This is a map that represents a mountain side with a lot of base camp and then the top of the mountain. It took around maybe 10 hours spread over 2 weeks. Sorry that there are no tunnels even though it looks like there might be. Maybe next time. The map is set up with all gametypes but works best with One Bomb and One Flag. 8-16 players if recommended. Credits: HaloStriker214 and Paulie Walnuttz (Did like 1 spawn point.) Download Map Pictures: Enjoy the map.
This looks great a nice new idea that has been executed nicely as well. Ashame about there being no tunnels though but i think even without its a 5* map.
Dissapointed that there is no tunnels but nice geoglitching but next time make sure everything is straight.
You probably don't remember me, but I was with you and a couple other people (TheYavimayan and TDHarding I think) when you showed us this map a couple weeks ago. I thought It looked cool then, but with all the finished touches it looks great. However, I still am harboring a grudge, because you were a douchebag to me during those games, saying you didn't like me, you thought my name sucked, and other things. The list goes on. SO there's no dl from me. Otherwise, greatjob, It looks like a good map.
wow, you did this in 10 hours? maybe you could've spent a little more time on it to make it a little neater. but i see a lot of geomerging and interlocking which is good, and the whole map looks good too. one bomb and one flag DO look epic on this map. i might DL later and try it out.
interesting. very good interlocking. althogh looking at it it seems like the mountain seems kind of towering, say you manage to get the sniper up there, but thats just on my observations. great map!
Lol, too bad. Don't bring stuff like that up on the forums to one another. Go send him a rant in a PM or something, just don't stirr up trouble here. Otherwise, I liked this map. Glad you took the time to test and fix stuff. I love the rocket placement. Are there any tunnels? Lol, jk.
Brute. you get me wrong lol. I'm not trying to hate on the kid. I think the map is great, I was just playing on it. Im not trying to stir up trouble.
very sexy halo, very nice interlocking, i love the moutain, and i helped with spawns yay,[more than 1], 1 flag is epic, even tho theres no waterfall like i told you to put in lol jk, its a very nice map
Now after thinking about it I think it is better there isn't a waterfall. I mean, it might have looked cool but really, the Mongoose would have just bounced all over the place, you know, couldn't ride down. And no Mongoose on this map is phail. And that sjkdsgdfgfgd
Sorry bout all of that Matt. I just didnt like the name because it confused me with Mattys name for a while and pissed me off.
i kinda like no mongosse, it makes it more challenging, its really even on both sides, it gets intense trying to get the flag.
your interlocking looks pretty smooth, but you could use a little more work on your geomerging... anyway I would still give it a 9/10, but can you give us some combat shots?