Well if you want to get into the debate part, we could always debate the person's opinion in your post (flying vrs. invisibility). Flying has it's advantages with being anywhere at some given time and being a hero would be easy since you can go anywhere pretty fast, but some people could use this for wrong purposes too. They could fly through the mall and pick up anything they wanted within reach and just put on their jet engine and get the hell outta there. Yea, it would be easier if the person was invisible, especially if you were the only person alive with the ability to fly, but you can still become a criminal, I guess it depends on the type of person you are. The same goes for invisibility. For those kids growing up wanting to be secret agents or something like the sort, you could do many a good things. Although I believe that some... psychological problems could come around with both of these if the person just keeps wondering why they were born like this. IMO there would be more psychological problems with invisibility because you wouldn't be able to see your face.... ever. I guess you could say this is my larger opinion about this topic.
Invisible. You could be the best goverment agent or spying on the goverment like going to area 51. Flying wouldent appeal to either of those.
Flight easy go anywhere anytime, invisibility has its bad points thermal vision for one which is used in top security buildings
But people would see you, fly anywhere but attract a lot of of attention. "There's a flying man on the loose" "where is he?" "In the sky, flying" "There's an invisible man on the loose" "Where is he?" "OMFG, I dont know" "BOO!" "ARGH!"
Well still, being the only human with these ability could make it pretty harsh on that person. Having the ability to control your invisibility would be a little more practical. But still, I'm sure whom ever gained these powers would be under the stress of finding out how it came to be.
I would choose flight, because you would not be able to see while you were invisible. It just seems kind of pointless to be able to go anywhere but not to see any of it.
Duh! Invisibility! I could go places and spy on people... wait... *cough* that didn't come out right.
As much as I've dreamed about having the power of flight, Invisibitly would have so many more fun and serious advantages. Sure, with flight you could travel the world and visit sweet places but i still have to go with invisibilty... I would use that way more sneak into places, slap the **** out of people you hate, check out restricted places, and use it for escaping (to certain extents) death
Invisibility, because if you could fly, it would be much easier for the government to find out and capture you. I wouldn't want that to happen to me at all.
I would love both! The invisibility would be better as it is more fun but flight would be good as you dont have to buy a car ..
Oo..I think I'd go with stop time..but in the case of this topic: Invisibility. You could kick ass, rob a bank, take the money n buy a plane than catch up to you flighters
I would choose invisibility and become a spy or a detective. Maybe even a journalist? If I were invisible, I could poke my sister and she would get so scared. Lolz all round. Plus if I became a spy, not only would it be uber easy, but if no one can see me, no one can hurt me? A soldier isn't going to come into a room where I was invisibly planting a bomb and start shooting blind-fire for no reason. Maybe he saw a spider. If I became a journalist I could nab every little story, listen into every single nook and cranny, and become utterly famous for being such a little rat. Mwahahaha-waha-wahahaha.
What happened to sigs of in debates?? Oh well. Me, I'd choose flight. You'd be able to do so many amazing things and here's one for you, people would actually see you doing it. Invisibility has that flaw... With flight you could obviously visit an unlimited amount of places and if you were strong enough you could show people you care about these places too. (Maybe with a harness on their back)