Hello, I am proud to give you all my second map pack Infy's Double Feature! Well now, as you may have noticed in previous post's, my other maps have been pulled out from a long time ago, as i was just recently able to post maps online. But this new map pack is a fresh new look at my artwork in mapmaking. The Long Waited Map Pack’s History. Well, by release of my first map pack I had already had "Corners" completed, and it wasn’t till after this map I figured out how to geo-merge. So I used my good old math class free time to plan out my next idea, a large gecko like bunker centered in between two small but different bases. Well, after this map developed my mind was flourishing with idea’s and I came up with the third map, "Mounded Celise" which would be much larger in comparison to these two, and would allow more game play, however my laziness in merging and time crunch really brought this map to a downfall. So I kept thinking, and I wanted to map a map I could really get into, so I started on a Ivory Tower mimic/spiritual Predecessor. This map is unreleased, as I just decided to post these maps early. So Here it is, The Infamous (pun) Double Feature!!! Codename: Gecko Download Here Gecko, as stated before was created in math class (much like my older map colossus). This map is well built for lower amount of players (1-5) and GREAT for 2v2 matches. The map can also be used for any gametype! Codename: Gecko, is a bunker used for UNSC planning and vehicle repair, but this facility is so top secret, it’s employee’s use it for training in their downtime. A Look Into The Bunker Overview to Blue Base Red Base’s Pocket The Chute’s (Bottom) The Basement Storage The Basement’s Planning Table/Entrance Basement Side Entrance/ Sniper’s Ledge Controlling the Gecko! A Closer Look at Blue’s Cubby The Pink Are Coming!! Note the Billions of Picture’s And Now, For my Second Map!!! Corners Download Here Corner’s was inspired by an unkown map who use’d single open box dropout in the corners (see pictures). Anyways, me Slick Hippie and Scuba Steve (friends) just got bored and forged this out one day. Although they just jumped around and kept me entertained, I thought I’d add there names in here because overall it helped The map is based off an upper and lower level, each of them with enough cover for long and short range weapons. Corner’s is set on the penthouse of a skyscraper neighboring Ivory Tower. The map is also made for around 1-5 people, and great for 2v2 objective game’s. so give it a look! Main Upstair Room Main Upstairs Room Facing Sniper Ledge Upstairs Base/Back Pond Room Upstairs Room with Drop Down At the Bottom of the stairs Creeping Around Corner’s Underneath Base The Crawling Tunnel The Middle Floor’s Secret’s Credit’s: x assassin 54 x - helping geoglitch in Gecko Slick Hippie Scuba Steve5722 A P3rs0n xBlackDarknessx Turbo Gerbil Looter Tooter and all other’s who help comment/test my map, thank you! haha, well I hope you guys can all Enjoy My New Map Pack Thanks for Reading and Please comment about them, any suggestions or dislikes, Thank You!
normally id say spend more time on one map and put it out at once rather than together. however both look really good. nothing unique about them but both look great for gameplay 4.5/5
this looks very neatly interlocked in both and is worthy of 5 stars! these maps look very fun! i hope to see more great maps come from you! great job!
the first 1 looks great and the second 1 not so much.. i like the way the first 1 looks alot ill have to dl and check it out.. good job.
Very nice. I think the wall interlocked at a 45 degree angle is an unusual aspect for a map. 4/5 for both maps.
Replies lol you should still try out the second, i think you would be surprised how fun multi flag is on it. Yeah i actually got the idea for this bunker's shape from "Hang em High" or as most people now know it, "Tombstone". Also Thanks so much guys, keep em coming!
I like these maps they look good they are both nicely interlocked and looked well setup so ya nice job
Thank's lol thank you very much, in between posting these maps and now i bought a new cat, so i won't be on to make a ton of new maps, but i do have some in mind/started. so for those who hope to see more i'll try to keep ya updated.
After Playing Gecko today ive noticed something's i want to change around that got overlooked in testing, while i'm doing so, any other suggestions on a next version? note: please have played the map before hand, don't just use the pictures.