time into your maps