Wow HPM...great find... It's sad, but true... They taste great anyways. =] <3 this thread, glad it's back
Remember those few hours when Iv0ry was called a ****? They were amusing. Nothing against or implying anything to Mr. Snack, but it was amusing.
Mmmm, Iv0rY snacks. I don't really know what nougat is (nor do I really want to know), but I love that ****. Iv0rY 5n4cK: down on your knees and taste the nougat.
ivory snacks are the best thing that ever happened to me, since starting the ivory snack diet, I've managed to lose 200 punds and keep it off. Not to mention its like being on every drug ever at the same time. Improves my forging speed by 2 percent!!
no, it was because i was the only straight guy in a party full of gays, so being the minority (for that time at least) they decided to pick on me and decided that i was a flaming ****, rey actually cited the thread to us as he wrote it.
lol I'll post a certain PM from a certain someone that I recieved about that thread when I'm off my iPod, in about 9 hours
I apologize for joining in on that Iv0ry. Do you want a favour from me or something or is my apology enough?
nah, i'm fine now, it was mainly just dutch kid who went over the top, the rest of you were just having a good time, besides... you already owe 2 +rep from the guess the pic thread.
I know, I havent forgotten, I still says I have to spread it around before giving it back to you again. When I can, you'll get your 2 reps, I promise. SHH.
There's been a lot of stuff dedicated to ownage of Iv0ry Snake. The gay thing, the Iv0ry pwning gifs... But during all that he got Premium.