So I'm definitely not a vegetarian, but I admit I don't know much about it... I know soy is pretty key. Thinking about that, and your statement about how the world could support everyone being vegetarian, I was wondering if there are possibilities for allergies or something that would pretty much prohibit someone from being able to fulfill all their nutrition needs on a vegetarian diet... say if someone was allergic to soy (is that even possible?)
I personally could not live without meat, whatever goes on to get it. I don't mind people being vegetarian as it's there own choice. I hate it in school though when a girl who is vegetarian is always going on about how disgusting killing animals is and all that. She seems to think that if she tells enough people, everyone won't eat meat and animals will not be killed. Predicide, i'm sure you know that that is never going to happen. Anyway thats my view.
I learned somewhere that even the biggest meat eaters can become vegetarians or close. All you do is cut one day from the week that you eat meat. So 6 days of the week you eat meat, then once you get used to that, cut another day from the week that you eat meat. It may take a while, but depends on the person
The only problem I have with some vegetarians (well pretty much all of them are women) are the ones that claim they hate the killing of animals for food...then go out and buy a leather purse with baby seal hide mixed in. God forbid that an animal is eaten to survive, but if it gets in their way of shopping, hell hath no fury.
Id have replied earlier, but my internet was down. 1. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Whine and cry. 2. Its not ruthless murder, at least I eat what I kill (mostly). 3. No, just a problem with people teaching other people about a stretched truth via a setup film 4. I never said I wasn't affected at all, I still have flashbacks in my mind, but they just dont alter my way of thinking 5. She is an attention grabber...
I couldn't live without mean either, more power to the vegetarians, I just don't know how they can do it. What I don't get is why we stopped eating animals when we got to dogs and cats, somewhere along the line someone said "no lets not eat these creatures, lets give them a nice home and teach them a few tricks."
Some animals are better for food than others. For example, it makes more sense for someone to train a horse and use it for transportation than to eat it. But cows are more docile, and pretty useless as work animals. So we eat them. Dogs and cats make better companions than meals. And then there's taste. They might not taste as good as other animals. But there is a stereotype that people eat dogs and cats in part of China. Don't know if it's true, though.
Up untill maybe now, I have thought vegans as attention seeking nobodies - Because I know many people who changed to vegeterian and eventually a vegen after there favourite celebrities did ect. And I have always thought this of people because untill actually looking it up and reading about it I have believed that vegens get the worst amount of protein imaginable. All be it protein is harder to get from vegetation and plants but it is possible which I think its not so silly now. (Vegetable Protein how much protein in different vegetables Proteins in vegetable) Don't get me wrong I have seen all of the anti meat videos and pretty much everything to do with how meat is made (I studied a website The Meatrix Films, For my ICT gsce) I think it's extremly bad how we treat the animals in the slaughter houses and the unstable hygenic levels too - Which is why meat is a detterent for many people. However I feel that meat contains some vitamins and minerals NOT found in plants only so Ill eat both for a balanced diet. But my family only buy and eat FREE RANGE meat and meat produce. So if people feel eating vegetables is their way forward go for it - as long as it's done responsably I know a few people who lost a hell of a lot of weight, When that person should have been putting it on and he was really unhealthy by the end of his statement. But hey not every one is an attention seeking freak and I think being vegen is cool but you won't pull me away from meat unless I have to. Gammon Steak Oh how I love you
people that are vegetarian for a reason, or people who want to make a scene. I bet like 70% of high school girls who say they are vegetarian are not vegetarian within as little as a week to as much as 3 months.
For me it’s not even about what these companies do to animals, it’s what they do to people that’s the real atrocity. Smithfield for example, a company that sells pigs, is just undeniably evil. It’s borderline comic book villainy. Here’s article all about them and how they’re destroying everything with their pig feces: Pork’s Dirty Secret -Referring to how they deal with pig waste: -A local family’s account: -Eat the infected fish, drink contaminated water, or breath the air and you will get Alzheimer’s. I hate these companies not only because of their underhanded business practices but because they’ve turned meat consumption into something detestable. I don’t think that there’s anything inherently wrong with eating animals, but these corporations are doing everything they can to ruin meat for everyone. They knowingly harm the environment- and more importantly people, they bully away smaller businesses and form monopolies (1 in every 4 pigs sold in the USA comes from Smithfield), and then when American laws finally begin to catch up with them they high tail it over to a less developed country and destroy the land and lives of people who have thus far been self sustaining. I don’t boycott these companies because I love animals, I boycott them because the CEOs of these corporate behemoths behave like the living incarnation of a Captain Planet villain.
