Deadlock v1.0 "Heavily fortified positions around Deadlock's central tower ensure chaotic and fast paced gameplay [4-12 players]" Description Deadlock is a symmetrical map intended for fast paced slayer and team slayer games, although the map also supports capture the flag and assault/neutral assault. The map is built around a central tower, with an elevated platform that runs around the outside. Two sniper towers that offer excellent coverage across the map enable a moderately skilled player to lay down effective covering fire. Cover is sparse, apart from the fortified positions at each base. 'A Base''s fortified pillbox Each base is home to a pillbox - an effective means of defending flag spawn and bomb plant areas. For CTF gametypes, the flag capture base is at the top of each sniper tower, to improve the longevity of gameplay. 'Sniper tower A' overlooking the map - notice there isn't much cover at lower levels The maps single power weapon - the flamethrower, is housed at the top of the tower, reachable via a gravlift on the ground floor More screenshots showing spawn locations for 1 half of the map are available further on in this thread... The Geometry of the map allows for fast and frantic rounds. At the game's start, players tend to rush eachother by the most direct - and most heavily fortified route. Players soon learn where bottlenecks and weakpoints in a base's defences are, and a mix of good teamwork and determination will see a team to victory. Weapon List 1 x Flamethrower housed at the top of the tower Multiple ARs around map 9 x BRs sit at various locations, 2 at each base 2 x Needler at the far wall 2 x SMG equidistant from each pillbox, directly between base A & B 2 x Spiker at the bottom of each sniper tower 1 x Sniper at each sniper tower 1 x Shotgun round the back of each sniper tower Multiple Frag & Plasma Grenades litter the map 2 x deployable covers 2 x regenerators 1 x bubbleshield Props to the MLG gamers, who's map - 'MLG Amp v5' i used the wall from to block off each regular foundry base. The map features almost 100% interlocking scenery. Download Deadlock v1.0 Here Please leave constructive criticism. Download, rate and enjoy. - Fitzey P.S For an assymetrical map variant, download Warehouse v1.0 Happy Gaming
The map looks great but it looks a tad open. From your weapons list, most weapons look close range and for an open map that may present a problem. Looks fun for a MLG gametype.
The close range weapons are intended for players taking up defensive positions. There are far more BRs that are readily available on the map! I meant for the majority to be mid-ranged! And Fair enough, if anyone else believes the flamethrower unnecessary, i will remove it and post v1.1
the pics arent the best quality but oh well that shouldnt effect anything but over all for something with no interlocking good job. oh and too many brs
The map is 100% interlocking, read my post? :S but thanks for the feedback matey. I appreciate that the screenshots aren't the best. The map isnt as open as the screenshots portray. Download and you'll see! ;D PS: IF ANYONE DOES DOWNLOAD WILL THEY COME BACK ON HERE AND POST FEEDBACK PLEASE? I WANT TO KNOW IF WHAT I'M FORGING IS ALRIGHT [/caps]
There seems to be an absence of respawn points on the map I counted 5 from the pics, and this is a fairly large map.
I appreciate that you can't see the spawns in these screenshots :S Here, I've taken some more that show one half of the maps spawn points (the map is symmetrical, and also, these are just ordinary slayer spawns, please appreciate that for objective games there are aditional team start points, spawn locations etc...) Spawns aren't placed in open areas to avoid spawn killing. Hope these piccies help! -Fitzey
well it looks good but i know you did this on purpose but you need more cover on the lower levels and no to the flamethrower so ya nice job
I like the map and all but it looks a little hard from some of the screenshots to get on the upper lvl if your not on the bridge
Looks awesome nice ideas! Also clean with the interlocking boxes =] Its a map! 3/5 though its average!
Hey thanks guys for all your feedback Yeah, the screenshots don't show very well but, by the side of the sniper towers behind the barricades have some stairs that allow players easy access to upper levels. There are also some other places that allow you to jump up onto the central platform (e.g. the pallets you can see). The idea is that on the ground floor, the fighting is compact and fast paced CQC. The higher up you go, the more you can dominate and the more kills you can get from long range. Download the map guys, you can see for yourself. I promise that the map is great fun to play and that you won't regret DL'ing it! -Fitzey
OK everyone, thanks to all feedback and testing, Deadlock v1.1 is almost ready. The improvements centre mainly around spawning and introducing more strategically placed spawn areas to try and spread the action on the map a little more. Currently, kills seem occur mostly around the central tower area. The update aims to adress this issue. "A number of spawn points have been added to the central tower. Not shown are a number of spawns added on the ground floor away from the tower, to balance out the spawn areas. A number of spawn areas have been added to try to force players to spawn away from the action, a problem occured previously where players were spawning at random distances from 'hotzones'. As a result, play usually became concentrated to one area. Also updated are weapon spawns: The flamethrower has been removed. In its place is a solitary Mauler, 60s respawn, 1 clip. "HERE YOU SEE THE MAULER..." 4 BRs have been replaced by 4 Carbines Deployable covers are set to 60s respawn Bubbleshield to 45s respawn "Here are some spawns by the back structure (A first view of this area by screenshot i think ;D ). You can also see a carbine spawn and an added wire spool. A small amount of extra cover has been added. I also added team slayer start points (LOL HOW DID I FORGET TO ADD THESE IN v1.0?!?!?!) The weapon changes are to encourage more competetive players to download the map. (i.e. i hope more fans of MLG gametypes will now be interested) Now i know this is a little off topic but i require testers to help me test v1.1 of this map. I understand i could have posted this in the forge discussion thread under 'map testing' but i believe this to be a more relevant place to post because: a) It isn't a new map - im discussing this map and improvements to it. And... b) More people are likely to view this post Please feel free to discuss the weapon changes and other modifications. If you are interested in helping me out, send an FR, or msg me ur gamertag and i will add you. If this is truly in the wrong place, i encourage the moderators to move it to the correct forum. I am not intentionally trying to break rules! Cheers, -Fitzey
you said the flamethrower is the only power weapon on the map but you have two snipers and two shotguns (those are power weapons) ;D Looks like a well thought out map though I like the central area
very nice. i like the 1 base shown in your picture.. also i love the corner wall with the walls as floors interlocked into it.. very kool and unique.. it looks like it would play similar to an mlg map which is always good.. all in all fine work.