Temple Nights

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Jun 28, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeh the fountain is deep enough to cover you if you crouch. But if you do then the surface is at about the height of your gun so firing whilst in there is difficult, melee is your best bet. Its the reason why there is no sword on this map

    I would like to thank everyone who commented, even if they disliked the map, as bad feedback allows me to improve my design skills. But what I want to say with regard to gameplay is this. Please don't judge this maps gameplay solely on the pictures. They attempt to show as much of the map as possible and communicate scale, but the view you get from much of the map is very different, especially the floor. The pillars may look a bit haphazard to you, but each one is placed to change or obscure certain lines of sight from certain angles, I'd actually say the ground level is the most interesting one on which to fight in this map.
    Whilst impressions are important, the only way to really test gameplay is to play the map. The review that was posted in the review hub, also available on the original thread, saw this maps strengths in gameplay. The only real complaint they had was that this map was a base / base map, which is very common, but still made a good name for itself.
    Please try games other than slayer on this map before judging gameplay. it wasn't originally built for, but really excels in, objective and control games. Try 1 bomb, 1 flag and territories games and I think you'll see what I mean. Infection is also fun, but I'm not gonna push that point as it'll have people groaning "not another infection map", its just an idea, try it.
    The spawns were something I worked on really carefully as well, it took a while to get right.

    If you have played this map and don't like the gameplay then that's fair enough, to each his own. But please don't judge gameplay based on pictures and try objective games, they really shine.

    Sorry to postscript my description like this. Oh and its nice to have some respected members sticking up for my map, thanks Matty, Dom and Lights (hope i didn't forget anyone).
  2. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    saw this in the forums and i knew it was good but didn't know it was front page good. great job now that i look at it. bravo please encore, encore

    Edit: who'd positive now kronos, lol
    Edit: suggestion for next feature, Acropolis
    #22 xSharpshooter94, Jun 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  3. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
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    This map looks sweet man. I love how each base looks to. Good pond to.
  4. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    I am sorry but this should not have been featured the last two featured maps shouldnt have been they are not that good you can do better so ya nice job
  5. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    whoa, i have never even seen this map on the forums. it doesnt look bad, but not the best feature either. some parts look a little open, but actually most of the map looks pretty good! those buildings remind me of Acropolis too... anyway, congrats Pegasi!
  6. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    great map one of the only i can beat my friend on
  7. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    this map is amazing the gameplay is great and i love the aesthetics 5/5
  8. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    I love the temple-thing in the second screenshot. I wouldn't play on it though.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Congratulations on the feature PegasiDelta! When I first saw you join I knew you had the skills to get a map here. This is a very well deserved feature, and I'm sure we'll see more work of yours here in the future. For all of those who haven't played the map yet, I suggest you do. It combines many successful elements from other maps into a unique playing space of its own.

    You'll also notice Pegasi's willingness to accept critisism and make changes accordingly. That is the attitude it takes to get a map featured.
  10. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    OK i want to know how much time you have cause every time i come on forgehub you are always FEATURED and also i find that some of the game play was ok
  11. freelancer404

    freelancer404 Ancient
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    Looks Awesome,Good Job! You have my DL
  12. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    sweet i remember when this map was first posted. quite a while ago. and it actually got featured sweet. gratz on the feature to
  13. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    wow the map looks great but the most noticing feature is the back wall!
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I didn't really degrade the map, I just came to a conclusion from the pics, as I said earlier. From what it looked like to me, there were two main bases and if one was taken over by the other team, I didn't think the respawns would work too well. But again, that is only from the pics because the link wouldn't work last night. I still have to DL
  15. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Dude, way to effing go on the feature! This is a great piece of forging, especially for a guy that hasnt been here very long! The Temple plays to the short game with weapons like Assault Rifles, while the exterior is a BR users heaven. Doubters beware, this is a true slayer designed map. And it does exactly what it says on the box.

    Cheers to you Pegasi!
    Desert Rat 852
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thanks to both desert rat and DtL for the kind words, and especially to DtL for his help with improving this map.

    zTo Norlinsky, I thank you for refraining from a final judgment until download. The map feels and plays alot bigger than it looks from up high, these pictures were taken from so high to try and show as much of the map as possible but the perspective can be a little misleading in terms of size. The spawning issue you mentioned is a valid point, but the key spawns are in protected areas, and the larger base is pretty near impossible to fully hold due its downward cover, especially if you don't have a full team as the rest are trying to hold the other base.
    Is the link still not working for you though? It works for me but if it isn't working for others then please let me or a mod know, as I cannot change this thread.

    Thanks to all for the feedback and any suggestions are appreciated, but please try to be specific in what you want changed. This featured version is set in stone, but I am always willing to make a v3 for those who feel the map could be improved.
  17. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    If you have some example of better, unfeatured maps, then I would be interested to see them. We try to get as many good maps from the community as possible. Some maps focus a little more on gameplay, such as Hangar 02, and others have better aesthetics, such as Temple Nights. This is to try to satisfy everyone. Be sure to read the description and look at the screens each time to determine if it's a map you'd like, and download it if you think it is. Don't judge completely on the screens though, maps are featured based on how good they are in game.
  18. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    i dld it the gameplay was okay but the map looks reallly cool and gives forge a new feeling even though i dislked the gameplay
  19. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    ummmmm, i have downloaded it and played it, so ya
  20. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great!!
    I looks great for slayer with many people ...
    The interlocking is great and overall look of the map is great!!

    Good job :)

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