Thank you very much Batman for that... it really puts a fine point on the root of the problem. Let me just reiterate: Animal torment or any other factor they can manipulate to produce a profit. Really, this ties into so many other topics. The corporate parasite, and their "profit motive" has given us the wars on our hands, the horrible economy, and blocked all efforts to adopt clean energy technology. At this point, I feel like I'm screaming at the problem and not coming up with solutions....
That was a great (if disturbing) post, Batty. I had no idea about the pig farm environmental spill, as I'm sure was their intent. It disgusts me that large companies do this sort of thing on a regular basis and with the exception of the surrounding unfortunate souls, no one is the wiser of their atrocities. Living where I do in Austin gives me a little more leeway in what type of foods I choose and where they come from, but organically grown and free range eggs, dairy and meat were pretty hard to come by before I moved here from Houston. It's more of a popular trend now, and I hope that eventually enough word can get out about these people and companies and bring them down.
The entire meat industry has a massive role on the environment, heres a couple of disturbing facts I found while researching my paper: You can read the rest of my paper/ find the bibliography here: Download Link
That is in MOST cases true, but I know of several who has been one for 7+ years, but still has leather purses. A little hypocritical, I think.
For me, its not my health. Its for the animals well being. I don't care about unhealthy meat and so on, humans have been eating it for hundreds of years. I want my immune system to be strong. I want it to fight off germs and bad stuff I eat. I dont want to have to worry, and be OCD about how clean what Im eating. I believe that I am a happier person just living, and eating what I want to eat. Animals do not think. Its humans minds. Its a curse. We somehow think that killing animals will be like killing humans. They dont have a concious. They feel pain, but it doesn't matter to them because they cant comprehend it. Its wrong to do it the way that the meat industry is, but its not wrong to eat it. Why is the food chain such a horrible thought to us? Wolf's eat cute little bunnies. Birds rip up worms. Its naturel. We somehow have come to think that we aren't human. That we are seperate from animals. Well we are, because we have brains, but estenaly we are the same. I respect what the message for animal cruelty is, but I dont like how its being helped. I'll tell a story. Maybe its very bias, but so is every strong opinion. This is a recent experience I just had with a bunch of protesters. I was going to see a Bullfight. I was on a lovely vaccation in spain with my friend, and the Bullfight was going to be the highlight. I had never seen one before, but I knew there was a big debate about the bulls. I just didnt know how big. Whatever, I decided I'd go see for my self. Anyways we took the metro and walked toward the arena. In the distanst, I could see a bunch of protesters blowing whistles and so on, but before we even got close, a woman approached us. She shoved pamphlets in our faces and immedietly asked my age. Then I made a big mistake. I told her I was 12. I had no idea that there was an age limit. She babbled in my face, told me I couldn't go in. Then she even brought over a guy to film me saying that i just admited I was 12. What kind of person does that? She told all the ticket people, then made sure we didnt even try to buy some. Then she followed us to make sure we didnt go back. She wasnt even from spain, so I doubt she got that bullfighting is the last remaining piece of spainard culture. Why would people do this? If they care about animal cruelty, they should foucus on getting rid of smoking. Second hand smoke in Europe is just as bad as killing some bulls. They definetly turned me off to their cause. I willl continue to eat meat, and thats that. Sorry for spelling.
Hey, vegetarians, I am ok with. but PETA are terrorists. plain and simple. Blowing up slaughter houses, freeing livestock, and splashing blood on people who wear fur is just stupid. So yes, have your opinion, just don't stuff it down my throught, not that you tried to.